harmony in human relationship

That value of manners is best illustrated by the way men and women behave during the period of courtship before marriage. Those who try in this way to please everyone, with the desire of getting praise for their good nature, do not necessarily have control of feeling....Whoever has control of feeling follows truth, shares that truth wherever he can, and avoids annoying unnecessarily anyone who would not be receptive anyway. This is going to the extreme. : Understanding human being as a co- existence of the sentient 'I' and the material 'Body'. The greatest of all happiness, next to divine happiness, is to be at peace with one’s immediate relations, those with whom one must live every day in the year. for APPSC Group 1 mains exams. But each should remember that the desire for spiritual growth cannot be forced on the other. When we are successful in changing any undesirable aspect of our own personality, we find an instantaneous change in the behavior of other people toward us, especially those who express similar characteristics. What matters is which side we express and emphasize. It is even more difficult -- extremely difficult -- for the ego to get out of its own way of seeing things and seeing things through the eyes of another. The bonding between close groups is some time known as Family. Relationship is –between one self (I 1) and other self (I 2) 2. Be Sincere. If you cannot be perfect, you can hardly expect them to be. Here too there is a gradation of methods that you can apply to intensify and deepen the relationship and make it not only a source of harmony and joy but an endless opportunity for personal growth and spiritual progress. Good manners and good behavior are enough to preserve any relationship and any marriage. When you create harmony in your relationships, it brings meaning, depth and richness to your life that’s well worth the effort. There is nothing very remarkable or romantic about good manners and behavior, but the fact is that they form the bedrock on which lasting harmonious relationship are achieved. Deeper inside are subconscious thoughts, feelings and impulses of which we may be only partially aware or completely unconscious. Spiritual Methods. Why does the bliss of romantic love often fade so quickly even before the wedding or the honeymoon is over? Here is a graded series of methods you can adopt to achieve or restore lasting harmony and joy in any human relationship. We should make ourselves attractive by wearing the fine garment of genuinely courteous language. The society is an extension of family and it is possible to live in harmony with every human being, thus laying the foundation for an undivided human race, from family order to world family order. These feelings can be recognized –they are definite (9 Feeling) 4. Very few persons realize that most of our happiness lies in the art of understanding the law of human behaviour. Please, it is very important to understand this, because beauty, if one may talk about it, is not merely in the physical form, but beauty, in essence, is that quality of sensitivity, the quality of observation of nature These feelings can be recognized –they are definite (9 Feeling) 4. We all like to flatter ourselves with the thought that we are deserving of an ideal mate, even when we know objectively that our own personality and behavior is very far from ideal. Harmony in human relations by Satewan Parsram Kanal, 1981, Dev Samaj Prakashan edition, in English Harmony in the Family Values in Human-to-Human ... Now we can explore relationship with the clarity of human being, as co-existence of self and body. There are feelings in relationship –in one self (I 1 One of the most profound spiritual insights in life is the correspondence between what we are inside and what comes to us from the world around. If you want to be loved, start loving others who need your love....If you want others to sympathize with you, start showing sympathy to those around you. All of us expand in freedom. Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself! Such a man is a force for great good in this world. Even when others point them out, we laugh or disregard them as non-existent or insignificant. In fact, it has the inherent capacity to become increasingly effective the more it is practiced. Relationship is –between one self (I 1) and other self (I 2) 2. It is fruitless to increase the trouble by loudly, unkindly, discourteously blaming others, even though we find that they are to blame. Understanding the Body as an instrument of 'I' (I being the doer, seer and enjoyer). Relationship is –between one self (I 1) and other self (I 2) 2. If you want to be respected, you must learn to be respectful to everyone, both young and old....Whatever you want others to be, first be that yourself; then you will find others responding in like manner to you. Partnership 5.2. Enemy 3. We can teach quick-tempered dear ones to mend their faults a hundred times better by setting a good example than we can by harsh or self-righteous words. That is why so many people are often “in hot water” with their friends, and, worse yet, at constant war with their own best beloved ones at home. “Fools argue; wise men discuss.”