identity photographers list

Man Ray firmly divided his photography from his work in other mediums, stating “I photograph the things that I do not wish to paint, the things which already have an existence.”. Depending on the photographer, this can be a raw, emotional self-portrait or a playful, charming portrait that shows a character. The results column will show you only the names within these boundaries. These seven photographers share their favorite tips for working with heavy shadow. In another, Seven Years, Morrissey stages herself and her old sister in a series of tableaus meant to mimic classic family snapshots. Her work gained importance after her death. CesiumJS is built on top of WebGL, a technology for high-performance 3D graphics supported by the latest browsers without plug-ins. That ID can be found after the Name, Nationality and Dates of the constituent. You can browse an alphabetical list of all constituents. Want to advertise with us? We also include many contemporary photographers with biographies in Wikipedia and WikiData, which maintain their own standards of notability. Make sure to fully read the terms and conditions before signing. Nan Goldin. Select from premium Opening Celebration For Identity Timothy Greenfield Sanders The List Portraits At The Annenberg Space For Photography of the highest quality. Daisuke Takakura, monodramatic “I use humor as a tool to disarm the viewer, which I hope evaporates leaving a slow burning psychologically tense afterglow.”. But if the search was too literal, you wouldn't find “Michèle” when you searched “Michele”. It won awards this year, and recognition around the world. In this age of the selfie, it's easy to think “isn't a self-portrait the same thing as a selfie?” Not exactly. Try it yourself, search for your hometown in the Location search bar, and use this trick to see who’s there! You can help us evacuate the island by finding locations we’re missing! The colors represent the provenance of the cell information (e.g. Here are our top 10 fine art photographers you should know about: Oleg Oprisco – The best part about Oleg’s work is that he shoots film. We are also using ElasticSearch to filter the data in many facets. Photographers’ Identities Catalog (PIC) is an experimental interface to a collection of biographical data describing photographers, studios, manufacturers, and others involved in the production of photographic images. If your work is in a museum somewhere, ask them to contact us with their list of photographers. Search his name in the search bar, then click his name to learn what collections we know that have his photographs. It’s the starting point for imagery that depicts the darkness this disorder brings—particularly the loss of a sense of self. This genre of photography can also be cathartic, a visual expression of inner emotions or a photographic diary. Photographers’ Identities Catalog (PIC) is an experimental interface to a collection of biographical data describing photographers, studios, manufacturers, and others involved in the production of photographic images. A remarkable photographer should be above all an artist.. unfortunately some of the most famous photographers are only mid to good studio photographer who got fame by shooting celebrities.. miss Sebastiao Salgado on the list.. to me one of the top 5 for sure.. technically and for his meaningful work. Rules and Regulations • • Terms and Conditions •. Artistic self-portraits are carefully composed photographs where the photographer, having full control of his or her body, is able to push their artistic expression to new heights. Instead, his self-portraits with a skull show him embracing his mortality, using the momento mori trope—a reminder of death, that has been common since the medieval period. A recurring theme in Warhol's self-portraits is drag. In 2010, the GEH database crashed one final time. Ashley Lumb of the Hemera Collective writes, “If we read anything into her portraits, it is their ‘inquisitive’'properties, their openness to the question ‘Who am I?' He often donned different wigs, which points back to his fascination with role-playing and artifice. I just use myself as a model because I know I can push myself to extremes, make each shot as ugly or goofy or silly as possible.”. 1. You could also select Wikipedia from the Sources, and within each entry, you’ll find a link directly to the article. A project of NYPL Labs and the The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs. He collaborated on these images with Christopher Makos, with the series inspired by Man Ray's 1920s work with Duchamp, in which they created a female alter ego for the artist. We think having too many results is the better problem to have. You might find world traveling photographers like Chester Burger and Kay Simmon Blumberg, photographers at the North or South Pole, or even in outer space! So from day one, photographers’ identities have been central to my work at NYPL. In her … Pinhole photography is actually the foundation of modern photography. Kai Z Feng is a Chinese photographer who came from China to be one of the most famous fashion photographers in the whole world. For many famous self-portrait photographers, their body is a canvas on which they can layer ideas and burrow into their inner psyche. I found that if I searched “*” it would give me the entire list of 90,000 entries- 20 names on the screen at a time. At that time the George Eastman House (now the Eastman Museum) hosted a database of biographical data on some 90,000 photographers. Bored Panda has compiled the most interesting examples of such photography, by including the most famous photographers like Steve McCurry, Lee Jeffries, and Lisa Kristien into our list, who have been able to unveil the raw beauty of our fellow humans. Some of the data in the catalog comes from directories like these 1940s directories of the Photographers’ Association of America, Cartes de visite in Ninteenth Century Photography, Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography, Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System, Minnesota Historical Society’s Directory of Minnesota Photographers, Photographers’ Association of America’s Classified Membership Directories, Photographers of the Pacific Northwest Database, Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide, processes, a timeline of photo history and a bibliography, browse an alphabetical list of all constituents, The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs. Also, PIC data skews heavily toward the United States and Europe, but we want to represent the whole of photo history. One of the more established feminist artists on this list, Japanese artist Sawada is interested in identity, individuality, sexuality and stereotypes. We regularly update PIC with new entries found there. Ciril Jazbec “Do everything for what you dream or think that is in your strengths! Check