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Please don’t worry of weight dear, our priority is to make sure that the baby is active and healthy. At 11 months, he is 7.3 kg, He is an active baby, completing his milestones well. Waist 34 now it is 32. Due to this, nearly 80% of the mails I receive every day are about babies’ weight, particularly about how to know if they are underweight and what to do if that is the case. However if you wish to see him chubby, try adding weight gain foods regularly in his diet for best results . Alternatives of milk like Paneer, cheese, curd can also be included in his diet. his birth weight is 3.2kg, he gain weight normally till 5 month. My baby weighed 3.09kg at birth and is now 3.8kg. April 2017 Updated to Font-Awesome 4.7.0 . Should I be concerned? He will be able to sit without support very soon. Now she is 11 months & wt is only 6.1 kg. Here’s how to keep her healthy and encourage her to return to solids: He eats very well. Is her weight okay for her age? Now he is 1 year and 10 months. As long as the baby is otherwise active. Try giving small volumes of nutritious foods in regular intervals Sindhu. That doesn’t mean that it has to be perfectly the same way. yes normally, we wudnt mind her weight as for us, as long she is active, we are okay..but lately many have noticed her weight and told us to try this n that to increase her weight…my wife and me are considered small size as well..pls advise us. After that breastfeed as per demand throughout the night. He is very very active and prompt. We give her normal diet like rice, milk, fish, egg etc. she is very active and achieving her milestones,is her lack of weight gain something i should worry about? Hi Lavanya, you need not worry about her weight as long as she is healthy and active. Several questions were raised regarding the player's fitness ahead of his debut as a certain section of fans was apprehensive about his chances of making it big in the longer format. pls reply …. Not at all dear, it’s perfectly fine as your baby is active and healthy Keep concentrating on healthy feeding and avoid any food with preservatives. Weight is definitely not to be worried, if your baby is active and healthy. Please help TIA. That would be enough , Hi my baby is 1 yr and 3 months she weighs 9.45 kg sometimes she is a picky eater. What should i do? My baby boy is 11 months old and he is just 6.6 kg. Solid foods should be started only when your child is 6 months old. There are several factors which would be the cause for the baby’s height or weight. Thanks. Please don’t worry about weight if your baby is active and healthy . Just encourage him and support from back when he tries to push himself up. is her weight ok or comment me about her weight. Still i am worried for her weight though she is active n urinating more than 10 times in a day… He eats cow milk and home made food. And also can i give him cow’s milk ftom niw onwards? Please suggest.. As long he is active and healthy you don’t have to worry about his weight. My baby’s birth weight was 3kg. my baby girl is 3years 4months old. He is a fussy eater & doesn’t like any grainy texture in his mouth & refuses to eat. You can also add weight gaining mixes to his milk to make the milk more appealing and nutritious. His weight is perfectly fine. Any height and weight is okay as far as the baby is active and healthy. It’s not to be worried. Our baby boy birth weight was 4.100 KG and currently, at 19th month he is around 16 kg. My daughter is 11 month old. I love to help and guide new parents through their journey of raising healthy babies.... Read More. My son was was born prematurely at 31wks weighing 1.2kg ,he is now 1year and is weighing 6.4kg im very worried he is underweighed but he is active,happy and eats well only his weight worries me. She’s an active baby My boy is 8 months and weighs 6.6 he doesn’t eat anything and am very worried pls advice me, You need to start or initiate with the self feeding technique to your child start introducing finger foods once your child is used to it you can feed many colored foods,different sizes,shapes food and arrange it in a different positions or scenary depict the story and make your child eat. MY 2 YEAR BABY GIRL IS 10.500 KG ONLY, SHE IS EATING WELL AND NOT GAINING WEIGHT,I AM GIVING HER HEALTHY FOOD,,HER