. But lasting human relationships are built of much more earthly stuff. Remarkable relationships call for remarkable efforts. Harmony in relationships starts with being open to the other person’s perspective. We do not have the power to change another human being. Are you sure you want to cancel your Divine love is the magnet that draws to me all good. And the greatest freedom we can offer to another person is the freedom to be themselves without being judged or condemned for what they are. Harmony in Relations 1.1 Family: All living objects – especially human and animals are surrounded by relations. You will find the positive qualities of the other person coming to the surface and the negative qualities receding. People who are attracted to one another form spiritual complements. Spiritually, what we consider a defect in the other person may appear from the other person’s point of view as perfect or essential for accomplishment. Define harmony. What applies to romantic relationship applies to creating and maintaining other types of relationships as well. With the understanding of values in human relationships, we are able If there is a habit or quality in your mate that rouses unlovely traits in your disposition, you should realize the purpose of this circumstance: to bring to the surface those poisons hidden within you so that you may eliminate them and thus purify your nature. I told him if his belief made him a stronger, better, happier, kinder, more compassionate human being, it was a good belief. The subject of inner-outer correspondences is too complex to consider in greater detail here. If you are able to see the issue as he sees it, you will find his defect disappears. All rights reserved. Therefore, even a sincere effort to identify with the other person will not always succeed. ... how can one be aware or be sensitive to human relationship? But we do have the power to alter our own opinions, attitudes, values and motives. When people try to handle the extremely complicated machinery of human feelings without any training whatsoever, the consequent results are often disastrous. This article presents a spiritual method to maintain or recover the sweetness of romance when it begins to fade or even after it totally disappears. We do not see the other person's defects. This is a pure spiritual method for progress. There are feelings in relationship –in one self (I 1) for other self (I 2) 3. When two people feel an unconditional attraction for each other, and are ready to sacrifice for one another, they are truly in love. Copyright © 2020 Self-Realization Fellowship. Intimate human relationships are the ultimate field for spiritual progress because they present us with an opportunity to learn far more about ourselves than we could ever do in isolation. On getting assured, it becomes easy to see that society is an extension of family and that it is possible to live in harmony with every human being- thus laying the foundation for an undivided society- from family to world family. Introduction to Character of Life in Literature, Secret Forum: Romance#How to restore the relationship, https://humanscience.fandom.com/wiki/Harmonious_human_relationships?oldid=12252. But there is a truth and power in good manners that we ignore at our peril. All real growth takes place in freedom. But more is required for love. It can eliminate many sources of grievance and bring far greater richness and joy. Very few persons realize that most of our happiness lies in the art of understanding the law of human behavior. Understanding Relationship from Family to Society: Right Understanding at the individual level leads to harmony in the family. The Teaching of Geometry at The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts The passionate romantic does not even perceive the defects in the person he loves. If you really have the capacity to identify, then you will understand why it is not mutual and you will not feel offended or make demands that the other change. When the husband serves the wife, and she serves him, each with the desire to see the other happy, Christ Consciousness — God’s loving Cosmic Intelligence that permeates every atom of creation — has begun to express itself through their consciousness. These feelings can be recognized –they are definite (9 Feelings) 4. "Love is blind" as Shakespeare said, and that is the reasons it is so sweet. Real family happiness has its foundation on the altar of understanding and kind words. Instead of changing our outer behavior,we should change our inner attitudes to make that good outer behavior more sincere and lasting. They require constant attention. Seek to discover the greater good in other people to ignore or refuse to perceive their defects. Employer and employee 5.3. Their fulfilment, evaluation leads to mutual happiness Psychological self-awareness helps us understand and accept ourselves and other people for what they are. The ultimate secret of romantic love is not to ignore or even to understand the defects and deficiencies in another person. Co… Everyone is a mix of positive and negative qualities. The principle notes the human role in sustainability and ties human health to living in harmony with nature. So fill your life with people who energize you, inspire you, support you, and love you for exactly who you are. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Achieving harmony in human relations Chinese philosophy places a lot of emphasis on the importance of harmony in human relations. Home > Spiritual > Creating Harmony in Our Relationships With Others. There is a spiritual method that can even bring back the lover that has gone away. True marriage is a laboratory in which poisons of selfishness, bad temper, and bad behavior may be poured into the test tube of patience and neutralized and changed by the catalytic power of love and constant effort to behave nobly. See Secret Forum: Romance#How to restore the relationship, http://server3.web-stat.com/4/humanscience.gif. Even when the other offends or hurts us, we are quick to forgive and forget without grudge or complaint, so long as we can restore the sweet feeling. The basic law of right human behavior is self-reform....Whenever any trouble occurs with our friends or dear ones, we should inwardly lay the blame on ourselves for getting into an unpleasant situation and then try to get out of it as fast and as graciously as we can. living with responsibility (living in relationship, harmony and co-existence) rather than as arbitrariness in choice based on liking-disliking . But what about those who have already lost the romantic feeling and even lost their lover. It is to discover the deeper truth, the diviner element in the other person which expresses in and through the deficient behavior. Once we understand the Comprehensive Human Goal and the five dimensions of Human Endeavour, in the light of Right Understanding, our Natural Acceptance extends from the level of Individual to the levels of Family and then Society and finally into a feeling of World Family. Understanding the needs of Self ('I') and 'Body' - Sukh and Suvidha. Egalitarian and platonic friendship 2. Ninety percent of relationship problems can be traced back to the fact … The capacity for living is the capacity to make human contacts pleasurable. Their every thought is about pleasing the other person, doing what they want to do, saying what they would like to hear, avoiding activities and topics that disturb or annoy. Illustration about Illustration of an ideal human relations: a man and a spokeswoman, scenes from everyday life. Many human relationships start off in heaven and gradually come back to earth. If, lacking understanding, you enter into a fight with someone, remember that each of you is as much to blame as the other, regardless of which one started the argument. Only those with the aspiration, courage, fortitude and willingness for adventure can attempt it. These methods can be used to ensure that love lasts, grows and keeps on growing in intensity, harmony and joy. The following method are intended to make you more open, receptive and responsive so that greater joy and harmony can express in and through you. As long as you follow the spirit of discovering the greater good in the other person, this method can never fail. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. 7. 1. Be really present with authentic and sincere interest. Good manners creates the basis for good human relationships, but good behavior is essential for maintaining that harmonious relationships over time. How then are we to give freedom to another and still maintain romantic love? relationships. There are feelings in relationship –in one self (I 1) for other self (I 2) 3. He knows when to speak and when to be silent, but he never compromises his own ideals and inner peace. Professional eminence is attained by increasing the capacity for work. But they are not sufficient to maintain the intensity of romantic love. “As I radiate love and goodwill to others, I will open the channel for God’s love to come to me. It is not necessary to agree on everything in order to show kindness. Harmony in the Family

  • Relationship is – between the self (I) and the other self (I)
  • There are feelings, or expectation of feelings, in relationship – of one self (I) for the other self (I)
  • These feelings can be recognized – they are definite
  • Their fulfilment and evaluation leads to mutual happiness
  • Feelings in relationship: … harmony synonyms, harmony pronunciation, harmony translation, English dictionary definition of harmony. Too often in the urgent hope of winning the love of another, we display manners that are not endorsed by our feelings. Don't try to impose your will. registration. Taking the other's point of view is a powerful spiritual method that elevates us to a higher level of consciousness and expands our personality. When one can do that, he will be habitually kind to all people. Disappointment always works both ways. We often tend to romanticize love as some magic formula which comes and goes like a Divine messenger without our conscious intention or control. Those are times when we see and feel the other person as the answer to our dreams, the perfect complement. If you cannot absolutely ignore what appears negative or objectionable in another, you can at least refuse to speak about it, think about it, complain about it or dwell on it. Most of the time, people talk and act from their own viewpoint. Show those around you that … At its height, romantic love is a pure spiritual adventure of self-discovery. The greatest of all happiness, next to divine happiness, is to be at peace with one’s immediate relations, those with whom one must live every day in the year.

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