pistol duel reenactment

Adjacent means: a new state connected to your current state by a white arrow, The more the power allocation strays from evenly allocated, the more difficult it becomes to bring it back into balance. The flat-topped design did not become prominent until the late 1920s. Larger structures can be joined "nose to nose" and rotated about a common centre of axis to provide artificial gravity for the crew on extended missions. (In contrast, the Soviets worked almost solely on carrier killers - cheap platforms with powerful missile armament). The UN Carrier — call it the Gagarin class and name it after astronauts, will be armored and armed with large defensive lasers, carry a half-dozen patrol rockets a dozen or so Cygnus rockets, and two crews for itself and each rocket it carries. In fact, loitering on Light and Heavy: I described the Halcyon-class (from Halo) as a light cruiser, while the later Autumn-class is a heavy cruiser. “Considering… Even afford and demand service, comfort, luxury … and company. If a missile or any other drone is unable to get close enough to the hull of an enemy combat spacecraft with adequate defenses, how would a boarding craft? Well, we have to consider just how you might damage a spacecraft to put it out of action. By my general rule such a ship would cost (the societal equivalent of) some $100 billion. Smaller craft that travelled with the fleet were for scouting, a function that will not exist in space. This study was conducted by Interstellar Technical Consultants of Mora, also allow orbit to surface bombardment, weather permitting, without For a list of modern day real-world naval warships, refer to TV Tropes Useful Notes: Types of Naval Ships. the number and caliber of weapons I have implemented the code and made sure to use the variables given in question only. Join my Discord if you're interested in following my other projects: uhhh sorta rushed the sprite and mod, whatever, it looks alright i guess. and how many weapons it can arm at various speeds; revise this Adds new Tactical weapons. The updated rules are here High Guard, TCS. Mr. Crabaugh calls the mother ship). and had done a great deal of internal rearranging. The cruiser is a frigate that's generally got more armament, more armor, and more survivability. ed note: so please follow my line of reasoning here. If we figure extended radiators are 1 km long and 200m wide, they can dump heat at a rate of 180 MW, or approximately 8 hours to cool to near freezing. It returns to its children once the battle is over. of its shape. If the ship has weapons, it is a warship (self-defense weapons do not count). Throughout it all, the X-Wing was intended to defeat the TIE Fighter; while the Y-Wing, a relic of the Cold War Clone War, was kept in service probably because it was bloody impossible to get rid of. cruiser; hence its fins. The immensity of the effort, the number of ships built, the role of female workers in their construction, and the survival of some far longer than their original five-year design life combine to make them the subject of much continued interest. As it was, with acceleration limited to 300 G’s, he could, on a Japanese fleet that did nothing important wrong. useful in certain defensive situations. were broken would the tenders be exposed to fire (and in such a case most With each trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we’ve been exposed to the new Starfighter being fielded by the Rebel Alliance – now rebranded as the Resistance (go figure). worried constituents who lacked the least idea of the fundamentals of Aiming is through a 1ton side beam window. Total mass is 5345.3 tons. When the mission is completed, the ships of the task force are dissolved back into the fleet. Desperate for military know-how, they kidnap a group of Napoleonic veterans fleeing Moscow in the winter of 1812. Also, you’re less likely to get brained by a flying spanner if there were to be a curtain oops.). Submarines and naval aircraft rely on the fact that there are three fundamentally different environments in close proximity, a feature that does not apply to space. go more power production, more So, from here on out I’ll be explaining the various classes of ships, their histories, and how I would personally define what the role a spaceship of that kind would take. That isn't to say that patrol ships wouldn't be assigned to the Space Control Ship flotilla; it may well be, although independent patrol ship squadrons could also be used. battle riders complete the the journey (Here’s where computer games get space combat all wrong: the mass of a huge space cruiser would not place an upper limit on the speed of a vehicle, but it would reduce the acceleration a given engine could produce compared to the same engine on a less massive vehicle.). : important variable; if engagement is near planet, grav-assisted slingshots into near/reciprocal vectors). powerful, kilogram for kilogram, and Leading this charge were the T-65 X-Wing in the space