BIRTH WEIGHT WAS 2.500 KG, AND SHE WAS A PREMATURE BABY,PLEASE REPLY ME…I AM WORRYING TOO MUCH. As long as your baby’s diet is adequate and balanced you don’t have to worry about his weight. As we always say, Weight is definitely not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy , Hi,doctor 17. Hello doctor. As long as your little one is active and healthy there is no need to be worried and since you both are also into smaller side, if any one asks let them know that your daughter takes after you . My daughter was born 3kgs ,she has been adding at least 1kg after every month .at 6 months she was 8.4 and has not added weight since and she is now 1 year. He is very active. But weight is not to be worried if your baby is healthy and active. Weight is perfectly fine as long as the baby is active dear. wt. kindly guide me and help me . It’s not because of weight dear. she can turn she is passing smile. Rahkeem Cornwall raised many eyebrows when he debuted for West Indies in 2019. He is pure breastfed until now, sometimes he is distracted and did not eat enough solid food, I am trying giving him homo milk but it is challenging on my part as he doesn’t want to drink it. son is 18 months old and is 13 kgs.His birth weight was 2.8 kgs.He is an active baby. Each and every baby is different dear. Is his weight is ok. It’s important to feed your baby with fresh fruits and vegetables. make sure you let me know if he has any visible improvements. She was gaining 140 to 180 gms per week till 3 months and after that her weight gain slowed down which was when she started rolling over.. she is very active, rolling over both sides, trying to move, sitting with minimum support etc.. The player made his much-anticipated Test debut in 2019 against India at the Sabina Park in Jamaica. .do u understand my pblm. Being chubby isn’t necessarily a sign of good health, since an obese baby is prone to several health problems throughout his life. Some kids do have less appetite and are still active. His weight is normal. Hi Dr, or pick one of this All the best. most of the times she loves to eat oatmel with almonds They were weighing 2kg each now they are 4 monthhs old but mow dey weighs 5.6 kg is the weight enough for my babies. As long as your baby gets the nutrients she needs during this phase, there’s no real cause for concern. Hi, It’s okay if baby is active and healthy. She is on iron supplements now. My son was born with 2.15 kg. She doesnot feed herself even a bite. when she will get teeth? Hi, my baby boy’s bw ws 2.4,new he completed 15months,nd his weight is 9.5.he is very active,His weight is normal?? . Hi my baby girl birth weight was 3.1 kg.ahe is only 4.4 kg at 2 month 22 days.she is active.she is on exclusive breast feedind but does not drink the milk for more than 5 min while feeding.Is this weight normal? His weight is perfectly fine . I feel good. daughters birth weight was 2.05kg..her weight now is 6.69?Is it normal..i had changed her milk 3 times.her pedia told me that her weight is for 9 mos old only.. Hi Nancy, you need not worry about your daughter’s weight as long as she is healthy and active dear. Agewise height and weight chart for babies, standard height and weight chart for babies,,,,,,,, I came back from her doctor’s appointment and she weighed only 4.5kg. Thanks. How to make Dry Fruits Powder For Babies easily at Home? she is active, able to sit without support, standing by holding on wall / sofa / us, trying to walk holding things, standing without holding anything fr about 10 – 20 secs, saying few words like amma, thatha and always active. Give oats and other healthy options. Have a word with your doctor so that you can feel even more relaxed . what can i do? What do i have to give my babies for weight gain. At 6 weeks she weighs 5.1. Plz suggest me next course of action. .too late only. What shall I do to gain her some more weight, You can add weight gain foods regularly in baby’s diet for best results. he is 7.1. Though some kids don’t gain weight yet are very active and comfortable. Please give me some diet tips to improve her weight.Other than low weight she is an active bright girl. As overall his developent is good. He’s a bit underweight. My son has completed 13 month ago..still he has 4 teeth only which is 2 nos on upper and lower side. More important is to give