how to get off the gangstalking list

The method of claim 1 where electromagnetic energy is transferred to the amygdala. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Gangstalking predominate source is local PD & town employees. Gang-stalking fears act as a trap: The believer behaves warily in public, and people respond to this by treating them as unusual. ( Log Out /  The fifth level of the GANGSTALKING program is as follows: I judt wasn’t too thank all the TI that take the time to share there experiences & knowledge of what’s happening in the world today right now!!! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The primary characteristic of cause stalking is that it is done by large groups of people. Inventor: Joel Steven Goldberg Claims It holds that conspirators, perhaps dozens of them, are stalking and harassing "targeted … Stop Gangstalking Crimes Targeted Individuals. How to get off the gangstalking list. I chose fight instead of flight and was constantly tryn to fight something i didnt know was real or not.But in my head i was gonna defeat it.I came back home a few mths ago.ive been isolating myself not sure if its due to a ‘psychosis’ or the overwhelming need to finally spend some time alone and reflect. T.I's (or Targeted Individuals) lives matter. simply create an algorithm that searches for people who have a high propensity for being the one of the three last people to post in medium to high activity facebook posts. I too am a TI and truly was feeling all alone. Well, you are under attack. The first four levels of the GANGSTALKING program are specifically designed to target as follows: 1. Since their connections in the political and law enforcement sides are strong so ponder over that fact. A method to produce a seizure in a human by remote transfer of electromagnetic energy to the temporal lobe of a human. Please briefly explain why you feel this question should be reported. What appears to be a random selection of Targeted Individuals may not be random at all. Wordpress has a system which detects most of these unwanted links, and they are placed in a spam area for my review. One the surface, it appears that there is a random selection of Targeted Individuals being chosen for community based GANGSTALKING harassment, however, be aware that the scriptures specifically reports that the prophets and qaduwsh (H6918 set-apart; “saints”) of Creator YAHUWAH will be among those targeted for HATE in these last days. In another word, this controls how fast the camera zoom in and out in. And he hath assigned them their recompense, because they have been found to be such as loved heaven more than their life in the world, and though they were trodden under foot of wicked men, and experienced abuse and reviling from them and were put to shame, yet they blessed Me.”. The ability to remotely direct “electromagnetic energy targeted to the brain” to change human behavior, cause fear, and cause seizures has secretly been around and covertly being used for many years. The group of strangers will unnaturally HARASS and pursue a Targeted Individual within the local community, from city to city, state to state, and in some cases country to country. The truth is that humanity is in serious danger. Gangstalking predominate source is local PD & town employees. –         Last but not least, pray to God for your safety and that of your loved ones. Targeted Individuals And The Six Levels Of GANGSTALKING [YAHUWAH],,,,,,, The Prince Of The Power Of The Air #1 [YAHUWAH], THE HIDDEN MEANING IN THE PHRASE GREAT RESET #2B [YAHUWAH], THE MEANING IN THE PHRASE GREAT RESET #2A [YAHUWAH], THE HIDDEN MEANING IN THE PHRASE GREAT RESET #1 [YAHUWAH], THEY WILL TRY YOU WITH TEMPTATION #1 [YAHUWAH], IN THE NAME OF THE SUBTILTY OF THE DEVIL #9 [YAHUWAH]. The GANGSTALKING agents have the ability to transmit sound such as voices into the head of the Targeted Individual that others cannot hear which mimic schizophrenia. My name is Debbie and I am a Targeted Individual. Keller,Texas. In 1967, psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe examined the medical records of over 5,000 medical patients as a way to determine whether stressful events might cause illnesses. There are two types of ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT as follows: Home security system hacked. Manipulation Of The Community To HATE Targeted Individuals. Occasional swarming of gnats. There is “POWER OF THE AIR” such as wind, lightning, solar energy, thermal energy, sound and frequency wave energy, microwave energy, gravitational energy, electric field energy, and magnetic field energy. I always have this feeling im searching for something,and that something will be the truth God,and my