how does the trinity work to save sinners

(Phil. The result, though perhaps unintentional, is a failure to see how the Father, Son, and Spirit work respectively to plan, procure, and provide salvation such that is remains God’s work, and salvation remains entirely gracious. 1 Timothy 1:15 - This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. But the Sons’ work does not end there. This is evidenced here and it reflects the way in which Paul affirmed the deity and unity of the Father and the Son (cf. The Next 500 Years: 2017 National Conference, Right Now Counts Forever: 4-Volume Collection, Show Me Your Glory: Understanding the Majestic Splendor of God, Naming Ligonier the Beneficiary of a Bank or Investment Account, Gifts That Provide Income and Tax Benefits, God’s Sovereignty in Salvation and the Unity of the Trinity. I surrender my life to You. Jesus came to save sinners: to destroy the devil’s works and fulfill the law. As verses 8–9 state, we are not saved by our works, but by grace alone. How do they capture the design and purpose for Christ’s atoning work? Even more, because the Spirit completes the work of Christ, he works in the church to shape and mold the saints who are being fitted together in the temple that Christ is building by the Spirit. 13 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. Bear in mind, He does not indwell sinners, unlike believers. In Ephesians 2:4, therefore, Paul identifies salvation as a work of the Father, and we can say that most of the focus in these verses are given to the Father, even as everything the Father does is in and through the Son. That is to say that while Christ has commanded us to baptize all nations, God can save sinners without Baptism. Having chosen His elect, the Father gave them to the Son before time began to be His royal inheritance. Within the Trinity, there is one saving purpose, one saving plan, and one saving enterprise. The Spirit grants them repentance (2 Tim. It is through the Son that we achieve salvation and come into full relationship with the triune God. 6:4–5). But because "God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself" (2 Cor. The Ligonier Ministries site requires Javascript, but you’ve got Javascript disabled. (The immanent or ontological trinity is who God is in himself, with no respect to creation). 15 Faithful is the word, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first. Under the direction of the Father, all three persons of the Godhead irrevocably agreed to execute the salvation of these chosen people. You must trust in what Jesus did on the cross to forgive you of your sins and not trust anything else, not even your own sincerity or works. I am new to the game and I realised I missed out on plenty of items such as the safe in the shallows. You must turn from your sins (Acts 3:19). Our sins against God are capital crimes. 3 comments . "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, God offers everyone forgiveness of sins and salvation. 8:29). He did not make a hypothetical redemption. As a result, "The Jews picked up stones to stone him …." In this verse and following, Paul states how of salvation lies outside of man; it is not self-generated. Rather, He actually saved. God the Father hath sent his Son, who hath made way for your salvation, and removed all difficulties, except those which are with your own heart. Verse 5 says explicitly this revelation has come by the Spirit. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If you believe that uttering the Sinner’s Prayer alone can save you — like most Christians would love to believe — then you are making a fatal mistake. 15 This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. They also imagine that Christ hypothetically died for all sinners—a different group from that which the Father saves—naively assuming there is only one meaning for the scriptural words world and all. 90% Upvoted. Likewise, verse 22 says that the church is made God’s dwelling place by the Spirit. 2:8-9; Romans 5:1). Sadly, they mistake His internal, saving call (1 Cor. Even without an exegetical discussion of these passages, it should be apparent that the atmosphere of Ephesians 1–4 is filled with trinitarian considerations. 6 This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. Save my soul right now. 1 Timothy 1:15 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) 15 This is a statement that can be trusted and deserves complete acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and I am the foremost sinner. Trinity 3 Luke 15:1-10 ... Paul writes, “The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost.” (1 Timothy 1:15) This is why he descended from his throne in heaven and was found in human form. As God, Jesus’ death has infinite value to all people of all times and places. This attributes three powers to the gospel: it’s ability to impart life to dead sinners, it’s capacity to bring the unbelieving to faith, and it’s power to save the lost. 1), Getting Redemption Right and Understanding the Logic of Christ’s Cross, A Beautiful Household (pt. and the Holy Ghost is the executive by which (ev ō) it is carried into effect. I affirm that this gospel message is completely able to bring dead sinners to saving faith. These chosen ones were selected for the highest purpose—that they would praise the Son forever and be conformed to His image (Rom. Indeed, while achieving the same salvation, for the same people, each member has an appropriated role–before creation, the Father plans salvation; in his incarnation, death, and resurrection, the Son procures salvation; and now through the gospel, the Spirit perfects and applies the work of the Father and the Son. He did not merely make salvation possible. He helps us to see how each member of the Trinity works to bring us joyful assurance of our salvation. Jesus truly secured eternal life for His sheep. 