nutritious food. Interpretation –  I would say Baby A has a normal growth and weight gain as she has followed the percentile line. and pls give me the detail how can we gate gain in her we start cow’s milk for her. Hii my baby is 15 month old and she weighs just 7.8 kg…I’m too worried for her…she gots swelling n dark circle under her eyes …Dr says that she has iron deficiency.., Hi mam My baby birth wt was 2.2kg, after 6 months she was 5.5 kg . My babygirl birth weight is1.300kg now she is7.5month old and her weight is 4.800.I am worrying about her growth. Here are some options you could try to ensure baby gets ample nutrition But variations are not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy. Please advise. Is that normal? You can check our weight gain foods and other nutrition filled recipes to ensure that the baby is healthy. Please advice. Considering her low weight im not trying anything. 7.30 PM Breast feed as per demand is it normal weight? My Daughter was 2.3kg at birth…. My baby boy was 3.2 kgs at birth now at 3months 18 days weighs 5.6 kgs. My 11 month baby is 7.8kg and 68cm. Should i worry if she won’t eat her meal? Is her weight and height is normal? My girl s weight is 16 Kg at 4 years is she under weight or correct?? So moms, as long as your child is happy and healthy, and folloeing his weigh chart, don’t worry about their weight much. No need of worrying of weight if baby is active and healthy dear. You must ensure give weight gain foods and nutritive foods to the little one. These are simplified field tables for easy use and interpretation.You can view and download charts from the WHO Website as well. Is it a problem of overweight. she well takes to fruits and vegetables to ate. Is this normal ? Please advice. 4. Don’t be concerned if there isn’t an appropriate increase in weight over 1 week – wait and see what happens over 3 months. It’s great to know that she is healthy and active. Please need your advise about weight and growth patter chart.. As long as he is active and healthy you don’t have to worry about his weight gain, you can try the following weight gaining foods like sathumaavu, banana powder, multgrain health drink etc. If yes then there is not much to worry, some kids are lean yet very active and healthy. My baby birth weight was 2.7kgs. Please check food charts for 6 months baby and a link that has options for these babies. Pediatrician says that per day baby should gain 30gms weight if not we should do anomaly scan for baby. .but he ate daily egg rice with parupu banana yogurt apple dosai or idly.. If you feel worried, please have a word with your pediatrician as well. Now 3rd month completed his weight 6.9 kg, is it normal. The basic idea is that, the baby should have tripled the birth weight by 1 year. Birth weight was 3Kg. IS IT WEIGHT OK. Dr. 2. Hello mam . If you like to add her weight, there are many weight gaining foods that can be added to her diet like Ghee, Cheese, Dry Fruits, Ragi, Potato, Sweet Potato, Milk, Kerala Banana Powder, Pear, Peas, Avocado, Paneer, Banana, Coconut Oil etc. She just latch on my breast for few minutes and cries a lot if I express my milk and give. my son is 5 and weighs 16 kg he is o.k very active shout I be concerned about the weight? Pls suggest what to do also tell me about weight. Please don’t worry about weight. What do i have to give my babies for weight gain. Hope you are visiting pediatric for monthly checkups too. So here is an article that can help you to know if your baby is in ideal range in height and weight. Hi my baby boy is 2 years 2 months old his weight is 12.5 kg n he is very much active is the weight is ok. getting breast milk. Please suggest, Please dont worry about weight if the toddler is active and healthy. She looks a bit chubby. We have tried all sorts of food to increase her appetite. Example: the house slab is 3073 sf (this is B7 in the spreadsheet) and the average height is 4.08 ft (this is B12 in the spreadsheet). But my concern is about her weight which is under weight. His weight is 15.1 kgs and height 105 cms. Hi.. my twins birth weight 1.5kg and 1.3 kg born 34 weeks.. now they are 2 year 2 months old and they weigh 10 kg and 8 kg.. one in very lean. His birth weight is 2.4 kg. Please my baby boy was 3.1kg at birth and at nine month he weighs 9.2kg. please advise what would