intuition can identify, I’m not sure I’m on the spiritual level yoy are but I’m definitely being attacked constantly set up, and fuckin weird you say that about how they can control the mind and thought pattern I feel it alot just think I’m goin nuts, they put me in a pchye ward cause the nurses were so under educated that it was unreal to them and lol they sent me off. The context of gang stalking and its purpose, given here ,is a different one than most other books on the same topic give. Street Theater and/or Brighting Are there cars or trucks with their headlights On always on the roadside or in driveways along YOUR route almost every time you go out? Many of my photos of vehicular harassment are taken of vehicles of strangers with significant harassing details on their vehicles, meant to indicate to me that they are stalking me, in order to increase my fear… Fifth level Targeted Individuals warn that there is advanced technology that has the same capabilities as the invention of Joel Steven Goldberg (Patent: US 20160375220 A1) which was filed on March 1, 2016. Gang stalkers consists of "Perps" (or Perpetrators) and his/her "Handler" (or the official point of contact whom orders the assignment for the Perp to act out against the Targeted individual). Dr Rauni Kilde, M.D. People who do gang stalking are not nice people, and they pick out people who have little to no power over them or be able to control them. The GANGSTALKING program is being administered in SECRET. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. But I can tell you it has cause me to grow closer to Ahayah,the great God Almighty! I believe that the life of TIS (TARGETED INDIVIDUALS) will never be “normal” again, until the Creator named YAHUWAH sends the Mashyach (“Messiah”) whose name is YAHUWSHUWAH to stop it. The Gangstalking program is one of many thorns on the earth. GANGSTALKED (ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT WITH SECRET ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES). I know he is not crazy but seeing him go through this is terrifying he was implanted as a child in grade school he is 30 yrs old now, I seriously need these Gangstalkers to stop so he can lead a normal life. Be Aware Of The Levels Of GANGSTALKING After you move, the neighbors around you will gradually be replaced by stalkers, many times without any For Sale signs ever going up or any notice that someone else has moved in until you notice that there are different cars there or some other indication. HATE is found in SHATHAN (SATAN) as follows: Note: From right to left, the Abary letters equal SHAN (SH)-THAT (TH)-NUWN (N) which is equal to SHATHAN. 3. I will be turning 29 this September. I don't believe that you can get off of the list. The GANGSTALKERS appear to consist of a network of individuals from different backgrounds who are designated to HARASS a targeted individual across state lines and international borders with different methods. The HATE originates with SHATHAN (SATAN). Humanity is being secretly targeted with DEPOPULATION programs, and the GANGSTALKING program is one of those programs. GANGSTALKED (CRIMINAL ACTIVITY). The peopleofyahuwah website exalts the name of YAHUWAH as The Almighty and Creator of the heavens and the earth and YAHUWSHUWAH Amanuwal as Co-Creator and the one who gave his life as a sacrifice for the sins of repentant mankind. The GANGSTALKERS seek opportunity to insert themselves into the life of the Targeted Individual. Gang Stalking is 100% real and so is the Mind Control that comes with it. We need this thing to get funded and get … The GANGSTALKERS can demonstrate their ability to mind read by repeating back the unspoken thoughts of the Targeted Individual to the Targeted Individual. I am one of the Targeted Individuals who report that there is invisible directed energy being used as a weapon to attack and torture people in the community. wanna know how to identify a list of americans being targeted with gangstalking? The Great sign of the Virgin, appeared over Israel in September of 2017. BLASPHEMY of the name of YAHUWAH originates with SHATHAN (SATAN). 6 "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting bashuwrah (H1309 "good tidings") to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear YAHUWAH, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.". RACHAM (H7358)=MATRIX=WOMB. There is revelation found in names and words forward and backwards because some languages are read from left to right while others are read from right to left. GANGSTALKED (ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT WITH MAINSTREAM TECHNOLOGY AND DEVICES). Level four mainly targets the BODY. These skits are designed to keep a target at a high stress level, but are crafted so that outside observers are likely to wave the skits off as "the breaks". Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Ephesians 2:2 “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the POWER OF THE AIR, the ruwach (H7307/G4151 pneuma: “spirit”) that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”. Do you have hard assignments or homework that you need to finish, but don't have a Chegg subscription? The wicked may have been expecting and waiting for some of us to be born. They are IGNORANT that a GANGSTALKING program exists just as Targeted Individuals were once IGNORANT of it “before” they became targeted. (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary) But, and it's a BIG BUT, all is not as it appears with the people, information or 'support' which is made available to the genuine Targeted Individual community. “Honey trapping is an investigative practice utilizing romantic and/or sexual relationships for an interpersonal, political or monetary purpose to the detriment of one party involved in this romantic or sexual affair. I also am a TI what do you mean though by your son was implanted in grade school? BLASPHEMY is found in SHATHAN (SATAN) as follows: The people of YAHUWAH will BLESS the name of YAHUWAH when they are tried. [9] Other evidence suggests that the left amygdala plays a role in the brain’s reward system. Officer "I can not they would come after me and my kids." The dreams of the Targeted Individual can be manipulated. Targeted Individuals call this ability V2K (Voice To Skull). Find marijuana dispensaries near me and order marijuana delivery online, get the best marijuana strains delivered in an hour. “Five senses and the respective sensory organs inherent among Homo sapiens”. If you are the person being stalked, that means you are on a gangstalking list maintained by the involved gang. SLANDER and ACCUSATIONS originate with SHATHAN (SATAN). You can find earlier posts from me under my actual name. #gangstalking memes. By registering, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy .*. Street Theater: Gang stalking context refers to carefully scripted harassment by neighbors and strangers especially, but can include harassment by family, friends and co-workers. He has rfig chips implanted in his head behind his ear canals we have ct scans etc that show them and the damage from them has grown tumors also. Gresham Police Officer " The people behind these crimes will not stop until they destroy your life. The GANGSTALKING agents have the ability to read the mind of the Targeted Individual. Sign Up to our social questions and Answers Engine to ask questions, answer people’s questions, and connect with other people. They may be dispatched to commit criminal activity and harm against the person of the Targeted Individual and/or against persons or animals associated with the Targeted Individual such as to “gaslight”, rape, beat, and poison. If you come across situations where you know that you might end up on their list, it’s best to crush your ego and not say anything because it is better than having a miserable life later. Please enter your email address. 10. 3. I believe that most of the people on earth are at this first level IGNORANT stage. Gang Stalking Stories That Will Freak You Out. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. At this level, the GANGSTALKERS are hands-on and physical. These people have connections with the government or are deeply involved with politics in general. My name is Glenda McCoy. Flyers. SATAN is the English pronunciation. These books existed in heaven before we were born. The GANGSTALKING Program Targets Every Aspect Of The Person. 3. What “we” can do is try to expose that the Gangstalking program exists to the best of our ability. I first experienced this in summer of 2007, after I broke up with my scary, scary boyfriend., Image of the Location of the Amygdala in the Human Brain The figure shows the underside (ventral view) of a semi-transparent human brain, with the front of the brain at the top. People who do gang stalking are not nice people, and they pick out people who have little to no power over them or be able to control them. During any of the five levels the GANGSTALKING agents have it within their power to take a Targeted Individual out and mark the target for DEATH, and no one will be the wiser that the person was actually murdered by the SECRET push of a button. At this level, the GANGSTALKERS keep their distance away from the Target Individual and away from the belongings of the Targeted Individual, but they FOLLOW and SURVEIL the Targeted Individual on foot or by vehicles, in an OVERT manner with COLORS OF UNITY, BODY