2. made us alive together with Christ, But now in Christ Jesus you . A. 2:5–6). During the first 2,000 years we know of no special means of grace for little children. Trinity Student Ministry Whatever it takes to see students far from God filled with life in Christ. 2:25) and authors saving faith within them (Phil. First, in Ephesians 1:3–14, we see that Paul praises God for all that he has done to bring salvation to his people. God's Grace to Paul … 14 And the grace of our Lord overflowed to me, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. The truth is that man is not sovereign in salvation—God is. 8:29–30; 1 Peter 1:2, 20), which means “forelove,” with mere foresight. The Trinity Explained. They further claim that the Spirit saves yet another group, that is, some sinners whom He woos. No specific mention of the Spirit is given here, but for a host of reasons we can assume the presence of the Spirit. He has already done all the work necessary to save you. In Ephesians 2:1–10 we see the work of the Father. Praise be to God that the Son has drained the cup of divine wrath for us. Jesus asserted, “All that the Father gives me will come to me” (John 6:37a). It is in prayer that we meet God, and in this rendezvous, He imparts Faith, Hope and Charity. The only way to be saved from the wrath of God is to be saved from it by faith in Christ (Ephesians. Having long ago received from the Father the individual names of the elect, Jesus Christ came into this world to purchase their salvation. Notice If Jesus has not absorbed the wrath of God for sinners like us, it yet burns against us. Five Truths from 1 Peter 2 on Obeying God and Government As a man, Jesus paid the price that we owed for our sin by dying on the cross. The gospel is less a list of benefits, than it is the saving work of divine persons. That is, before Paul gets to giving instructions to the Ephesian church—there is only 1 imperative before Ephesians 4:25—he spends three and a half chapters detailing what the Father, Son, and Spirit did to save sinners and construct a dwelling place where he—the triune God—could dwell with his saints. This is true of all three persons of the Trinity, but according to God’s Word, this is Jesus that it’s speaking of here; so we need to understand that Jesus is the eternal God of the universe. This electing God is from himself (this is aseity) perfect, good, and simple. No, he has in mind a very specific work that Jesus has set out to do. And unless we think of the three persons working together as one (because they are, in fact, one, indivisible God), I fear we may miss the monergistic nature of salvation—the very point conveyed in the testimony, “Salvation belongs to the Lord!”. Therefore, it make sense that in these four chapters, we not only have mentions of the Father, Son, and Spirit, but we also have explanations of their working. Sadly, many believe otherwise. Or does our mind’s eye see salvation as a thing given by God, but without regard for how each member of the Trinity works? But the Bible teaches otherwise. We are assured that The Trinity of Love is not temporary but is eternal. First of all, the Spirit is directly mentioned in Ephesians 2:18 and 2:22. He writes. In this way, and specifically in Christ, we see the wisdom of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Bound by devotion to His chosen bride, Christ “loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Eph. Mentions of each person will be bolded (Father), italicized (Son), and underlined (Spirit). What we don't mean First of all, Christians don't believe in three Gods. But attention to each member of the Godhead does not end there; it follows in Ephesians 2 and 3. Mere mortals do not have the ability to grasp the wonders of heaven—it is entirely beyond our comprehension. As the Father sent the Son to save sinners by his Son’s bloodshed (1:7; 2;13–18), so the Father now sends the Spirit to open the eyes of the church, so that we might see (more of) the Son and come to know and love the Father. Seek him; he will save you. Titus 3:4), for He saved us through Christ the Saviour (Eph. In history, the son’s work focuses on the cross. This does not entail a “broken Trinity”; it does show us the severity of divine judgment, the judgment borne by the Son on the tree. executed for the brutal murder of 168 people when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City. The Holy Spirit is part of that. How is one saved? It is about God’s work of initiating us into a fellowship and making us true conversational partners with the Father and the Son through … Likewise, we will see how Christ is the prism by which we come to know the Father and the Spirit. Category: Articles. The Word of God speaks of the atonement as that by which God intends to secure salvation, not merely provide for it; to accomplish redemption, not merely to make it possible; to satisfy, reconcile, and redeem—actually to save! The Trinity is the Christian doctrine that deals with and describes the nature of God.The doctrine asserts the following: There is one and only one God. The Rosary is the prayer of the poor and the rich, of the wise and the ignorant. We know God by what He does. John 6:44 is clear that no one can possibly come to Christ unless the Father draws them (John 6:44). “THE TRINITY OF LOVE” 1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. In some sense we can never understand that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have forever communicated and loved each other. 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him. — George Smeaton, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, 4 —. As observed above, we already have seven instances where the Spirit is identified with the Father and the Son, but there is also good reason for seeing Paul explain what the Spirit does in salvation. