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This will happen through vaccination or natural infection, the Charité Berlin scientist told the podcast "Coronavirus Update" (NDR-Info) on Tuesday. An exception is to be made for hairdressers. The cities include Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Munich, Frankfurt am Main, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Leipzig and Stuttgart. Of that, more than 40 per cent is expected to go to middle- and low-income countries, he said. Sitting in their cars, numerous senior citizens in the town of Bremervörde in the district of Rotenburg in Lower Saxony received a Corona vaccination on Saturday. They will not be counted when meeting other people. Everything you need to know about the corona crisis in Germany and the measures being taken against the spread of the virus:, Corona vaccine is distributed to the federal states, Two thirds of Germans want to be vaccinated against corona, Vaccine probably also effective in case of mutation, December 17th, 2020: Schäuble thanks nursing staff for work „at the limit of their endurance", December 13th, 2020: Hard lockdown in Germany as of Wednesday, December 12th, 2020: Bundestag approves "Corona" budget 2021 with high debts, December 8th, 2020: Leopoldina recommends an extensive lockdown, December 7th, 2020: Calls for tougher measures, Saint Nicholas is also on the road in Corona times, December 5th, 2020: German industry better than expected, December 4th, 2020: Survey: Better to relax at Christmas than on New Year's Eve, December 3rd, 2020: Partial lockdown extended until 10 January, December 2nd, 2020: Biontech and Pfizer: UK approves Corona vaccine, December 1st, 2020: Biontech and Pfizer apply for EU approval of corona vaccine, November 28th, 2020: Half of Germans ready for vaccination, More than one million corona infections since the beginning of the pandemic, Drosten: Avoid social contacts even with mild symptoms, November 24th, 2020: Partial lockdown probably until shortly before Christmas, Special rules on short-time working to be extended, November 21st, 2020: Biontech and Pfizer apply for emergency vaccine approval, November 20th, 2020: Survey: Young EU citizens suffer most financially, November 19th, 2020: RKI: Measures show effect. The Bundesrat will then also decide on it in a special session at 15.00. "That I had to tell people that you were only allowed to be on the streets as a household or as a couple, that no events were allowed to take place, that children were not allowed to visit their parents in the retirement home - these were serious restrictions. For the representative survey, 1449 people in Germany aged 18 and over were questioned on 27 April. According to the figures, 135,000 applications have so far been approved, 80,000 applications rejected. Düsseldorf (dpa) - This Monday, North Rhine-Westphalia will be the first federal state to introduce so-called lollipop tests nationwide at all primary and special schools. According to his impression, employers are currently relatively optimistic about the future. By then, the assessment of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on the safety of Astrazeneca's vaccine should be available. Berlin (dpa) - The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) at the Robert Koch Institute expects that there will be several different vaccines against the new coronavirus in Germany. Scholz assumes that at the end of the pandemic there will be less national debt in relation to economic output than at the end of the last crisis ten years ago. Brussels (dpa) - The European Commission has finalised negotiations for the supply of the promising vaccine from the pharmaceutical companies Biontech and Pfizer. It works in a similar way to a pregnancy test, with results expected after 30 to 60 minutes. Researchers at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) have identified highly effective antibodies against the corona virus SARS-CoV-2. The whole thing works like this: In the sealed area the handrails are irradiated with UV light. However, the situation varies greatly across the country, as there are districts with an incidence value of 35, but also those with over 200. The virus could take over "leadership over the old virus" in a very short time, Merkel said on Tuesday. "The pandemic will not take away our future," he wrote. The number of deaths related to the virus rose by 426 to a total of 15,586 by Friday, the highest increase since the beginning of the pandemic. Everything you need to know about the corona crisis in Germany and the measures being taken against the spread of the virus: Already during the first wave of the Corona pandemic last spring, a total of 232 intensive care patients from the particularly hard-hit countries of Italy, the Netherlands and France were brought to German hospitals. The borders remain open. In the end, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) would have to decide. A video conference in the evening will focus on strategic issues such as digitalisation, networking and autonomous driving. On the other hand, the risks of hacker attacks increase when many employees access corporate networks in comparatively poorly secured home offices. The measures, which had been due to expire on Dec. 20, include keeping restaurants and hotels shut and limiting private gatherings to five people from two households. Pubs and restaurants have opened with full service, and large gatherings are again allowed across the UK. With 20,000 new infections a day, the situation is getting out of control. The Corona Cabinet will discuss the plans on Monday. According to a survey, a good half of Germans want to be vaccinated against the corona virus. This would certainly have to happen in the "very near future". Mainz (dpa) - The corona vaccine candidate developed by the Mainz-based company Biontech enters the approval process. Classroom attendance at schools is to be stopped at an incidence of 165. According to the will of the state government and the large carnival associations to protect people from further infections, there will be no more classic carnival meetings, nor will there be carnival parades in the familiar form. The survey, which has been conducted regularly for almost a year, documents how the population deals with the situation, how they protect themselves and how they inform themselves about current events. According to a survey