entering italy from switzerland

Entry to Italy - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, Information from the Prime Minister's Office concerning the yellow, orange and red areas, Travel advice for Italy by the FDFA (French). entry into Italy for less than 120 hours for proven work, health or absolute urgency needs; to staff of companies and bodies with registered or secondary offices in Italy for travel abroad for proven work requirements of no more than 120 hours; officials and agents of the European Union or international organisations, diplomatic agents, administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions, consular officials and employees, military personnel, including those returning from international missions, and police force personnel, and personnel of the Information System for the Security of the Republic and the Fire Brigade in the performance of their duties. Office of the Ambassador +39 06 808 14 79, Consolato Italy will reopen for vaccinated travelers around before the end of May. Information on requirements to enter Switzerland and to take residence, procedure to submit an entry visa application, visa application form and fees, List of information sources and contact points with regard to entering Switzerland and residency, What you need to know about working, studying and living in Switzerland as a foreigner, Summary of general information about Switzerland and links, Switzerland's strength as one of the most successful global business locations, An overview of Swiss diplomacy and involvement on the ground. in some shops, hotels, public offices, restaurants, etc.). Test results may be in English. Largo Elvezia 15 Italy has also opened its borders with Vatican City and San Marino. Embassy +39 06 809 572, Fax Alternatively, passengers can print a copy of the dPLF to show when boarding. Tel: +41 800 24 73 65 It is tested in quarantine on day 5 The entire selection of services offered can be found in the dropdown menu to the right. The obligation to swab 48 hours prior to departure does not apply in the cases provided for in Art. Italian officials accept molecular (PCR) and rapid antigen tests for the purposes of entering Italy. Find all the transport options for your trip from Switzerland to Italy right here. residents of all other countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India and Russia may not enter Italy as a tourist. roma.consolato@eda.admin.ch Failure to comply with only one of the above-mentioned requirements will result in the lapse of the exemption from the obligations of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation. The digital Passenger Locator Form replaces the declaration referred to in Art. Austria,  Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion, Mayotte and excluding other territories outside the European mainland), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands (excluding territories outside the European mainland), Poland, Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Principality of Monaco, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The obligation to swab 48 hours prior to departure does not apply in the cases provided for in Art. The use of a face mask is also strongly recommended in private homes, if there are non-residents visiting. See dedicated sessions: Travel to/from the rest of the world is only allowed for specific reasons, such as: Travelling for tourism is therefore not permitted. Information and round-the-clock assistance worldwide – travel carefree with the FDFA's new app in your pocket. In the following cases you do not have to fill out the form: You are entering Switzerland from a border area. What aspects require special attention when travelling abroad or going to another country to study a language, study at an educational institution, or work as an au pair? As the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between the two countries. Furthermore the entry regulations of the various countries of transit and of the final destination must allow the entry. From abroad: +41 58 465 33 33, Regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Lazio, Marche, Molise, Apulia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Malta and San Marino, Matters relating to consular services Browse lists of information for travelling to and from abroad: 1. Risk of kidnapping in the Sahara and Sahel region, Swissemigration provides you with documentation and general advisory services on individual countries and specific topics. The above procedure does not apply to crew who must, however, in any case, provided that they have no symptoms of COVID-19: For seafarers, the provisions of Annex 28 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 2 March 2021 also remain in force, containing the “Protocol for reaching a ship for embarkation, for going off duty and for leaving a ship for repatriation.”. Present a “certificazione verde” which attests that the traveler has undergone a PCR or antigenic swab test, carried out within 48 hours prior to entry into Italy, with negative test result. Google map, Website Visa service: Passengers on flights arriving from international airports from the following countries: must also take a molecular (RT PCR) or antigen swab test upon arrival at the following Italian international airports: The trials of ‘Covid-tested’ flights established by the Ordinances of 23 November 2020 and 9 March 2021 have been extended to 30 October 2021, without prejudice to possible further extensions. Each pension beneficiary has to return the certificate of life duly endorsed by a local Authority. notify the prevention department of the health authority responsible for the area of your entry (See page: ten days of self-isolation at the address provided in the digital Passenger Locator Form. Last update 20.05.2021, Ambasciata di SvizzeraVia Barnaba Oriani 6100197 RomaItalia, Phone avoid taking antiviral drugs and antibiotics without medical prescription. The federal government supports Swiss companies at home and abroad by promoting exports and protecting investment. Crew members are exempt from completing the Passenger Locator Form. With a lockdown currently in effect in Austria, people traveling from EU countries face a 10-day quarantine save for a handful of countries including Finland, Ireland and The Passenger Locator Form (also known as the Passenger Locator Card) is a form used to collect information on the travel itinerary to allow the relevant Health Authority to promptly contact the passenger if he or she is exposed to a contagious diffusive disease during air travel. The Passenger Locator Form (also known as Passenger Locator Card) is a form with which travel information, telephone numbers and temporary addresses in the destination country are collected by the public health authorities to facilitate contact tracing in case travellers are exposed to an infectious disease while travelling by plane. 