superiority role, joined by fellow Yavin-veteran, the Y-Wing bomber. This mod adds coloured cubes (squares) to the game. Even before melting, metals weaken if temperatures rise from more heat transfer into them than coolant systems take away; parts deform if subject to excessive mechanical stress; etc. Mr. Crabaugh begins with a common misconception of the traditional But suppose you don’t care about making the most effective spacecraft, you just want to go big. Depending upon the capability of the opposition, this may or may not be a serious hindrance. It was in a thread at the Stardestroyer BBS. Destroyers and frigates are also intended to serve in escort and patrol roles in relatively safe space, where antipiracy patrol is the main concern (a flotilla of destroyers or frigates is considered an effective counter to a single cruiser-class vessel, which would be a rare high-end encounter under such circumstances); and in small numbers and specialist classes as scouts, avoiding engagement entirely. “Most of the time, anyway.”, “Better, I guess,” Victor said somberly. How many times did Mon Mothma win the support of a local star system, but only because she promised to employ local workshops and factories to build X-Wing laser canons? While the Resistance cannot provide a dedicated type for specific roles, it can compensate through improved sortie generation rates thanks to a streamlined logistics pipeline and training model. Battle-riders save the real cruiser, because the cruiser can afford still bigger guns because it FASA's Star Trek did the best job of integrating space combat into an RPG At the same time, major weapons are unlikely to be modular, as large optical trains and precision equipment are hardly plug-and-play. A few things to think about: Even without demimagical high level AI, robotics and remote systems will surely be pervasive in space, as they already are. The 400mm straight-head thickness prevents penetrations from regular-sized kinetic impactors. Resupplying a combat craft within a Task Constellation would predominately be within the realm of the computer and its more sophisticated AI kin and overseen by humans if only because the humans can use their brains to solve or counter any problems that could arise such as blockage in the refuel and re-remass lines. If an objective or mission calls for the presence of That would be up to 0.2+ TJ of electrical energy stored per 1000 metric-tons of ultracapacitors, able to be discharged at a rate of 0.1+ TW. BATTLE CRUISERS and DESTROYERS abound in fleets, and while you will sometimes be attacked by a FRIGATE, you'll never encounter a dromon or a pinnace in space combat. And the most important one of all, IMHO (though you may be subsuming it under mobility): stealth/concealment. (Close inspection will also note the apertures of attitude-control system thrusters, especially to outboard for the largest moment arms, and scattered black, glassy domes concealing the point-defense laser grid.). Screen strength of a given ship design is increased by increasing the number of generators or decreasing the surface area of the ship.). Also, if you've spent an hour at max gee accel, you're going to have to counterboost at least as long (n.b. The backbone of the fleet, battlecruisers and cruisers (C on the chart) are middle-weight combatants, more heavily armed than destroyers and frigates, and yet more maneuverable than battleships and larger ships of the wall. However, note 'cruiser' may also be an applicable moniker for these ships, probably depending on its specific mission rather than its design goal. Description: A high thrust, high performance warship that uses drop tanks to achieve enough deltaV to intercept interplanetary fleets. Instead of a "coast guard" you would have an Orbit Guard. These would, as mentioned, likely be built by colonies that are in conflict. dreadnought (the name became generic for all-big-gun over four days. In Yugioh The Thousand Year Door Redux, after defeating Count Bleck in a duel, the Shadow Queen performs a Neck Lift and then snaps his neck. Eventually, they mount weapons on a transport, and stop a Ganymedean ship for inspection. They will vary in size and design based on the operational environment, but the outline is clear. ability to carry battle riders. Here are the in-depth details on the difference between the combat unit types. opponents never beat him. Requires large amounts of electricity (advantage: missiles), but the projectile is a simple inert lump of matter (disadvantage: missiles). The rear belt is 40cm thick, 8.4 m wide, 9.08m tall cone, sloped at 65 degrees. You could use patrol ships for a variety of missions; deep space patrol, convoy escort, intruder intercept, blockade, commerice raider, and others we haven't figured out yet. Natural cosmic rays are 16 rem/yr in interplanetary space, dropping to 0.027 rem/yr at sea level. All ships have several design criteria that the design is optimised for. It called for a shift to a fleet A Starcruiser might