GESTURES, STARING, STREET THEATER, MIMICING, DIRECTED CONVERSATIONS, SYMBOLS, WORDS, NUMBERS, and SOUNDS such as NOISE CAMPAIGNS, COUGHING, and CLEARING OF THROAT. Fifth Level: V2K (Voice To Skull) Take a step back and recall since when did this situation start and the troubles began. This is why Targeted Individuals (TIs) call them GANGSTALKERS. The technology used enables the Targeted Individual to hear his or her own thoughts in a type of speaker mode. How to get off the gangstalking list. We need to keep certain things and mine about this because this is a very sensitive and triggering topic. The GANGSTALKING agents have the ability to hack into the brain of the Targeted Individual to induce realistic “hallucinations” that affect the five senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch of the Targeted Individual. i went through 16mths of ‘gangstalking’.I spent a good amount of time in disbelief.mentally just think all of a sudden hundreds of people turn there time and energy to your demise,you can not just see it but you can feel it,you have to have a strong mind to handle that on any level,they comprimized my j ob,gf,,resdence.i was in a strange place trying to start a life then boom! The GANGSTALKING Program Targets Every Aspect Of The Person. Patent: US 20160375220 A1, “Concentrated extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves can penetrate the cranium in the most conductive portion of the skull, the pterion-temporal lobe intersection, and produce effects in the anterior temporal lobe that contains the amygdala. To the best of my knowledge IF you are on a list it is impossible to get off it. Like air, some of these sources of energy (power) are invisible to the naked eye. Content Analysis. ( Log Out /  (continued), a desire to gain a feeling of power over others in order to raise their perception of self-esteem, boredom, or growing tired of his/her surroundings, seeing it as a game more than hurting others, covert agenda, criminal or otherwise, including financial manipulation (often seen when the elderly or unsuspecting, unprotected wealthy are intentionally targeted for the sole purpose of obtaining a victim’s financial assets)”, Matatyahuw (Matthew) 10:22 “And ye shall be HATED of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”, Luwyachash (Luke 6:22) “Blessed are ye, when men shall HATE you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Ban (“Son”) of man’s sake.”. For getting a little drunk, three shots of vodka are enough.…, Hello, plantar fasciitis is a condition where the plantar fascia,…. AND GET OFF WITH IT. He pulled up right along side me as I was getting on the freeway., User Washington irving on en.wikipedia – Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is (was) here * 14:35, 13 February 2004 [[:en:User:Washington irving|Washington irving]] 189×230 (22,159 bytes), Image of the Five senses and the respective sensory organs inherent among Homo sapiens So far, the Creator named YAHUWAH has not stopped it in my life, since I became aware that the Gangstalking program exists. Targeted Individuals have been born from out of the MATRIX and awakened to the truth. Investigators are also often employed by wives, husbands, and other partners usually when an illicit romantic affair is suspected of the “target”, or subject of the investigation. I am the victim of “gang stalking” which is about to get national notoriety because one of the perps is a known killer wanted by the FBI for 51 years. SLANDER: 1: the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which DEFAME and damage another’s reputation. Level one mainly targets the IGNORANT. 2: a false and DEFAMATORY oral statement about a person Having described my invention, I claim: Level three mainly targets the HEART. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Use the U.K. example, find a lawyer who will confirm that there is such a list in your area, and then try to find the procedure if you are on such a list for getting off. At this level, Targeted Individuals are exposed to attacks and torture with advanced technology and devices which can be administered from a remote location. Note: Targeted Individuals are under constant daily stress due to the GANGSTALKING program tactics. Computer hacked. I will be subscribing to your you-tube channel. ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT with mainstream technology and devices, 2. Mobbing (or true gangstalking) where everywhere you go you will see an overt display of people following you and often use words you have been conditioned to or your name to draw your attention 6. The GANGSTALKERS can electronically rape, electronically induce orgasms, and electronically make a person impotent. 