49, paragraph 5, of the Italian Prime Ministerial Decree of 2 March 2021, for work reasons regulated by special security protocols, approved by the competent health authority. 10/08/2020. 7) letters a), b), c), f), g), l), m), n), o), which can be found in the section, those who have been registered in Italy since before 13 February 2021 (. (Order 29 April 2021 and Order 6 May 2021). The dPLF must be sent before boarding. (Are exempted children under the age of 12), A) All Italian Regions apart from those mentioned under B). From 8 October anyone entering Italy after being in the UK at any time in the previous 14 days must: 1) Take a covid-19 test; 2) Notify the local health authority of their arrival; 3) Fill in a self-certification form. Italy applies health-related restriction measures to incoming travellers, which may vary depending on their country of origin. Restrictions apply in case of transit or stay in List D and/or List E countries during the 14 days prior to entry into Italy. Anyone who enters Italy from abroad for any length of stay, via any means of transport. List B- The States and territories with low epidemiological risk will be identified, among those in List C, by the Ordinance adopted pursuant to article 6, subparagraph 2 3. What about going from Switzerland to Lombardy or Piedmont to visit family and friends? The Consulate in Milan organises a series of events on the theme "i talenti delle donne" with contributions from Swiss women artists. Editorial board May 22, 2021 08:04 The quarantine obligation for Swiss people who want to go to Italy has lapsed since May 16, even if there are still rules and procedures to follow. Citizens of the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand may enter Italy and stay up to 90 days without a visa within an 180 day period. Fax: +39 06 808 08 71, Consular services: Is a coronavirus test required? A selection of websites explaining how Switzerland is structured and how it functions, providing you with the information you will need to form an opinion and exercise your political rights from overseas, Consulates, embassies and contacts in Switzerland. Quarantine may be shortened to 7 days if testing negative again. You can find the number on the website of the Ministry of Health at the following link: If you develop severe symptoms, call the national emergency number 112, Avoid visiting the Hospital Emergency Room, Inform the reception of your health condition, so that they can take all prevention measures to protect the staff and other guests, If possible, move to a single room with dedicated bathroom, Self-isolate and remain in your room with the door closed but ensuring adequate natural ventilation, Respect the ban to go around, following the instructions of the health staff, Avoid contact with other tourists and with the staff of the hotel/accommodation facility, Wash your hands with soap and water and implement the other hygienic measures, Follow good respiratory hygiene and dispose tissues properly putting them after use in double bags, Be available at the daily calls of the health staff in charge of monitoring your health conditions during the health surveillance. Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, Federal Department of Justice and Police FDJP, Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport DDPS, Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER, Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC, Switzerland’s contribution to the enlarged EU, Local job vacancies and admission requirements for internship programmes, The Swiss embassy publishes a newsletter containing information on culture, science and politics, Search for events via date, search term or topic. Conditions of entry into Italy from Switzerland Negative COVID-19 test issued at most 2 days before arrival and 5 day mandatory self quarantine A negative result for COVID-19 is a condition to end the quarantine obligation earlier. Start of page The addresses to which the request should be sent are: coordinamento.usmafsasn@sanita.it; dgprev@postacert.sanita. It stipulates the following requirements on entry in Italy for all travelers, including those arriving from Switzerland: compulsory negative PCR or antigenic swab test, carried out within 48 hours prior to entry into Italy and at the end of the quarantine For more information, go to  https://euplf.eu/it/eudplf-it/index.html. 54 paragraph 3, allowed the extension of the flights subject to "Covid-tested" experimentation. Passengers on "Covid-tested" flights are required to: Passengers on these flights, following the above-mentioned protocol, are authorised to enter and transit into the Italian national territory, without having to comply with the obligations of health surveillance and fiduciary isolation. not allow embarkation for passengers who fail to complete the dPLF, on the grounds that it is a legal requirement; ask the staff of the hotel/accommodation facility to help you to contact the health services; call the regional hot line. Currently, appointments at our representation are fixed only in case of proven necessity. For further information on the actual operation of "Covid-tested" flights on the routes for which the trial is underway, please contact the airlines directly. of Italian citizens registered as residents in Italy since before April 29, 2021 and who do not display any symptoms of COVID-19, of Italian citizens registered on the Registry of Italians Resident Abroad (AIRE), for