convertible arbitrage funds

Additional information can be found within the shareholder letters in the Annual and Semi-Annual Reports. Convertible Arbitrage Hedge Fund. © 2021 Refinitiv. Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund – ARBIX, Absolute Capital Opportunities Fund – CAPOX, 4 North Street Hingham, Ma. Convertible Arbitrage eliminates any confusion by clearly differentiating convertible arbitrage strategy from other hedging techniques such as long-short equity, merger and acquisition arbitrage, and fixed-income arbitrage. Convertible bond arbitrage is typically a delta-neutral strategy in which the investor purchases a convertible bond and simultaneously sells short the underlying stock in an amount equivalent to the theoretical equity delta of the bond (calculated using a convertible bond pricing model). Short sales may be considered speculative and it may be difficult to purchase securities to meet delivery obligations. This rebalancing adds to the return of convertible arbitrage strategies. December – Income & Capital Gains Distributions per share. We invite you to spend some time on our web site to learn about us and our funds. This multi-million convertible arbitrage hedge fund was formed in the early 2000s by a group of former portfolio managers. (data updated quarterly), Explanation of the “return to fair value in a set timeframe” benefit of convertible arbitrage (data updated quarterly), (email request –financial professional use only) This presentation includes comparative data on beta, volatility and drawdown performance for ARBIX (data updated quarterly), ARBIX 3 Year rolling returns and performance in rising rate environments since 2002 (inception), Semi-Annual Report – Period Ending 9/30/20 Absolute Funds Information Statement – 9/17/20 Annual Report – Period Ending 3/31/20 Semi-Annual Report – Period Ending 9/30/19 Annual Report – Period Ending 3/31/19 Semi-Annual Report – Period Ending 9/30/18 Annual Report – Period Ending 3/31/18 Semi-Annual Report – Period Ending 9/30/17. Since most arbitrageurs were long GM debt and short the equity, they were hurt on both sides. It uses an actively managed hedge strategy to seek a consistent positive rate of return with lower volatility than equities. Done right, convertible arbitrage has the potential to enhance investment performance and mitigate volatility throughout a market cycle. The Fund is new and has a limited history of operations. Many hedge funds have been deploying this strategy and have innovated on top of it. Convertible bond arbitrage funds have had an interesting few years of late. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. These mispricings arise from soft catalysts and technical features embedded in convertibles and other hybrid securities. The Fund distributes income semi-annually in June and December and distributes long and short-term capital gains in December. Nick Calamos (Naperville, IL) oversees research and portfolio management for Calamos Asset Management, Inc. Convertible Arbitrage, 2 2 Close Convertible arbitrage consists of buying convertible securities and attempting to mitigate the risks associated with the investment by shorting the stock of the issuer. Going back a lot further, many such "arbs" sustained big losses in the so-called "crash of '87". The goal of the convertible arbitrage strategy is to capitalize on pricing inefficiencies between the convertible and the stock. Other research suggests that arbitrageurs in general take advantage of illiquidity and higher volatility. They are relative value trades which carry some risk and can and do lose money. This business operated offices in the UK and USA. Convertible arbitrage is a type of equity long-short investing strategy often used by hedge funds. These views are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions, and Absolute Investment Advisers disclaims any responsibility to update such views. The Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards, granted annually, highlight funds and fund companies that have excelled in delivering consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers. Explanation of how convertible arbitrage may fit in to fixed income or alternative portfolios. The S&P 500 Index, is a stock market index that measures the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States.  It is not possible to invest directly in an index. In the 1987 stock market crash, however, many convertible bonds declined more than the stocks into which they were convertible, apparently for liquidity reasons, with the market for the stocks being much more liquid than the relatively small market for the bonds. In theory, when a stock declines, the associated convertible bond will decline less, because it is protected by its value as a fixed-income instrument: it pays interest periodically. Simply put, the rise in volatility acts as a positive factor for convertibles as it increases the value of the convertible bond's embedded option. The Mission. 02043 781.740.1904, For questions about our funds, email us at:, For manager inquires, email us at: Convertible arbitrage is a market-neutral investment strategy often employed by hedge funds. Leverage creates the risk of magnified capital losses. As with most successful arbitrage strategies, convertible arbitrage has attracted a large number of market participants, creating intense competition and reducing the effectiveness of the strategy. For a complete description of the Fund’s principal investment risks please refer to the prospectus. The Fund’s net asset value and investment return will fluctuate based upon changes in the value of its portfolio securities. Convertible arbitrage is one of the strategies employed by Calamos Market Neutral Income Fund (CMNIX), the largest fund in the Morningstar Market Neutral category (Morningstar data as of 9/30/17). There is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective, and an investment in the Fund is