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Fear is one of the dark side’s more potent effects, although it may not appear so on the surface. These guys have shields and as such will be a bit harder to deal with than the Damaged Mining Droids of yesteryear. (So where’s the Feat called Scout’s Honor?) Division of Student Success and Engagement, Interdepartmental Studies Bachelor of Arts, Title IX & Prevention, Education Resources. There are plenty more Sith soldiers standing around in the Academy waiting to be killed, so nab them all and then start looting their remains (although there won’t be many items left around). She’ll run off back to Lootra in the Flophouse, so return and speak to him. The first screen of the cave is filled with beasts; you shouldn’t have a problem clearing them out, and there are some decent items to be had on the Sith Corpses and in the Ceramic Jars (we were actually lucky enough to nab a Tech Specialist Belt in one of the jars, but all the items here are random; good luck). T3’s Shock Arm attachment is a killer tool against the droids you’re fighting, since you can use it as often as you want. T3 is probably a bit better than G0-T0 to have along, if only because he has a couple of infinite-use items: the Shock Arm and the Renewable Shield (obtainable on Nar Shaddaa). Assuming you and your opponent have evenly-matched decks, you’ll no longer be at an automatic disadvantage when facing off against a computer player, since you will now take turns going first in a match. These are not bad purchases if you simply can’t find something worthwhile on the Feats list, especially for Soldiers, who will usually have very few skill points to allocate at each level-up, and who gain Feats at a more rapid pace than the other classes. ), and then turn on you. The attack number, which is displayed on your character’s equipment screen, depends on a number of factors, including a character’s level and class, their Dexterity attribute, the type of weapon used, and what special Feats you’ve selected. If you’ve been a particularly bad boy, she may have even fallen to the Dark Side and changed her name to Darth Traya, but in either case, she shouldn’t be a particularly difficult foe to defeat. Adds 6 damage to a successful hit with a ranged weapon. Now, if you cleared out all of the earlier quests before doing the Landing Rights quest, then you should be thrust into another little set of dramatics as soon as you leave the ship. This is an automatic Feat that Scoundrels gain for free upon hitting the appropriate level. Since the computer will always do its damndest to match or beat your score, you’ll know that your initial score will have to be at or near 20 in order to win; unless your opponent busts by a huge margin, he’ll almost always find a way to hit a 19 or 20 during the first few games, especially if he knows that you’re sitting on an 18. Modifier: Wisdom Class skill: Consular, Sentinal, Guardian. This event isn’t immediately finishable, so just tell him "You’re not taking the ship," and he’ll walk away, muttering threats. Fights against droids alone are even more ridiculous; just queue up three Destroy Droids and almost any droid in the game will be dead by the time you need to queue anything else, since there’s significant direct damage on top of the stunning effect. During the initial conversation here, you’ll get your first intimation of how your conversation choices can affect your influence with your teammates. This was all true in KOTOR as well, of course, but in KOTOR2, there’s a more fleshed-out system of influence that you can use to attempt to coax your team members along the path that you’ve chosen for them. All of your attributes possess the same bonuses and penalties associated with high or low scores, as shown on the following table. As mentioned, Trayus will attempt to use Force Wave, Stasis Field, Lightning, and Fear on you, and probably other powers if you give her the chance. Just run up to Mira and start bashing away! The Enclave Courtyard is home to both the mercenary groups - located in the east - and the scavengers. There are a bunch of different apartments here, so start busting down doors to talk to the occupants and steal their stuff. Saint Rose allowed me to grow by putting a lot of tasks on my plate at once and forcing me to find a way to get everything done at a high standard and not let anyone down at the same time. This isn’t one of those fights that you’re supposed to lose to propel the story along, either; you have to win. If you’re a Master or Lord, you might even be able to get some Force Powers off on him, although he does have an automatic modifier of 43 or so against most offensive powers. The Consular’s unique Jedi Feat is Force Focus, which lends a bonus to the DC of their Force Power attacks. Agree to speak to his priest/leader, then head back to bed; soon enough, the devious Czerka will call you up, offering you a deal similar to that of the Ithorians. One target takes 1-6 damage per level of Jedi. Obviously someone you should be looking forward to meeting! It’s perhaps best just to Overload them anyway; this will make them explode when the droids walk across them, saving you a bit of precious combat fatigue.). Redemption: Adare will fill you in on the damaged reputation of the Jedi on Dantooine. It’s a personalized visa, though, not an open one, which means that you can’t resell it at the moment. Don’t hesitate to use Life Support Packs as needed. (You actually need to attempt a Shutdown on them first, which will fail, then Overload them in order for it to actually work.). It went from 800,000 in 1985 to 2,350,000 in 1995. Visas will shortly collapse, so escort her to medbay. You can disable the sensor after the first group of soldiers have been defeated. You can actually wear the dancer's outfit in combat, if you're a female, although it understandably doesn't do much for your Defense. In the cases where you can use the Repair skill to fix something, though, it works similarly to the Computer Use skill in that the difficulty of successfully Repairing a damaged machine or droid is not based on the use of a DC check. That’ll end the quest - it won’t be until later that you’ll find out why the Bith was killed. When you’re done looking around, head for the turbolift exit to the east of the main terminal. After getting the field charts, though, head through the southern door leading from the bridge. He’s going to be doing a little fighting on his own pretty soon, and you’ll want to have him properly outfitted. If you’re going for the Light Side, try to be apologetic and subservient, while Dark Side characters should obviously be as rude and dismissive as possible.

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