humanitarian or health reasons that cannot be deferred, and the persons referred to in Art. Consular services (issuing of passports, identity cards, civil status changes, registrations) are provided in the xy. it is also allowed to enter from countries from which entry into Italy is otherwise prohibited as per Art. To whom enters Italy from the countries listed D and E. It is possible to request exemptions from the obligation of fiduciary isolation and health surveillance, provided that entry into Italy takes place: Procedure for requesting an exemption issued by the Ministry of Health. Travellers coming from another region in France can enter Italy freely, including for tourism, and do not need to present a negative coronavirus test. Infoline for people travelling to Switzerland: +41 58 464 44 88. It is also confirmed the possibility of entry into Italy, from List E countries, for persons who have a proven and stable emotional relationship (even if not cohabiting) with Italian/EU/Schengen citizens or natural persons who are legally resident in Italy (long-term residents), who need to reach their partner's home/domicile/residence (in Italy). Provided that no COVID-19 symptoms occur, specific exemptions are foreseen: Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Canada and United States as well as additional states and other territories with low epidemiological risk, which will be identified, among those in List E, with an order adopted pursuant to article 6, subparagraph 2. Italy: Passengers arriving from European Union, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City will not face any restrictions upon entering Italy. This exemption applies exclusively to travellers who are allowed to enter Italy in accordance with current legislation. See: travel to and from the States and territories referred to in List A of Annex 20, officials and agents, in whatever capacity, of the European Union or, to citizens and residents of a Member State of the European Union and of the other States and territories indicated in Lists A, B, C and D of Annex 20 who enter Italy for proven reasons of work, unless they have stayed or travelled in one or more of the States and territories indicated in List C in the fourteen days prior to entering Italy. self-isolate until returning to base in the places indicated by the health authority or civil protection. Tutte l'Italia in "zona gialla", Monitoraggio settimanale Covid-19, report 10 - 16 maggio 2021, Coppa Italia, ordinanza del ministro Speranza relativa al deflusso del pubblico, Produce a green certificate proving that you have taken a negative. Right-wing protest movement Lega dei Ticinesi has also called for the closure of the Swiss border for people entering from Italy. In an emergency the representation responsible (embassy or consulate-general) must be contacted immediately. It may be useful to keep a travel diary in which to note down the places visited, the companies visited and the relevant dates. Avoid taking drugs without medical prescription. In case of entry into the national territory by flight from Brazil, the swab referred to in this point shall be carried out at the moment of arrival at the airport; the obligation to undergo, regardless of the result of the test referred to in subparagraph b), health surveillance and trustworthy isolation for a period of 10 days at home or at the dwelling, after notifying the Department of Prevention of the local health authority of their entry into the national territory. 50, paragraph 1 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 2 March 2021. Dossier: Vivre et Travailler dans L'EU/L'AELE (PDF, 2.3 MB, French). Switzerland, just as Austria, has decided to keep its border with Italy closed while opening up to the other EU countries, asserting that opening the border with Italy would be ‘premature’. Proof of results from a negative PCR or Antigen test, taken no longer than 48-hours before arrival, will be needed to enter. 13:00, 14:00 - The ticket will be valid for eighteen months from issue. please state in the subject line of the email your expected date of arrival in Italy, travel itinerary (copy of your flight ticket or tickets for other means of transport used), the exemption is only valid for the stated reason of necessity, lease do not submit requests for entry into Italy after the date on which the current Ordinance is due to take effect. The reference organisations for this exemption are CONI and CIP (Article 18(1)). regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water, avoid direct contact with other people such as hugging and shaking hands, follow good respiratory hygiene: cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. In the cases described above, entry into the national territory and air traffic from Brazil shall be allowed according to the following rules: The crew and travelling personnel of means of transport for persons and goods are not required to undergo fiduciary isolation (unless symptoms of COVID-19 appear), but they must nevertheless undergo a molecular or antigenic test, to be carried out by means of a swab, upon arrival at the airport, port, or border location, where possible, or within 48 hours of entering the national territory at the local health authority of reference. Entry into and transit through Brazil are permitted, on condition that no Covid-19 symptoms occur, only to the following categories. For services and visa issues, please always refer to the competent representation according to the given contact. attach travel itinerary and identity documents/passports of travellers (in case of several files, please insert them in one pdf document). All travellers over the age of 11 who are authorised to enter France, including those arriving from EEA countries (i.e. Participants are required to comply with the protocols issued by their national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, and sports promotion bodies. According to Italian government website, “the same travel restrictions apply for foreign citizens as for Italians”. swab test at the end of the ten-day isolation period. In order to send the request, it is necessary: In addition, please attach the following documents in a single pdf document:​. Information regarding test and quarantine requirements from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), Coronavirus: Measures and ordinances in Switzerland, Entry to Switzerland - State Secretariat for Migration SEM. Tel. In addition, please attach the following documents in a single pdf document: Please attach any additional documents proving the reason for your need to travel. ; In the course of your professional activities you transport passengers or goods across borders. However, … Almost all trains entering Switzerland from Italy begin in either Milan or Tirano, a small town on the Swiss border. to the entry of athletes, coaches, judges, competition commissioners and accompanying persons, representatives of the foreign press for participation in the sporting competitions referred to in Art. It also answers administrative questions. 