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.”), so here Paul describes how the Son does the same work as the Father, only he does it as the Son, not the Father. Each is God, but each is a separate “Person.” Using the word By themill Uncategorized. No, we know Him by what He does, by His actions. 1. . How the Cross of Christ Creates Godly Husbands, Mother's Day Matters: What is true, good, and beautiful about Godly Wives, Sojourners and Servants Under the Lordship of Christ, One Assembly: A Biblical View of Gathering, Obeying God and Obeying God’s Servants: Five Truths from 1 Peter 2:13–17 (pt. 1:21; Acts 4:12). Summary. why Christ was the One who had to do all this to save us, what it means that He died for our sins, was buried, and rose again, in what sense this was “according to the scriptures,” and how Christ’s saving work results in the salvation of sinners. When does he save sinners – “worthy of all acceptation” – he saves you when you accept him, Jn 1:12. – If a perfect man could have saved sinners, Jesus the Creator, would have created someone to satisfy the Plan of Salvation. Gilbert explains that one of the driving sources of assurance is the promises of God. You simply must decide whether to receive him and his free gift of salvation or turn him down. In these Spirit-filled gifts, the church is built up and becomes a dwelling place for God’s Spirit. Going further with regards to the work of the Spirit and his completion of Christ’s work, we can see in Ephesians 3:1–13 how God has revealed himself to Paul and the other apostles (v. 6). That is, when we say (rightly) salvation is monergistic, do we remember how the Father, Son, and Spirit each work inseparably? 4 There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But in the truest sense salvation is the indivisible work of the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God Himself is our judge, and according to divine law our crimes deserve the death penalty. It is through the Son that we achieve salvation and come into full relationship with the triune God. On this day we give thanks for the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. Thankfully, Paul gives us clarity on this point, as he spends ample time explaining what each member of the trinity has done, how they relate to one another, and how Christ stands as the key to unlocking the mystery of how God is (cf. – Because Jesus is a member of deity and He died on the cross, we know that the price to save sinners required the death of a deity. We wonder, when we see a notorious sinner, how God can let his thunders still lie by him, and his sword rust in his sheath. It is worth our time to see that the Trinity is not a secondary consideration in these chapters but a primary reality that should inform our reading. in all its fullness to as many people as possible. . 11 In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 12 so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. How does Christ’s sacrificial work actually save us from the wrath of God? Trinity. All of this works and happens because of the love that exists within the Trinity. He “works all things according to the counsel of his will” (Ephesians 1:11), so we can be confident that this great gospel is rooted in the unspeakable wisdom and plan of God. The cross itself saves sinners! The Father and the Son are also unique (when Jesus prayed to the Father, He was not praying to Himself, Luke 23:34). Now all of that was foreknown and consummated in the thought-process of the Trinity. Accordingly, Paul prays that the Spirit would give knowledge of the Son (1:17) and that he would enable the church to know the love of God (3:16ff.). Within the Trinity, there is one saving purpose, one saving plan, and one saving enterprise. Why does He call some and not others? James Buchanan . Those whom the Father chooses are precisely those whom the Son redeems and those whom the Spirit regenerates. An example is I am on day 26, if I go back to day 2 will my progress from day 3-26 get removed? Saving faith doesn’t activate the cross’s power; the cross’s power … When you donate a physical book to the Internet Archive, your book will enjoy: Beautiful high-fidelity digitization; Long-term archival preservation; Free controlled digital library access by the print-disabled and public † Open Library is a project of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit Read Listen. They agreed within the Trinity, knowing everything that would take place: that fallen man would need a Redeemer, and salvation would be that Second Person of the Trinity Who would step down from the invisible Godhead, take on flesh, and go the way of the finished work of the Cross for man's redemption. Answer: One way to understand the meaning of the death of Jesus is to imagine a courtroom scene in which we are on trial for our sins and God is the judge. This is the sovereign grace of God the Son two thousand years ago in His saving death. This refrain reveals the arrangement of Paul’s praise and focuses our eyes on the unique role of the Father, Son, and Spirit in salvation—what is sometimes known appropriation. Theologians employ a special phrase ("the economy of the Godhead") to describe the united operation of the three Persons. Put God first You need to trust in him completely. The Father, who has loved his Son from eternity has also in love sent him to save us sinners from our sins. Within the Trinity each Person moves in love to seek the good of the other two. The Trinity is the foundation, content, and goal of Christian faith and devotion. In fact, in one long, run-on sentence he offers the triple refrain: v. 6 — to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. The names of the elect were then written in the Lamb’s book of life (Rev. Election is thus a work that flows from God’s everlasting aliveness, his majestic life that reaches out to ruined sinners from its measureless, uncaused depths. In these prayers, Paul reveals what the Spirit’s ministry is—it