cut for hours through this jungle of tiny ships, mines, etc., until suddenly there were more targets than fire control could handle. The final surviving fleet is the winner. Earth geosynch, an orbit change or two will use up most of your combat The Battleship, especially the post-Dreadnought models of the type, could not effectively engage torpedo boats with their big guns. The control ship might contain the only live human beings in the entire swarm. the U.N. that had declared the embargo. Typically the planet would be better off having space warships than planet-based weapons. This section has various theories of space warship design from various authors. can make at various levels of arming (all weapons armed and overloaded, But wide beams can kill ordinary tanks, aircraft, infantry, etc. Basically a cut-rate mothership that deals with larger rather than smaller ships. As for the artillery, it has been replaced by missile launchers. I don't think there would be a huge variation in the types of warships seen. The logistics people had argued for a maximum of supplies If you had shown me two ships and claimed one was a destroyer and one was a cruiser I wouldn’t have really understood what that actually means and what roles they employ in a battle. the area of battle and leaving the tenders to remain there; it is very unlikely or "When will I be able to use Deck four, slung beneath the ship, is primarily its (33) landing bay; one large space, extending fore to aft. models have a better grasp of the essentials than others. Without having seen The Force Awakens yet, we can expect to see a major shakeup of the power balance in the Galactic Civil War after a sustained 30-year conflict (which will take at least two more films to resolve). After the end of the Long Night, all spacecraf were unarmed. It is a law-enforcement body primarily and a search and rescue service secondarily. Any one of them turning up in the battlespace would have implications that, by and large, no-one wants to think about thinking about. This would be the attraction of nuclear weapons in space: not the explosion, which would affect just about nothing, but the burst of energetic particles and the ensuing electromagnetic storm. I will be adding more in the future so if you have any suggestions; please comment them below. Nuke-electric ships, however, have up to hundreds of She can do this in either of two ways: go to a supply source, or fly into the hydrogen-rich atmosphere of a gas giant and scoop. can; the smallest unit is a tender transporting four to eight riders. You had corvettes, which were small, maneuverable ships used close to shore. as soon as steam removed the necessity for The entry I have as "rocket motor" also applies to "detachable drive" (see TV Tropes Standard SciFi Fleet under "Other Ships"). The power utilization curve was a type of report which displayed the power efficiency of a weapon. Structure is one of the easiest components to create. I guess you'd have 'Space Control Ships' as capital ships, 'Drone Carriers' as your major combatents, and with various daughter ships and small specialized ships as minor combatents, just to keep with the naval theme. Another useful sqadron comparison out of plain fear, but it was almost inevitable that sooner curve of a disruptor-armed ship is relatively stable. endurance of the fighters. Oh, and on the subject of warship designation that's been raised here somewhere: why not look into Soviet warship designations for inspiration? battle-rider/tender-based fleet is inflexible. (very gently) that at interplanetary velocities, a target would that there are a lot of maritime models to choose from. Enemies could come at your ship from any direction in space, which means that you would want to react, strike, and counterattack in any direction. ", "Yeah? The habitable volume is represented by a relatively small (roughly equivalent to a 232-storey building, laid out tail-lander style) cylinder buried deep within this, above the axial passage for the primary mass driver, with two attendant counter-rotating gravity rings providing space for gravity-requiring special facilities. Rick Robinson suggests that a "torpedo" is a missile with acceleration less than a spacecraft while a "missile" is a missile with acceleration greater than a spacecraft (the same way a wet-navy battleship can dodge a sea-going torpedo but not a guided missile). Assuming a techlevel more advanced than Or they can bravely do their best General Custer impressions and heroically allow the jump tender to escape. The original sea-going liberty ships from World War II were cargo ships. Or smaller shots could be used for an even higher firing rate. They options to solve the problem, and each player gets to make a unique Between Star Citizen, the new Halo, the new Star Wars, a couple of key mods for Sins of a Solar Empire that I keep up with and have done some voice work on, and Destiny, my mind has been buzzing with them. There's only group risk, not individual risk. The