Availability. It’s a mix of trusted books, databases and websites published by photography scholars, as well as Wikipedia and Wikidata. Throughout his life, Man Ray would continue with self-portraits, often dressing up. Ali Mobasser, A Life Told with ID Photos. • Privacy Policy • After this initial cleaning, my list was reduced to about 65,000 “good” names. One of her most well-regarded projects, Front, sees the photographer insert herself in “family” portraits with complete strangers. Throughout her Investigation Workbook and Studio Work, Iris challenges perceptions of identity using paint and photography. This legend of fashion and portrait photography captured himself at several times throughout his career. PIC uses “fuzzy search” to give you results, so if you search for “Mary” you'll also get “Marc”. Photography makes creative use of both deep shadow and brilliant light. Posthumously, her work took on new meaning. And as much as self-portraiture has been a hallmark of painters throughout art history, photographers have continued this grand tradition. Wedding Photography Shot List. Using photography as a mode of expression away from her day job as a nanny, she shot over 150,000 photos, many of which are self-portraits. I migrated my sprawling spreadsheet into the Photography Collection’s cataloging database, where it has continued to expand and deepen (as of March 2016, there are over 115,000 photographers in PIC). She’s known for her meticulous detail in makeup and costumes, as well as her acting ability, which allow her to morph into different figures. Below are eight Surrealist photographers who raised questions on the nature of reality, humanity, and individual identity as they captured the world around them in novel ways. We’ve listed all of our sources in each record so you can double check our work. No list of self-portrait photography would be complete without Cindy Sherman. Often working with her partner Marcel Moore, her self-portraits focus on undermining gender roles and delve into questions of identity. We wanted to explore the possibilities offered by WebGL for visualizing and interacting with large, geographic datasets. American street photographer Vivian Maier’s work was largely unknown until after her death in 2009. Believing that I alone had all of this information, I continued the work of collecting and enriching my photographer data, checking it against other big lists and biographical dictionaries, adding missing names or dates, upgrading initials to full names, adding genders, addresses and any other useful information I could find. In fact, many of the Sources have great biographies, so check them out! 4. With hundreds of entries for people with the last name “Williams”, it would be really inefficient to scroll through, and click into, each entry to find the “Williams” active in the location you’re looking for. If you’ve got an idea for a creative, unusual photo, the couple is game, and you’re able to sneak it in to a hectic schedule, go for it! If you happen to search PIC while this is happening, you may see a lower number of constituents. It became an honest diary to confront the changes with her body and allowed her to change the power dynamic of the illness, giving her the ability to rewrite her history. Portrait photography is about capturing the essence, personality, identity and attitude of a person utilizing backgrounds, lighting and posing. A nose and mouth seamlessly transform into a forearm, and a forehead gradually becomes another man’s face. For the first part of her career, her photographs, using herself as the model, played with ideas of gender roles after she abandoned a career as a studio photographer shooting weddings and children. Theres no extensive photoshopping to create scenes that did not exist the moment his shutter released. Until then PIC can aid in connecting you to these existing authority files. Celebrating creativity and promoting a positive culture by spotlighting the best sides of humanity—from the lighthearted and fun to the thought-provoking and enlightening. This A* CIE A Level Photography project was completed by Freya Dumasia of Macleans College, Auckland, New Zealand.Freya achieved 92% overall for A Level (89% for AS) and was awarded an Outstanding Scholarship for NCEA Level 3. Their creativity and vision will have you take a moment and look twice at their pictures. Contact us at! Her self-portraits tell us about how this mysterious woman wished to be portrayed, rather than how she was known in her daily life. Jessica Stewart is a Contributing Writer and Digital Media Specialist for My Modern Met, as well as a curator and art historian. When used in the cataloging of materials, these identifiers begin to form a web of data across institutions. Full list after jump. She earned her MA in Renaissance Studies from University College London and now lives in Rome, Italy. Nearing the end of his life—Mapplethorpe died from AIDS-related complications in 1989—his self-portraits turn introspective. (As it turned out, the original editors of that database, Andrew Eskind and Greg Drake, had a full copy, and it is again online at Please let us know! She was a prolific writer as well, with her writings pointing to her identifying as agender, though most academic articles refer to her using female pronouns. The more casual selfie is often seen as different by its intent. When a source is a US Census, City or Business Directory, Military Records or Death Records, that means NYPL staff has conducted original research on the subject. It was sold at Christie’s for $3.89 million, making it the most expensive photograph ever sold at the time. Receive our Weekly Newsletter. French photographer Claude Cahun produced a stunning series of self-portraits in the 1920s, disguising herself as a vampire, angel, and skinhead, among other costumes. Conversely, many self-portrait photographers carry out longterm projects that can only be appreciated when seen as a whole. 1. Because this gave me only the names, nationalities and dates of the photographers, I manually checked those that seemed to be duplicate entries or names whose data was too scant to be of use. “Her work stands out for being so open: she was not ashamed nor scared of showing her body at its most vulnerable, naked and scarred from surgery the images are incredibly powerful,” shares Niamh Coghlan, gallery director at Richard Saltoun, which has exhibited Spence’s work. When she’s not spending time with her three dogs, she also manages the studio of a successful street artist. “There has been a lot of interest in her work, work which can often be unsettling in its openness. While this definition may sound simple, portrait photography can be one of the most challenging forms of photography to master. Then use your mouse to draw a rectangle around the area or point (click and drag), and click “Apply”.

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