is to make known Father, through the work of the Son. It is God the Trinity who elects to salvation. The Spirit powerfully regenerates their spiritually dead souls, raising them from the grave of sin to saving faith in Christ (Eph. Even worse, the sinner—not God—reigns as determinative in his or her salvation. Today we focus on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and as we do we focus on the love of God Himself. If we believe in the trinity, that there are three in one and all equal, how come Jesus said, “The father is greater than I” and that after his resurrection “he would sit at the right hand of God”. The Trinity is at the heart of it: The Father (the First Person of the Godhead) loves us so much, in spite of our screw-ups, that he sent the Son (the Second Person of the Godhead) to do everything it took to bring us home (John 1:1, 14), and the Father and the Son sent the Spirit (the Third Person of the Godhead) to live in us, teach us and strengthen us in how to live in God’s family so we can enjoy it like we were … The Father then, in eternity past, commissioned the Son to enter the world to purchase the salvation of the elect. Now, notice what is said about this holy God… They say that, “the whole earth is full of his glory…” And this statement gives us some insight into what it means that the LORD is holy. That is to say, He chose His elect by Himself and for Himself—a sovereign choice not based on any foreseen good works or faith on their part. Leave a comment. 4:6). Whatever heaven is like, it will far exceed our wildest imaginings! Pray and ask Jesus to forgive you. This excerpt is taken from Pillars of Grace by Steven Lawson. With a singular intent, Christ purposed to die for His true church—those given to Him by the Father in eternity past. He is the brightness of the Father’s glory and the express image of his person (Heb. K…. from Steven Lawson The consequences of sin are such that sinners are condemned to eternal punishment and cannot save themselves. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are revealed as concurring together in the whole purpose and plan of man's redemption; but as sustaining, each of them, a distinct office, and undertaking a different part of the work, in carrying that purpose and plan into effect. Without these virtues, we can’t be saved. Before the foundation of the world, God chose individuals—undeserving and unworthy though they are—to be the objects of His saving grace (2 Tim. The Spirit of God does not wait for the sinner to exercise his will to believe; instead He works in the "elect" "both to will and to do." "Salvation is of the Lord" means that salvation is the work of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, for God is Tripersonal. Most evangelical Christians would affirm that “Christ sustained in body and soul the anger of God” (Heidelberg Catechism, Q/A 37). With these seven triads, it is clear the triune work of God is on the mind of Paul and in the water of his Spirit-inspired words. The key to this better life is the Holy … 9:16). Each have a part in saving sinners. This means every sinner, if he/she is to be saved will be saved through Christ. In other words, when we fail to remember the triune nature of God in salvation, we are liable to conceive of salvation in synergistic terms—God provides; we respond, with emphasis on our response. From the man writing the letter who was empowered “by the Spirit” (Ephesians 3:5), to the letter he is writing which he prays will give strength from the Spirit (Ephesians 3:16), to the words of grace (v. 2) which are found in this letter, it is evident that the trinitarian nature of God is not far from Paul’s mind. . One of the most important insights of Reformed theology is the unity of the works of the Trinity. At the time of Abraham He instituted circumcision, but He did not thereby provide for little girls. The following premises are all taught in the In all of this, the Spirit brings us to the Father by giving us the gospel of the Son (see 1:13–14). Now, fast forward many centuries. Each Person of the Trinity had a unique role in creation and in the salvation of mankind. share. It has in view the ministry of the Holy Spirit which is certainly effectual in revealing the Gospel and in leading to saving faith. The Father gives us an inheritance because he has adopted us; we are members of Christ’s body; and the promise God has given us is the Spirit. 2), Obeying God and Obeying God’s Servants: Five Truths from 1 Peter 2:13–17 (pt. The Son is of the Father. To get a handle on this idea, that salvation is a work of the triune God, we could examine many passages of Scripture, but few are more naturally trinitarian than the first three chapters of Ephesians. Hebrews 1:1–3). Forgive my sin. Cleanse me now with Your precious blood. When God the Father says that he is well pleased with Jesus, he doesn’t mean this in a generic way that he’s a good boy. How the Trinity Works Together in Salvation. According to this leaky scheme, the three persons of the Godhead are purported to be pursuing three different groups of individuals—few, all, and some. Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. In salvation, the Father sends the Son to save his people through the power of the Spirit. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. 1:6, 12, 14). In other words, these two verses identify the indivisible work of the Father and the Son. The Spirit overcomes all resistance and triumphs in the hearts of the elect. The Trinity is not fractured in its saving activity. He writes, But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved . "—1 Tim. Yes, the Holy Spirit takes the Word of God, the Word of Truth, and plants it in the heart of the sinner whom He will save; and that seed, that Word, watered and nurtured by the Holy Spirit, springs up into eternal life.

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