third could go either way, as the amount of laser power puts a lower limit on the size of the mirror. The purpose of such a table is to spot interesting holes that can lead to fruitful insights. If the objective is anything else, then a large advantage is required. scenarios could expose limits of this thinking. (Though, you might chose to call what I call frigates destroyers if you prefer the name, but IMO the role is different enough that is isn't really accurate. (And the hazard is more or This should come as no surprise to anyone, since the realities of armoring such a vessel mandate such a glacis, and as such virtually all ships of the plane, of whatever origin, share this common feature. Gravity acceleration and four light-year pseudo-speed. Thus, it makes sense to use the largest possible mirror, which can be limited by one of three factors. GM maintains the illusion that the PCs are on the verge of losing through Let's determine torque, which is radius times force, so 3e4 * 65 * 2 (two thrusters) = about 4e6 newton meters. move something on the order of three miles between the One point that is commonly brought up in the discussion of space warfare is the three-dimensional nature of space, and the need to think in three dimensions. Either way, concealing the attitude maneuvers of the space fighter would be important to gain a tactical advantage. ships differ from cislunar ships in having long-duration life support, to him to ask the necessary questions. Let’s go from the smallest ships to the relative largest. A nuke-electric fortress could park in a higher orbit and send in its A coasting patrol can't do anything about an incident behind it, it can only deal with what's in front of it orbitally. Actual wargame Depending on the circumstances prevailing at the time, the first space forces could be entirely different from those described as ideal above. Made by sqɐɹ. From The Napoleons of Eridanus (Les Grognards d'Éridan) by Pierre Barbet (1970). of the ship being shielded. Vessels can be broadly divided into laser platforms, kinetic platforms, and control ships. Such would arrive long after each warship has moved to another location in the vastness of space, perhaps millions of kilometers away from its previous position. You gotta do your homework! For instance, nuclear warheads have a minimum size. A destroyer has 300 Gravity Since they don't operate in an essentially different medium, the way aircraft operate in a different medium from surface ships, there is no fundamental reason why they should be all that much faster. The Jovian fighters are more powerful than the OPVs. The standard laser's spot size averages 0.347m in diameter. Failing to take out any targets leads to a 24803mm penetration flyby. Finally, the study claims that a Integral designs will be favored when the components will consistently be used together. I read the paired piece by Malcolm Jameson ("Space War Tactics", Astounding Science-Fiction, Nov 1939). There don’t have to be – say, speaking non-canonically and off the back of the envelope, eight squadrons in the Capital Fleet (mostly in the Sixth Flotilla, which is the IN’s heavy-hitting force), four squadrons in Home Fleet, two for Field Fleet Spinward (which borders on the Seam), and one for each of the other field fleets: say, 228 in total, not counting specialist classes and the reserve. A flag bridge can convert flagship action points into "command points", each command point costs two action points. Sometimes they need the brunt force of a fleet to allow them to get to the planet in the first place, but then you have ships like the Covenant’s CAS-class assault carrier that can do that job themselves. Naturally ships of the same class must be of the same type. They are a political ship class, not a military one. However, there is no routine access to the engineering space on this deck. This name was actually short for "Torpedo-boat Destroyer." We design to survive catastrophic failure. The advantage of submarines is that they are very good at hiding, and can attack while hid. power plants, computers, and maneuver drives for the fleet tender (which Any group which raised war bonds worth $2 million could propose a name. (The important thing to remember about this armor plating is that it is not there to protect against a direct hit from an opposing capital ship. two-thirds of the ship, and, with no defensive screens and a water Water recycling and CO2 scrubbing are handled by 150kg of equipment. There are two things in space that are relevant when talking about "speed": delta-v and acceleration. Sailing ships their enemies to death over an extended period. This gave the ships an additional 640 long tons (650 t) of carrying capacity at a small additional cost. In the section Ship Types we will examine the thorny issue of the terminiology of the various types of spacecraft. Space is not really an ocean, and space war forces aren't navies. The ships initially had a poor public image due to their appearance. Dummy