conducted by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 37 percent are in favour of extending the current restrictions beyond 14 February, while another 13 percent are even in favour of tightening them. At present, there are only 20 to 30 reported cases of flu per week instead of the usual order of magnitude of several thousand cases. A final decision is expected to be taken during the discussions between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Länder on Wednesday. Heidelberg (dpa) - The well-known Berlin virologist Christian Drosten and other colleagues oppose a corona strategy with herd immunity as a goal. These are the findings of a draft resolution proposed by the Federal Government for the video conference of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with the Minister Presidents this Wednesday. The strict limitation of private contacts in the fight against the Corona pandemic will be relaxed. According to a recent survey of 580 retailers conducted by the HDE, the number of customers in the city centres in the third week of November was again 40 per cent below the previous year's level. Sanofi wants to give the Mainz-based company Biontech access to its production infrastructure, it said in a statement on Wednesday. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state, 9750 doses were initially delivered and brought to a secret central warehouse. Berlin (dpa) - Germans remain confident and optimistic about the future despite more than a year of the Corona pandemic, according to a survey by the Opaschowski Institute for Future Studies. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions are in place for entry into Germany from many countries. Berlin's mayor Michael Müller (photo, left), who is also chairman of the Conference of Minister Presidents, said on Thursday evening that it was becoming apparent "that there will be considerable cuts from 20 onwards" and that retail trade would be "significantly" reduced. Germany is on the threshold of exponential growth, he said. The CDU/CSU and SPD members of parliament approved the draft amendment to the Infection Protection Act in its second reading on Wednesday. From next Monday, private meetings of one's own household with another household will again be possible, but limited to a maximum of five people plus children up to 14 years of age. This procedure involves the ongoing submission and evaluation of clinical trial data. Düsseldorf/Cologne (dpa) - The typical Cologne Rose Monday procession (photo from 2019) will not take place in 2021 due to the Corona pandemic. No more than one household may meet with another person, with the exception of children up to 14 years of age. The researchers initially isolated almost 600 different antibodies from the blood of people who had survived a COVID-19 disease triggered by SARS-CoV-2. The school holidays would have started then anyway, many people would no longer go to work and local transport would be quieter. Additional opportunities will be created for parents to take paid leave to care for children during the specified period. This is shown by a survey commissioned by the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW). However, a clear majority of 57 percent are also afraid of possible side effects of the vaccination. Before that can happen, they still have to pass the Bundesrat on Thursday. "After 13 months, holdout slogans do not help." He also called on critics not to retreat into their WhatsApp or Facebook bubble. In Great Britain, variant B.1.1.7 is now by far the most common in the samples examined. One had to keep this stress in mind again and again. This is according to new data on the stability of the vaccine. Several prime ministers of federal states make drastic appeals, especially to young people, to stick to the rules so that the disease does not spread any further. Berlin (dpa) - Starting Wednesday, the German Armed Forces will provide paramedics and respirators to help Portugal, which has been largely sealed off, in the Corona pandemic. Brussels (dpa) - The Corona crisis is having a particularly negative financial impact on young people in the EU, according to a survey Almost two thirds (64%) of EU citizens between 16 and 34 years old are in financial difficulties, according to a survey published by the European Parliament on Friday. On Thursday, the EU Commission granted approval to the US manufacturer Johnson & Johnson on the recommendation of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). "First of all, those who are exposed to a risk due to their jobs - nurses, doctors and medical staff - will be vaccinated. Berlin (dpa) - Every second German is against an easing of the lockdown to contain the Corona pandemic. Experts assume that there is a high number of unreported cases. The spread of the variant is worrying because "according to current knowledge, it is significantly more contagious and probably causes more severe courses of the disease than other variants." Schools and non-essential shops were added to … "Developments in the first half of the year indicate that we will see the lowest number of burglaries since our statistics began in 1981," announced Jörg Asmussen, Managing Director of the German Insurance Association (GDV). Berlin (dpa) - The Federal Government is aiming for Germany to be able to supply itself with vaccines next year. To this end, he said, an industrial structure must be built up and strengthened in Germany and Europe in such a way. As the RKI announced on Thursday, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days has now fallen to 119, the lowest level since 1 November. Berlin (dpa) - The German Ethics Council believes it would be wrong to lift state restrictions on freedom of movement – imposed because of the corona pandemic – earlier for people who have been vaccinated. Virtually any amount spent by the state is worth it because the cost of the lockdown is very high. There are proposals from the EU Commission for legal regulations, he said. Sixteen paramedics will be on site to set up the equipment and provide instruction. However, Spahn also said: "This does not mean that we will then be able to vaccinate everyone within a few days. The good news is that in much of Germany infection rates have been coming down. Munich (dpa) - Lufthansa has started the announced trial run with rapid corona tests for all passengers on the Munich-Hamburg flight. From the peak of 5700 