not by itself a complete or balanced investment program. As a result, under normal market conditions, the arbitrageur expects the combined position to be insensitive to small fluctuations in the price of the underlying stock. Although A.W. For additional information, please call the Fund’s shareholder servicing department at 1-888-99-ABSOLUTE, Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund Application Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund IRA Application Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund IRA Transfer Form. Nicholas Convertible Arbitrage is an absolute return strategy that typically pairs a long convertible bond position with a corresponding short position on the underlying company’s equity. Basically, convertible arbitrage is a market related activity which helps hedge funds to perform better which is something that all the investors as well as the fund manager want. Debt securities have interest rate, inflation and credit risks and are subject to prepayment and default risk. access to the convertible arbitrage arena do so through hedge funds. In particular, the equity option embedded in the convertible bond may be a source of cheap volatility, which convertible arbitrageurs can then exploit. 3 By focusing on a market in which convertible bond arbitrage hedge funds account for such a large fraction of primary market activity, we are able to isolate important measures of capital supply (such as hedge fund flows). This page will be updated with distribution amounts when the data becomes available. Credit structure arbitrage is an important part of the great majority of … Foreside Fund Services, LLC, distributor. importance of convertible arbitrage funds since the end of the 1990s. Definitions: Beta is the measure of a fund’s relative volatility as compared to the S&P 500 Index which by definition is 1.00.  A drawdown is a peak-to-trough decline during a specific period for an investment, trading account, or fund. An example of a convertible bond arbitrage strategy is buying the convertible bond while simultaneously selling short the stock. Please note that this commentary provides a very detailed analysis of the Fund’s strategy. Asset allocation decisions may not always be correct and may adversely affect Fund performance. HEDGEWEEK USA AWARD: Nominated by institutional and high net worth investors as well as managers and other industry professionals at fund administrators, prime brokers, custodians and advisers – as ‘best in class’ in a series of categories. Jones founded the first hedge fund in 1949, the concept remained virtually unknown until 1966, when Fortune magazine highlighted Jones’s investment feats. Go to Contact Information Page, Direct Investment in the Fund: Investors may purchase the Fund directly from the Fund using the applications below. Portfolio Commentary for the Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund is provided on a regular basis and can be found below along with other “discussion” articles that are relevant to the Fund. (data updated quarterly) Core Strength of Convertible Arbitrage Explanation of the “return to fair value in a set timeframe” benefit of convertible arbitrage (data updated quarterly) Diversification for … Small, mid and large cap stocks are subject to substantial risks such as market, business, size volatility, management experience, product diversification, financial resource, competitive strength, liquidity, and potential to fall out of favor that may cause their prices to fluctuate over time, sometimes rapidly and unpredictably. It is often considered to represent the value that a portfolio manager adds to or subtracts from a fund’s return. Since 1983 his experience has centered on convertible … The Fund is actively managed and may experience high turnover. Before investing you should carefully consider each Fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. If you are a financial professional and would like to receive information on an on-going basis, please fill out this form to join our mailing list. Convertible Arbitrage refers to the trading strategy used in order to capitalize on the pricing inefficiencies present between the stock and the convertible where the person using the strategy will take the long position in the convertible security and the short position in underlying common stock. •We will use the word “arbitrage” as this is the most common terminology used by traders and hedge funds but bear in mind these are NOT arbitrages in the definition of a financial economist. Our global convertible funds offer investors the potential for uncorrelated returns, portfolio diversification and low volatility in either a long-only or absolute return context. Alpha is the excess return on an investment after adjusting for market-related volatility. Convertible bond arbitrage •We discuss so-called Convertible Bond Arbitrage strategies. If demand curves for stock are downward-sloping, the supply increase associated with this arbitrage-related short selling should result in a negative stock price effect. Foreign investments present additional risk due to currency fluctuations, economic and political factors, government regulations, differences in accounting standards and other factors. The investment team identifies and exploits arbitrage opportunities within the capital structure. Additional Fund information can be found throughout this site. High yield and junk securities involve greater risk and tend to be more sensitive to economic conditions and credit risk. Historically, convertible arbitrage and fixed-income arbitrage hedge funds have used a much greater degree of leverage than have many other hedge fund strategies. Arbitrageurs who relied on the traditional relationship between stock and bond gained less from their short stock positions than they lost on their long bond positions. A typical investment is to be long the convertible bond and short the common stock of the same