be the ideal weight at 1 year for him based on his birth weight? Hi my LO is 18 months old and weighs 5.8 kgs.Her birth weight was 2.750g.She had gained double til six months after that weight gain is too slow. Her birth weight was 3.24 and height seemed normal… The best part is that you mentioned baby is active, weight charts are just indicative and if the baby is achieving other milestones on time then there is nothing to worry about. You can stop when he denies and refeed after an hour or two. A post shared by Rahkeem Cornwall (@rahkeemcornwallofficial), Who is Rahkeem Cornwall? The following charts show child growth standards that were developed using data collected in the WHO Multicenter Growth Reference Study. about 55%). Cornwall became the heaviest Test cricketer ever when he was included in the playing XI for West Indies surpassing former Australia captain Warwick Armstrong, who weighed 133-139 kg, to achieve this feat. Hello doc.. Her height is 3ft + The table shown below is a simple way to calculate your baby’s ideal weight according to his weight at birth. His birth weight was 2.8, now 9.5. Need advise. As long as your baby is achieving his milestones without any interruptions there is nothing to worry about weight. Just ensure baby continues to take healthy diet. Please don’t worry of weight if your baby is active and healthy Neha, you can feed your baby with the milk and avoid nuts and nut milk. Does she is underweight? very active . but didn’t see any changes in weight. he s fully on breast feed n want to scuk for 30min n tend to play even one n half hour. The basic idea is that the baby should have tripled the birth weight by one year. he is 11 months old now, his weight is only 7.6 kg but he is very active. Please give me a reply. Being chubby isn’t necessarily a sign of good health, since an obese baby is prone to several health problems throughout his life. Baby Girl was 2.4kg at birth. After we started supplement formula milk he has gained 150 gms and now he is approx 2.850 kgs. M fully fedup. But his weight reduced to 2.650 kgs. You can try these tips to help her in chewing food. Hello doc, Now since a month her wgt is 11.6 kg.neither reducing it increasing. Hello Dorcas, Dear as the baby is active and exclusively breast feeding is done there is no worry atall . help and guide .and req. I am feeling she is lacking in ideal height and weight. Baby B was 1.62 kg, 39 cm they are 6 months now baby A is 6.540 ,64.8 cm baby B is 6.880, 62 cm they are both active they feed and sleep well baby A is now trying to turn over while baby B is already doing it. Hello mam, my daughter is 18 months old. He is normal weight or over weight. baby was 2.1 kgs at birth and he is soon to be 9 months old..his current weight is only 6.5 kgs and he refuses to have semi solid foods…he prefers only blended puree or paste type foods..he isn’t interested much in crawling and has sat up directly.. My baby girl was 2.68kg at birth. Also try to include physical activities and play for a while morning and evening both. However you can ensure that he stays fit, by avoid commercial chocolates, biscuits and additional sugar in food. Now he is 5 months old and weighing 6.8 kg . Is this normal or she’s gaining too much weight. My doctor says he needs to gain weight and I shud start feeding him formula. As per charts she is gaining weight correctly, regarding her vomiting, please check with a pediatrician as what might be the cause. It is always better to have a diaper free time atleast for 2 hours everyday, Hey Dr , my boy is 11 months 1 week and he weigh 17. My baby girl is 45 days and she weights 3.8 kg and birth weight 3.3 kg. info), born 17 March 1990) is an Indian professional badminton singles player. So do not worry much about that. She is active and healthy. She is active and pee-poo counts are fine. What is problem and remedy. plz let me know.. Her weight is same since past 4 months. Thanks, It is wonderful to hear that she is active and I am hopeful that she is achieving other milestones well. Focus on serving completely home made food and ensuring the child plays around. If you have an active,healthy child then please do not worry about your child’s weight. Any digit is okay if the baby is active and healthy. A personal checkup can rest all worries. Hi Shahanara, I have checked ur article