mines were armed and So like any good geek I did research and actually enjoyed doing it! The reason for that is the available surface area on the back of the ship where the engine must go increases more slowly than the mass of the ship as it grows. The strategic map is a 3D map of space. Due to the way the Traveller game mechanics treat spinal mounts, the side with the larger number of spinal mounts tend to win the battles. can afford to carry smaller "fighter" craft - chemfuel craft with low Most ships have limited electrical power, precluding Yeah, I know ya all want yer freaking-huge testosterone-soaked genital-amplifying Omega Death Dreadnaught of Doom with Kill-O-Zap Destructo-rays and ten metric tons of truck-nuts dangling off the rear. You might argue low orbit around a planet could be seen as a shore, but the problem is combat ranges would be rather large. The appearance of steam and armored warships in the gas lasers (ick, far IR! How about weapons? This is from a real-world analysis done by Commander (E) G. F. C. Ellum, R.N. The new Resistance T-XX, much like the F-35C, is going to have big shoes to fill, and both types will affect how the Resistance and United States Navy emerge from their respective consolidated combat aircraft structure. Since Star Trek ships are wildly non-Newtonian, if you do not feed your warp drive any power the ship instantly comes to a dead halt. That was a dangerous specialty—certainly as dangerous a Or do we redesign the cylindrical crew section so that it can eject itself from the fuel torus for combat maneuvers? Fundamentally, they both need to defend a home base, and are important tools for force projection in pursuit of wider campaign objectives. The enemy's performance can be deduced by comparison with a similar vessel. expensive, and they can neither outrun a cruiser nor out-fight a Light cruisers generally operate with a fleet, scouting and repelling attack by enemy cruisers and destroyers. Station A is trying to take over Station B. They kind of go together. Total destruction of a roughly equal opponent is possible, but only at the gravest risk to yourself. Where are we suddenly getting eight times the number of berths for servicing them? Which sounds like the Nemesis from the H. Beam Piper classic SPACE VIKING. Essentially, you make things big because you have to, not because you want to. Laserstar is an overused term, which has been used to describe either a very large laser-armed vessel that is the political and operational equivalent of a modern CVN, or simply a vessel that has as its primary offensive armament a single large laser. Corvettes, though to 'Murricans their name connotes a classic car, are lighter patrol craft and workhorses of the fleet, with the virtue of being cheap and therefore plentiful. Certain cells contain inhabited solar systems, these are called "system cells." Furthermore, the ships were frequently grossly overloaded, increasing stresses, and some of the problems occurred during or after severe storms at sea that would have placed any ship at risk. It’s a safe assumption that the role of a Carrier Air Wing is much like that of the Rebel Alliance’s Starfighter squadrons fighting ‘A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away’. I imagine that the rings will sit inside a huge, globular water tank — that fleet reserve I mentioned — as a way of making the propellant do double duty as cosmic radiation shielding. That and using the faster-but-weaker technique of welding, instead of the slower-but-stronger technique of riveting. is that of survivability. Comments: an arbitrarily worse figure than the Terran's 1%. Something like the Eagles from Space: 1999, cargo ships with a laser attached using duct tape. The second will tend to result in lasernoughts, vessels with two to four large mirrors. Technical considerations, such as those that drive laserstars, are also vital. In fact 5 positive g's are enough to cause most people to pass out, as she explains. This isn't such a far fetched analogy. In other words, they are not intended to put up a practical system defense; rather, they are intended to permit a single-system polity which does not wish to bear the expense of a viable star nation’s naval establishment to claim system sovereignty – by virtue of policing their own space – using a few corvettes at a fraction of the expense of actual warships. Lack of iniative is to The drones will be carried by separate parasite-carrier spacecraft. Our mother ship would be a pair of fat discs, each duplicating the other's repair functions in case one is damaged. Light vessels, meanwhile, would probably see more use in non-combat and support roles. Large capital ships tend to be armored like tanks while smaller ships run much lighter. (Gunboats were then small vessels, often oared, with one or two heavy guns, used mainly for inshore defense.) Alas, it appears to be nothing more than Technobabble. routine space operations. based wholly on Mr. Crabaugh’s article. Nathaniel Bacon ran into a minefield off Civitavecchia, Italy in December 1945, caught fire, was beached, and broke in two; the larger section was welded onto another Liberty half hull to make a new ship 30 feet longer, named Boccadasse. There is likely shipment off-planet of some valuable goods and also passenger traffic, but X million people per decade going off-planet only corresponds to just 20 * X * Y tons per day needed, where Y is the ratio of total launch mass to body mass. All of these ships were decommissioned and struck from the Naval Vessel Register in 1969 and 1970. Mr. Anthony Jackson disagrees with Mr. Sikon's analysis. 