2 Corinthians 12:8 “For this thing I besought YAHUWAH thrice, that it might depart from me.”, 2 Corinthians 12:9 “And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Debbie, I very much appreciate your diligence in preparing and sharing this comphensive post regarding gangstalking. 4. In order to prevent another arms race this technology should be assigned to the United Nations.”, Electromagnetic Energy Targeted To The Brain Aman. Portland city police E Precinct-Police Officer "I see you have done a lot of work. The second level of the GANGSTALKING program is as follows: GANGSTALKING isn’t on the list of 43 life events. © 2021 Questionanswer Hub. I post as Jesse mission on F.B., but my actual name is Sandra Chadwick (or Sandy). Gang Stalking Methods - 1. Have you met someone because of whom this has started? Electromagnetic Energy Targeted To The Brain 2. In one study, electrical stimulations of the right amygdala induced negative emotions, especially fear and sadness. Wordpress ask this because links can send the viewer to websites with dangerous viruses, trojans, malware, spam, phishing, and porn. All Rights Reserved. Image of The “Gold” is the yellow circle at the centre of this archery target Remote stimulation of the temporal lobe may cause lethal or incapacitating seizures. love you for all you do. Most don't have such proof. Two Types Of Electronic Harassment 4. What affect will the stress of daily GANGSTALKING have on the mental and physical health of the Targeted Individual? All I said was how they can monitor ya with different aluminstes and a helper called monochrome that they had people put in my house. Thy kingdom come. Includes eye, ear, tongue, nose and hand, representing the sensory organs for the five classical senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. 5. A SLANDERER and ACCUSER is found in SHATHAN (SATAN) as follows: GANGSTALKED (IGNORANT). Why the United Police States of course! DEPOPULATION originates with SHATHAN (SATAN). Patent: US 20160375220 A1. There are books inscribed in heaven with a record of the life and futures of the wicked and the righteous. As I'll outline following this introduction. The GANGSTALKERS have the ability to rape, beat, and poison Targeted Individuals from a remote location through the invisible POWER OF THE AIR with directed energy weapons 24/7. The community around the Targeted Individual will be manipulated to HATE. My son is a TI how do I stop the Gangstalking? So, if you are on their list, it is like stepping on a piece of gum. Change ). The GANGSTALKERS want to CONFRONT and ENGAGE the Targeted Individual in person through conversation and interaction. A Targeted Individual (TI) is a person who has been place under 24/7 SURVEILLANCE and HARASSMENT by a group of strangers, but can include SURVEILLANCE and HARASSMENT by family, neighbors, friends and co-workers. She wrote a book exposing the Targeted Individual program, that included the training manual for Gangstalking. 2 Corinthians 12:7 “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Shathan (Satan) to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.”. Just To Suffer? There is hidden meaning in names and words. Since their connections in the political and law enforcement sides are strong so ponder over that fact. Who is REALLY behind the gang-stalking in my opinion? 1. Psychological Manipulation Notice: As of 8/18/14, I will no longer permit links in the comments section. After the brain of the Targeted Individual is hacked, the GANGSTALKERS can access the physical body of the Targeted Individual to induce sensations such as pain and various illnesses. YAHUWAH knew the Man Kind “BEFORE” they were born, and the ANGELS who have or had access to the books of heaven, also, have been given the ability to know the Man Kind “BEFORE” they are born. Lost your password? Occasional out of place sounding bird sounds / bird calls even at night. Methamphetamine and Targeted Individuals. GANGSTALKED (CONFRONTATION And ENGAGEMENT). The Meaning Of SLANDER And ACCUSE Unnatural HARASSMENT And Pursuit Of Targeted Individual. At this level, the Targeted Individual is IGNORANT of the fact that he or she is a Targeted Individual because the GANGSTALKERS are more covert in their tactics. From many account's ,from other online sources, it appears only decent, integrous people get gang stalked ;whistleblowers etc. It is possible that some of the fallen angels had access to these books before they were cast out of heaven, therefore, they may be well aware of some of the wicked and some of the people of YAHUWAH who will be called and chosen in these last days. A positive correlation of 0.118 was found between their life events and their illnesses. I use the word “LEVEL” to represent the intensity of tactics and the advancement of tactics. How To Legally Deal With Gang Stalking From Flying Monkeys and Narcissist. It is a type of synthetic telepathy. Liquid body wash and hand soaps that are colored after tampered with the coloring stains fabrics and the color of the soap separates and floats on suds when used with water. The woman in the U. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So, if you are on their list, it is like stepping on a piece of gum. The process of manipulation involves bringing an unknowing victim under the domination of the manipulator, often using deception, and using the victim to serve their own purposes.”, Motivations Of Manipulators The GANGSTALKERS can manipulate vital signs such as the body temperature, blood pressure, pulse (heart rate), and breathing rate (respiratory rate). Level two mainly targets the MIND. THE BAN (MALE CHILD) AND CO-CREATOR WHO GAVE HIS FLESH AND BLOOD LIFE FOR THE SINS OF THE MANKIND IS NAMED: Our AB which art in heaven, QADASH be thy name. Unfortunately, since gangs don't really come under any form of governmental control, that means there is no easy, official or formal way of having yourself removed from that list. Why Are We Still Here? Targeted Individuals call those who commit these crimes of SURVEILLANCE and HARASSMENT “perpetrators” or “perps” and GANGSTALKERS. 1. DEPOPULATION is found in SHATHAN (SATAN) as follows: (S)H(A)TH(A)N=SAA=TSAAH (H6808)=DEPOPULATION (S=TS) (second A=AH). This site uses Akismet to reduce spam., “Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. SHATHAN (H7854/H7853 SATAN)=ACCUSER=SLANDERER, Stressful Life Events And Illnesses Test I've heard that the DEA uses gang stalking techniques to target methamphetamine abusers as a way to combat the consumption of narcotics. Targeted Individuals “Before” You Are Born. The Creator Knew The Man Kind “BEFORE” They Were Born, Yaramyah (Jeremiah) 1:5 “BEFORE I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and BEFORE thou camest forth out of the WOMB (H7358 RACHAM) I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”. ACCUSE: DEFAME 1. You certsinly cannot do it by relocating. The first four levels of the GANGSTALKING program are specifically designed to target as follows: 1. The GANGSTALKERS are, dispatched to commit crimes against the person and property of the Targeted Individual such as breaking and entering the home of the target to commit crimes of theft and property damage. (continued), The fourth level of the GANGSTALKING program is as follows: (continued). If you are on FB, I will request a friendship if that is ok.. This is the period of time that the GANGSTALKERS watch the Targeted Individual and spend time gathering background information such as habits, health, sexual orientation, illegal activity, and people and places the Targeted Individual likes to visit. ALL levels of the GANGSTALKING program can be mentally and physically disturbing and debilitating. My dear beloved sister, thank you for this information. … I have been in this program at least 20 years, and am also aware we are in Revelations. The red blobs show the approximate location of the en:amygdala in the en:temporal lobes of the human brain. By that time, they already had a tracer on my vehicle. If the commenter wants their comment to appear in the comments section, please do not include "clickable" links or "spelled out" links which are designed to get around detection. Note: Beware of the “honey trap” agent at level three. How can I get off the list? We can’t stop it. peace , [1] By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at another’s expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive., “There are functional differences between the right and left amygdala. Note: All five levels of the GANGSTALKING program may include some form of SLANDER and ACCUSATIONS against the Targeted Individual. The first level of the GANGSTALKING program is as follows: SECRET is found in SHATHAN (SATAN) as follows: (SH)AT(H)AN=SHH=HUSH, SILENT, QUIET=SECRET. In my life, this translates as being constantly followed whenever I leave the house, driving or otherwise. Level one mainly targets the IGNORANT. eople who do gang stalking are not nice people, and they pick out people who have little to no power over them or be able to control them. Where does the language you translate so we’ll, originate from? The GANGSTALKING program is designed to psychologically manipulate and physically manipulate the life of the Targeted Individual. was the Chief Medical Officer for Northern Finland, where she became aware of the government's Gangstalking program.

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