patients on 3 January, the current number has dropped to 4930 patients on 19 January. However, the result once again speaks in favour of vaccination, said RKI President Lothar Wieler. September 22nd, 2020: Christmas services in stadiums and marketplaces? "We are in a dramatic situation at the beginning of the cold season. This is what EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton told the French TV channel BFM. Such an approach would be ethically and scientifically problematic. Compulsory school attendance should be abolished by the Christmas holidays and contacts "reduced to the absolute minimum". On 4 January, the Federal Government and the Länder will then discuss how to proceed afterwards. Berlin (dpa) - Retailers do not expect a quick end to the corona-induced shop closures in Germany and fear the end for tens of thousands of shops. The CDU politician said at the beginning of the last session of the Bundestag this year that they "continued to provide vital assistance in hospitals, homes and private households over the coming Christmas days". Can I leave Germany? Bars, restaurants and cultural and sporting facilities are closed. The topics range from the EU's response to the, November 15th, 2020: Merkel prepares citizens for hard months, November 13th, 2020: Frankfurt airport becomes vaccine hub, November 12th, 2020: Lufthansa starts trial run for corona rapid tests, November 11th, 2020: Spahn sees "signs of change", Brussels (dpa) - The European Commission has finalised negotiations for the supply of the promising vaccine from the pharmaceutical companies, November 7th, 2020: French corona patients transferred to Germany, November 5th, 2020: Backlog in Corona laboratories. According to the study, this was the case in 48 percent of those tested. Germany will extend restrictive measures designed to stem a tide of new COVID-19 infections until Jan. 10, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday after talks with German … She will not stand again in the federal election on 26 September 2021. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) will test the active substance BNT162b2 in a so-called rolling review process, announced Biontech and the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which is supporting the development. Planning began back in 2018, when no one had any idea that a virus called Sars-CoV-2 would change the course of the world. Berlin (dpa) - Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called on the international community to cooperate in the fight against corona and especially on the issue of vaccines. Meanwhile, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Saturday morning that the number of new coronavirus infections in Germany has reached its highest level since April. According to the survey, 74 percent of Germans over the age of 18 want to be immunised against the coronavirus. These figures were published by the "ZDF-Politbarometer" on Friday. The next step will be to open up other sports facilities and leisure events. In the clothing trade, the minus was even 40 percent. The number of infections is clearly decreasing and more and more people are being vaccinated. Berlin (dpa) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has issued an urgent call to do everything possible to contain the modified variant of the corona virus that has emerged in Britain. Bavaria also received 9750 vaccine doses. Although the Corona crisis will require further renunciation at first, Germany can be full of confidence, the head of state wrote in a guest article for the "Bild am Sonntag" newspaper. Bookshops, flower shops and garden centres can reopen nationwide if hygiene requirements are met. Nationwide, restaurants, cultural and leisure facilities are now largely prohibited from opening their establishments. "We can overcome this challenge." Other scientists and pharma representatives had already expressed similar views. It is difficult to do without all that - even for me personally!". "An increased risk of a severe Covid-19 course is found, for example, in obesity, diabetes, cancer, renal failure, chronic lung disease, liver disease, stroke, after transplantation and during pregnancy. At the summit, the G7 increased their pledges for the vaccination campaign in poorer countries by more than four billion US dollars, according to their own statements. This is according to documents submitted by Biontech to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Almost 480 people had registered for the drive-in vaccination. It is also the first approval for BNT162b2 worldwide. If we (...) instead waited until the intensive care units were full, it would be too late. There are also talks with the Federal Ministry of Health about it. Scheuer said on Tuesday that the sum involved was around one billion euros. "We are cautiously optimistic," a spokesman for the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (Divi) said on Wednesday. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert already emphasised on Friday that the government does not yet see any possibilities for relaxation. Some people imagine "a kind of free ride", with which anything is possible again in a pandemic - others see it as a harbinger of an "immune-based two-tier society". "It is important to have an infrastructure that ensures that people do not infect each other in the waiting room. "A key lesson from the crisis is that we need to strengthen production again, especially for vaccines, medical products and precursors in Germany and Europe," Feicht said. Merkel says country must act now to avoid ‘acute national emergency.’. The British-Swedish manufacturer Astrazeneca also plans to deliver more vaccine to the European Union in the first quarter than announced. The Hotel Haase in Lower Saxony decided to fill empty tables with lifesize dolls. Two weeks earlier, there had been 20,799 samples. CONTACTS: Contact restrictions will be tightened. The participants now discuss with each other via video. After years of turning their backs on them, Opaschowski observed, the citizens trust them much more again. Berlin (dpa) - Chancellor Angela Merkel has paid tribute to the achievements of families in the Corona pandemic. Stricter rules also apply to personal meetings: In most federal states, only two households are allowed to meet - in some cases this even applies to meetings in the home.

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