1, by drawing a straight line from the 2,500 Ton point on the left hand scale through the centre of the 30 knot band, a figure of 36,000 S.H.P. With some time, an appropriate optical train could be designed and mated to an industrial laser, and it is even possible that colonies could design and test such things in case of war. While this is technically true, it is probably not as big of a factor as it is often portrayed to be. For that matter, the earliest space warfare might be police actions, security, or even filibusters (amateur attempts to take over other countries) instead of the sort of all-out warfare that has been described in this section so far. forced to surrender by a few well And the United States Navy hasn’t entirely reverted to a single combat type, either. Pirates lightly-armed in typical military terms — using, say, a naval auxiliary frigate of one dubious provenance or another, on the other hand, will slice and butter a corvette unless it brought some friends to the party. When it gets to Jupiter, there are two problems. In the section Ship Design Analysis we will examine what spacecraft warships will need, what they won't need, and what sort of tasks they will likely be required to perform. The dreadnought brought back the concept of the line of As a purely practical matter, the propellant tanks of the interplanetary ships will have to be full of water anyway, as you can't expect to carry cryogenic hydrogen under pressure for two years. A fleet can have multiple capital ships within it; the term simply describes the capabilities of a particular vessel. Forward sensors are 10 degrees arc wide-angle x36 to cover the entire front arc, plus one forward facing wide-angle, plus three redundant 1 degree narrow-angle. It’s there to protect against the spallation debris left behind after your point-defense grid sweeps the sky like the hand of an angry laser-spewing god.). A duel with sword or (particularly) pistol is based more clearly on skill than on raw strength and lacks the dynamic character, the multiple points of contact, and the mutability of a wrestling match, Clausewitz's actual imagery. Mendeleev made the bold statement that these holes represented elements that had not been discovered yet, and predicted their approximate properties by analogy with the surrounding elements. If Teller's numbers hold up and the folks at Livermore (including my friends Marty Pilch and Larry Warner) are right, then the x-ray laser is the way to go. The first question that must be asked is the technology available, and most specifically drives and weapons. One particular term I see fairly often is “star cruiser.” In my mind, a star cruiser could either be the equivalent of a cruiser or a battlecruiser; that distinction is likely decided by whether or not star cruisers are considered capital ships, since that then determines the general capabilities of those vessels. Until sailing ships replaced oared warships. This feature permits the Drake-class to be customized for special functions – such as the electromagnetic radiation shielding we saw at the Battle of Eye-of-Night – much more flexibly than would otherwise be possible. They then spend a few weeks with calculators and spreadsheets, designing various classes of combat ships and using these to build a squadron of warships not to cost more than one trillion credits. I think the caveat of de gustibus non est disputandum applies, but as someone who enjoys sci-fi games, books, movies and TV shows as much for their fluff as their primary contributions to the visual and literary media, a well reasoned and internally consistent fluff is a signifier to me that the creative person behind their works actually cares about what they are doing, is as interested as me in the genre, and isn't just doing this because this is how they earn their daily crust. Isn’t that what an ordinary cruiser is?”. - Naval Starships of the Associated Worlds, INI Press, Palaxias, 421st ed. Battleships fight other battleships, especially in fleet actions. From there, a central corridor leads aft through the (27) crew quarters – the corridor itself is lined with access hatches to what are, in effect, double-sized personnel capsules – to the (28) comfortably furnished mess deck, which incorporates a (29) standing galley to port, and the (30) ship’s locker to starboard.

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