nd almost everything is mentioned for under weight kids. .he slept night 11pm…so his morning food missed…he was eating 12’o clk his morning food…if he will getup at 9am but don’t eat any food…he will tired…then he is going to sleep. Is she growing? My son was born on may 24th 2017 and birth weight was 3.4kg . Weight is not to be worried about if baby is healthy and active. Hi dear, please check this link and hope it helps Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus (Aura Glow, 256 GB) features and specifications include 12 GB RAM, 256 GB ROM, 4300 mAh battery, 12 MP back camera and 10 MP front camera. He had suffered from pneumonia when he was 8month old and his weight fall from 9.6 to 7 . Sorry that we won’t be able to suggest without physically examining the baby. And how is the baby otherwise in activities and other mile stones? ... 6 inches in height and 12 inches’ width. Try to avoid the foods with sugar and preservatives. now he is 8 month and 7.580kg. Please advice. Rarely falls sick ( fever only once) and we don’t see any delay in her progress. The LED light has a color temperature of 4000k neutral and daylight glow. Also, if you like you can opt for our dryfruits powder and Sathumavu. Dear if you are exclusively breast feeding the baby for now, then do not worry much. Trackbacks. Provide breastmilk till 6 months and then you can follow a diet chart as on the site. But she said she doesn’t have any problem. she is weighing 17kg ( 31 october 2016) she is now 2yrs and 7mnths. He is exclusively breastfed and active baby. However, her weight gain was very slow. ? Also as per birth weight, it seems the baby is doing well. An average child gains  2 kg every year between 3 to 7 years of age and 3 kg per year after that till the pubertal growth spurt begins. My baby at age of 3 yrs and 11 months 16.4kgs and her height was 100cm is it ok? Please don’t worry as she is active and healthy.. Hi, my baby girl was 2.9kg at birth. Hi Hema Doc, Link – But even if variations occur, it’s not to be worried, if your baby is active and healthy. He was born on 4 kg…but now 11 months old his weight 8 kg only..but he is very active. Resulting to which he is still on pureed food. Padalia 1, Priyanka Suryavanshi 2, Amit Chauhan 1, Prawal Pratap S. Verma 3, K.T. Very informative blog , loved all your posts. Here we look at details such as Rahkeem Cornwall height, Rahkeem Cornwall wife and Rahkeem Cornwall net worth. It is slightly on the higher side dear. My daughter is 2years 1month but her weight is 9.5kg only..Her birth weight is 2.9kg. .he don’t drink a to increase his weight and how to drink a milk to him..he is drink a breastfeeding it enough to him ?? As per the chart my baby wasn’t following the same percentile.Do we need to worry about this?Do you have any suggestion for us? In any case, these numbers are not set in stone and will vary from baby to baby. Well, there is nothing much to worry as she is exclusively on breast feed. My baby boy age now is 1yr 5months but his weight is 17kg.. he is active but I fearing about his weight.. and one of my colleagues suggested to give medislim powder to baby for weight loss.. can u suggest me about this please. Nothing much to worry. hello Hemaji , 1. My baby girl 3 month and 20 days old .her weight at birth time 2.3kg and now is 4.8 kg is it ok .everyone says she is weak i worried what shold i do . Yes, His weight is perfect and not to be worried as the baby is active and healthy , Hi my baby is 1.4 year his bith weighJiiit is 2.4 nw the weight is 10.8 is it normal weight he active, My 17 month,s boy,s birth weight is 2.8, now he is 9.5 kg, height 77 inch ..but he is very actve…he can talk 40%, My baby girl’s birth weight is 2.68 kg and she weighs 3.5kg at 6 weeks. But weight is definitely not to be worried if your baby is active and healthy . My girlchild is a low birth weight baby.she is 1.75kg when she was born, now she is 1 year her weight is 7kgs around.She vomits frequently when ever i feed.she is a snacky eater.Please Suggest my how to handle her. Weight is definitely not to be worried if your toddler is active and healthy. I dont know what to do? Priya. It’s time for finger foods. Generally the present weight has to be 4 times the birth weight. What kind of foods should I take to increase her weight? I have never fed him formula or