company. Prior to the crash … Convertible arbitrage started in the 1960s. The number of shares sold short usually reflects a delta-neutral or market-neutral ratio. The Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund seeks to achieve positive absolute returns over the long-term with low volatility when compared to traditional market indices. The Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund  – ARBIX, 2000-2002, CIBC World Markets, Sales Manager of Convertible Securities, Statement of Additional Information (SAI). Convertible arbitrage is a type of equity long-short investing strategy often used by hedge funds. Best Convertible Arbitrage Fund, 2018 Hedgeweek USA. An equity long-short strategy is an investing strategy which involves taking long positions in stocks that are expected to increase in value and short positions in stocks that are expected to decrease in value. If there is something you need that you cannot find, please let us know. The firms with the most votes are subject to a final review by Hedgeweek’s Senior Editorial team. *Alpha is the excess return on an investment after adjusting for market-related volatility. No forecasts can be guaranteed. * The Fund has not received this award since 2018, 1999-2002, Salomon Smith Barney, Director of Convertible Arbitrage 1994-1999, Salomon Smith Barney, Institutional Trader of Convertible Securities 1991-1994, Bear Stearns, Managing Director & Co-Head of Sales of Convertible Securities 1989-1991, Smith Barney, Assistant Trader of Convertible Securities Columbia, University Business School, MBA, Cornell University, B.S. Convertible Arbitrage: Where does it Fit? This may cause higher fees, expenses and taxes, which could detract from Fund performance. 3 3 Close Event-driven investments involve various corporate actions where very similar assets begin to trade at different prices (e.g., the different share classes of a public … Financial Advisers should contact us directly for information on the Fund and how it may be purchased. For more information, see It is often considered to represent the value that a portfolio manager adds to or subtracts from a fund’s return. Ineichen (2003) estimates that convertible bond arbitrage funds routinely use leverage between two and ten times fund assets, while fixed-income arbitrage strategies may employ more than 20 times leverage. We encourage investors to consult their financial advisers for guidance on asset allocation and the role of the Fund. The Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards are based on the Refinitiv Lipper Leader for Consistent Return rating, which is a risk-adjusted performance measure calculated over 36, 60 and 120 months. It involves the simultaneous purchase of convertible securities and the short sale of the same issuer's common stock. To achieve this, Mohican Financial Management, the sub-adviser to the Fund, takes advantage of the relationship between a company’s convertible bonds and its common stock in order to pursue value across credit, income and volatility factors. HEDGEWEEK USA AWARD: Nominated by institutional and high net worth investors as well as managers and other industry professionals at fund administrators, prime brokers, custodians and advisers – as ‘best in class’ in a series of categories. About the Convertible Arbitrage Index This strategy is identified by hedge investing in the convertible securities of a company. To exploit underpriced convertible issues, convertible bond arbitrageurs buy the convertibles and short the underlying common stock. Data was shared between the offices via email, and the company was managing its portfolios across shared spreadsheets. Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. ( After a difficult year in 2005, recruiters say convertible arbitrage funds are back in the game when it comes to hiring. The value of a convertible security is influenced by changes in interest rates, with investment value declining as interest rates increase and increasing as interest rates decline. The premise of the strategy is that the convertible is sometimes priced inefficiently relative to the underlying stock, for reasons that range from illiquidity to market psychology. "A simple and precise method for pricing convertible bond with credit risk", Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds, 19 (4), 259-277. Investments in emerging markets involve even greater risks. Convertible bond arbitrage hedge funds are widely believed to purchase more than 75% of primary issues of convertible debt. It is presented here for those who may have an interest in such a discussion and as always, we encourage investors to discuss questions with their financial adviser. The credit standing of the issuer and other factors also may have an effect on a convertible security’s investment value. Past performance does not guarantee future results. It involves the simultaneous purchase of convertible securities and the short sale of the same issuer's common stock. Convertible arbitrage funds build long positions of convertible bonds and then hedge the equity component of the bond by selling the underlying stock or options on that stock. Credit Structure Arbitrage. This website is not a solicitation for the Absolute Fund outside of the United States. Company Profile. If you are a financial adviser and would like to be added to our e-mail distribution list contact us by e-mail. For example, many convertible arbitrageurs suffered losses in early 2005 when the credit of General Motors was downgraded at the same time Kirk Kerkorian was making an offer for GM's stock. Please complete the applications and follow the purchasing instructions. Although Refinitiv makes reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained herein, the accuracy is not guaranteed by Refinitiv. In the past, most people in the market believed that convertible bond arbitrage was mainly due to convertible underpricing. All rights reserved. Xiao, Tim (2013). Convertible arbitrage is a market-neutral investment strategy often employed by hedge funds. and Event-driven Investments. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice or as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any Absolute Investment Advised investment product. Diversification does not prevent loss or enhance returns. It is a market neutral strategy, which in simpler language means any strategy that helps to steer clear of any risks that come with being in the market. 33 Minute discussion with Eric Hage, Portfolio Manager of the, 5 minute Q&A with Eric Hage, Portfolio Manager of the, Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund Application, Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund IRA Application, Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund IRA Transfer Form. However, maintaining a market-neutral position may require rebalancing transactions, a process called dynamic delta hedging. Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. Some of this analysis may too technical for the average investor to fully understand. A convertible bond arbitrage strategy is one that benefits from the difference in pricing between a convertible bond and the stock price. Three periods of volatility in 2018, the last of which (in December) caused the biggest drop in US equities since the 1930s, were welcome news for convertible arbitrage fund managers. in Business Administration, 33 Minute discussion with Eric Hage, Portfolio Manager of the Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund (FULL SCREEN), 5 minute Q&A with Eric Hage, Portfolio Manager of the Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund (FULL SCREEN), Convertible Arbitrage 101: Take-aways from convertible bonds, convertible arbitrage and ARBIX, Explanation of how convertible arbitrage may fit in to fixed income or alternative portfolios. In August 2017, the Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund was converted from a hedge fund managed by Mohican Financial Management since 2002 to the current mutual fund. The Fund is designed to complement either the alternatives or fixed income sleeve of a diversified portfolio and may be attractive to investors seeking moderate return with relatively low volatility. Convertible arbitrage investors are able to take advantage of the option to convert at maturity during the life of the bond. An equity long-short strategy is an investing strategy which involves taking long positions in stocks that are expected to increase in value and short positions in stocks that are expected to decrease in value. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "A simple and precise method for pricing convertible bond with credit risk", Hedge Fund Strategy - Convertible Arbitrage, Taxation of private equity and hedge funds, Alternative investment management companies,, Articles needing additional references from April 2021, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 April 2021, at 10:29. Managing around USD65 million in assets, the Trium Credere Fund is a global convertible arbitrage strategy. Most practitioners of convertible arbitrage are hedge funds, who are also the primary purchasers of convertible bonds. Short selling involves borrowing the stock shares and selling them. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of this Content without express written permission is prohibited). Convertible-bond arbitrage funds aim to profit from mismatches between the price of those convertibles and the stocks they're attached to. Equity risk can be hedged by selling the appropriate ratio of stock underlying the convertible option. For more complete information about the Funds, including investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses, download a Prospectus and read it carefully before you invest. [1] However, recent studies find empirical evidence that convertible bonds usually generate relatively large positive gammas that can make delta-neutral portfolios highly profitable. For hedge fund (or convertible arbitrage) investors the opportunity to trade the probability of conversion at maturity is a compelling attraction. If you are a financial adviser and would like to be added to our e-mail distribution list, use the form at the bottom of the page or contact us by email. REFINITIV LIPPER FUND AWARDS: Ranked #1 of 19 funds for the 3-year award period in the Alternative Equity Market Neutral Funds Classification for the United States, 2021 (as of March 11, 2021). The Fund may leverage transactions which include selling securities short as well as borrowing for other than temporary or emergency purposes. That said, learning this strategy is useful as it hones your foundation for spotting opportunities between different financial products in the market. The fund with the highest Refinitiv Lipper Leader for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value in each eligible classification wins the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award. "We're seeing a definite upturn in hiring at convertible arbitrage bond funds compared to last year," says David Durham, managing director of search firm Durham Consulting. This and other information is in the prospectus and summary prospectus, a copy of which may be obtained by calling 888-99-ABSOLUTE or by visiting each Fund’s Literature tab on this website. in Economics, 2000-2002, CIBC World Markets, Sales Manager of Convertible Securities 1998-2000, Fahnestock, Convertible Bond Broker1995-1997, Murphy & Durieu, International & Domestic Convertible Bond Broker University of Albany, MBA, LeMoyneCollege, B.S. The hedge fund “industry” sprouted up in the next few years as a number of investors (including Warren Buffett) delved into hedging techniques. Purchasing Through a Financial Adviser: The Absolute Convertible Arbitrage Fund may serve as an important piece of a diversified portfolio.

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