13:00, 10:00 - After an initial experimental phase the Prime Minister's Decree of March 2, 2021, art. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic, financial and legal affairs, as well as science, education and culture. The test must be taken within 72 hours prior to arrival. The dossier is intended for people who leave Switzerland to take up permanent residence in another country and work abroad. it is necessary to forward the travel information: in case of arrival by plane/ship indicate flight number, date of arrival in Italy, place of arrival in Italy; in case of arrival by private vehicle/land entrance, please state registration number of the private vehicle, date and point of access to the national territory. 7) letters a), b), c), f), g), l), m), n) o), which can be found in the section, the obligations of fiduciary isolation, health surveillance and swab test on day 5 do not apply in the cases provided for in Article 51, paragraph 7, of the Decree-Dpcm of 2 March 2021, which can be consulted in the. inform the local health authority immediately of your arrival in Italy. How to apply for authorisation from the Ministry of Health. Due to the large number of requests received, it is necessary, in order to be able to grant authorisation within the established timeframe, Due to the high number of request received, in order for documention to be assessed, it is necessary to send requests, COVID-19 Freephone numbers and regional information, COVID-19 Regional toll-free numbers and information, Self-declaration form for entering italy from abroad, Request form for authorization of entry in Italy from Brazil, Procedure to request authorization of entry in Italy, Request form for authorization of entry in Italy from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Request form for authorization of entry in Italy from India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, Article 50 of the Ministerial Decree of  March 2, 2021, Passenger Locator Form (PLF) - digital dPLF, Covid-19 - Regional telephone information hotlines, The main public health recommendations and prevention measures for those entering Italy, Covid-19, ministro Speranza firma nuova Ordinanza per contenere la diffusione del virus. first and last name of the beneficiary of the exemption; travel information: in case of arrival by plane/ship indicate flight number, date of arrival in Italy, place of arrival in Italy; in case of arrival by private vehicle/land entrance, indicate registration number of the private vehicle, date and point of access to the national, that the derogation is to be considered valid only for the reason indicated, not to submit requests for events scheduled to take place after the effective date of the current Prime Ministerial Decree, that further documentation may be required, hand in to the carrier and to whoever is in charge of carrying out the controls, upon boarding, a certification attesting to, follow the guided procedure to access the dPLF, register on the website by creating a personal account with username and password (it is necessary to do this only the first time), fill out and send the dPLF following the guided procedure. Embassy +39 06 809 571 365 days a year – around the clock, Changes concerning entering Switzerland as of 22.02.2021, eda.base.components.navigation.top.search, Consulate General of Switzerland in Milano, Event cycle «I talenti delle donne» in Milan, Rights and obligations of Swiss nationals abroad, Structure of the state and current-day politics in Switzerland, Dossier: Vivre et Travailler dans L'EU/L'AELE, Dossier: Leben und Arbeiten in der EU/EFTA, 03.06.2020 - Information for clients visitors, COVID-19 Freephone numbers and regional information, Type of test and requirements the result must meet, Advice: relocating abroad and returning to Switzerland, Registration and deregistration, change of address, Civil status affairs (marriage, birth, death, etc. 7) letters a), b), c), f), g), l), n), m), o), which can be found in the section. 18, paragraph 1 who, in the 48 hours prior to entering the national territory, have undergone a molecular or antigenic test, carried out by means of a swab and found to be negative. ; You are entering Switzerland in a private vehicle.However, this exception only applies if you have not stayed in a country or area with an increased risk of infection in the last 10 days. Appointments can be requested by phone at +39(0)6 809 571 or by email at roma@eda.admin.ch. Please note that the counters of this representation are currently accessible to the public by appointment from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 12:00. List C - Austria (with specific restrictions for the Tyrol r… Download from the Foreign Ministry web site: Entry to Italy is prohibited for people coming from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka or who have stayed in the countries in the preceding fourteen days, with the exception: People may also enter/re-enter Italy from these countries subject to express authorization from the Ministry of Health and in compliance with a specific procedure: Entry by the categories described above must be undertaken in compliance with the following procedure: These measures remain in force until 30 May 2021.

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