bottle fed him he was born prematurely and weights 1.5. how is he doing? He is active kid. She weighs just 20Kg. Hi She is weighing only 6kg.her birth weight was 3.23 kg.she is having gerd.last month weight gain was just concern is that she is refusing formula milk and am lactating this case how do I manage to meet her requirements. Your next focus should be complete nutrition for them, don’t target for standard weight for now. Your child’s weight is perfectly fine and not to be worried dear. Check the post on weight gain foods, dry fruits powder and add some of them to their daily diet to ensure they stay healthy. He is overall active child but there is slight delay in his speech. Don’t worry dear. can i start formula milk along with breast feed. My baby is 17 month old and weighs 6.9kgs birth weight is 2.35 kgs but she is active. Hi my son is 2 yrs and 4 mons.he is now 11 he underweight? Each and every baby is unique in reaching their mile stones. Please advice and he doesnt like taking liquid foods. Humans contain 55 60% water by weight (men about 60% and women. Is this normal..? My worries is reasonable or she is normal. please consult your paed regarding this , as I can comment only if I can examine the baby. Hello Doc, All you need to know about Test cricket’s heaviest player ever, Darren Sammy comically gatecrashes Rahkeem Cornwall's post-match interview; watch video, Rahkeem Cornwall makes an impossible catch look easy with great reflexes; Watch, Rahkeem Cornwall picks up career best figures of 7-75 against Afghanistan, Not India-England, Windies giant Cornwall's dive in Bangladesh win is the toast of Cricket, Covaxin trials for children expected to commence in June, announces Bharat Biotech, Dr. Harsh Vardhan lauds Baba Ramdev for withdrawing his allopathy quip; urges all to unite, Congress refuses to back TMC's 'vendetta' charge in Narada case, satisfied with CBI probe, COVAXIN likely to get WHO approval in 3rd/4th quarter of 2021 amid COVID-19 crisis, Rahkeem Cornwall height, weight, net worth and top career stats ahead of WI home season, Adam Gilchrist reacts to Bancroft's ball-tempering remark, puts onus on Cricket Australia, Harsha Bhogle names sports documentary he could not get to watch due to cricket, Cameron Bancroft makes stunning u-turn as Cricket Australia seeks new Sandpapergate names, Sourav Ganguly has 2 special 2021 gifts for the ever-growing Indian women's cricket team. as per your chart above the weight after 5 years should be 6 times. he is a active baby. As we always insist, height and weight is not to be worried about if the kid is healthy and active. Sorry for the delayed reply, do let me know her current weight for me to ascertain whether she is underweight. It depends on how severe the dermatitis is. WEight progress looks fine to me, as long as the baby is otherwise active. Please don’t worry of weight if baby is active and healthy. You can also try nutritious weight gaining health mixes from our product range. July 18, 2019 at 12:17 pm He is a picky eater and active boy. she is very active and now at 8th month mark she weighs 6.0 kg . Here are some articles worth reading Keep concentrating on healthy feeding. The weight of baby should be triple the birth weight, when reaching 1 year of age. Hello, my first daughter is 8yrs old and she weighs 49.6kg. They are active.. Dear, as you mentioned kids are active there is nothing much to worry about. Please check this chart for your toddler, for his motor activities, please consult your pediatrician about it, you can use coconut/olive oil for massage. Please suggest me What should I do. She is very active,happy baby. If the little one is otherwise active, you don’t have much to worry. Hi, He looks very skinny and recently he had fever and after that he is having lot of gas and that comes out through his mouth and feels like he would choke as food also try to come up with the gas, also feels bloated most of the time. and also for past one week she is not at all eating any food only water and milk she is drinking. Hi Dra. It’s better if you can consult once with the pediatrician. Dear, the good thing is she is active. Hope you find it helpful. His birth weight is 3.10 kg. Mam he is drinking nido no 3 powder actually 3 years old baby drink a tat milk powder.

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