history of holy week

By the later 4th century the practice had begun of separating the various events and commemorating them on the days of the week on which they occurred: Judas’s betrayal and the institution of the Eucharist on Maundy Thursday; the Passion and death of Christ on Good Friday; his burial on Saturday; and his Resurrection on Easter Sunday. The name Holy Week was used in the 4th century by St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, and St. Epiphanius of Constantia. In Eastern Rite Churches, also known as Eastern Orthodox, Holy Week occurs the week after Lazarus Saturday and starts on the evening of Palm Sunday. [citation needed], The Holy Week commemorations reach their paramount on Good Friday as the Catholic Church celebrates the passion of Jesus. The Codex Theodosianus, however, is explicit in ordering that all actions at law should cease, and the doors of all courts of law be closed during those 15 days (1. ii. This process is referred to as the Paschal Mystery. These are a solemn celebration of the Little Hours with added hymns and readings. [citation needed], Today, in the Western Christian Church, among Lutherans, Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians and Catholics, the liturgies used for Holy Week are nearly identical. Christians take these palms, which are often blessed by clergy, to their homes where they hang them alongside Christian art (especially crosses and crucifixes) or keep them in their Bibles or devotionals. Those who are able may receive the blessing of their spiritual father to observe an even stricter fast, whereby they eat only two meals that week: one on Wednesday night and one after Divine Liturgy on Thursday. In the rites of the Western/Latin/Roman Church it begins with Palm Sunday and concludes on Easter Sunday. [7], In many liturgical denominations, to commemorate the Messiah's entry into Jerusalem to accomplish his paschal mystery, it is customary to have a blessing of palm leaves (or other branches, for example olive branches). [45] On Maundy Thursday, the faithful visit seven churches to pray the Stations of the Cross, and in the evenings, pray in front of each church's Altar of Repose. The earliest allusion to the custom of marking this week as a whole with special observances is to be found in the Apostolical Constitutions (v. 18, 19), dating from the latter half of the 3rd century and 4th century. "[citation needed], The Roman Missal recommends that, if considered pastorally appropriate, the priest should, immediately after the homily, celebrate the rite of washing the feet of an unspecified number of men, customarily twelve, recalling the number of the Apostles. [57][58], A different celebration of Easter Monday takes place in Egypt. The Roman Rite liturgy consists of three parts: the Liturgy of the Word, the Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion. [8], Many churches of mainstream Christian denominations, including the Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, Anglican, Moravian and Reformed traditions, distribute palm branches to their congregations during their Palm Sunday liturgies. The general intercessions follow. Its date is exactly a week before Good Friday. [citation needed], Orthros of Great and Holy Thursday does not follow the format of Great Lent (with the singular exception of chanting Alleluia in place of God is the Lord), but is celebrated as outside Lent, having a complete canon. They are longer, typically, and not necessarily what the lay faithful are used to experiencing on most Sundays and holy days of obligation throughout the Church’s liturgical year. In other communities as Gracias Lempira and different towns is still widely celebrated. Each Old Testament reading is followed by a psalm or canticle (such as Exodus 15:1–18 and a prayer relating what has been read to the Mystery of Christ. The religious processions that are part of the Holy Week celebrations in many countries begin two days before Holy Week on what in those countries is called Friday of Sorrows. [citation needed]. At this meal wine and oil are permitted, but the faithful still abstain from meat and dairy products. Most stores are closed and most people in the cities return to their home provinces to commemorate Holy Week in their home town. Then, the priest lights a single candle from the eternal flame on the altar (which is never extinguished). Holy Week concludes with Christ's rest in death and descent into Hades on Holy or Good Saturday. As for the multitude of my sins and the depths of Your judgements, who can search them out, O Savior of souls, my Savior? In the Holy Week timeline, Maundy Thursday is the day when Jesus and his disciples celebrate Passover. For most Christians, Lent is a time of penance, prayer, and preparation for or recollection of baptism, in preparation for the celebration of Easter. [citation needed], A new liturgical day beginning at sunset, the first liturgy of each day is vespers at which stichera are chanted elaborating the theme of the new day. [citation needed], In the Latin tradition, the Gospel of the Pilgrims of Emmaus was traditionally sung on Easter Tuesday during the liturgy. During each hour, one prophecy is read at the beginning, a hymn is chanted twelve times, a psalm is sung in a sad tune, one passage from a gospel is read, and an exposition concludes the hour. The pasos are set up and maintained by hermandades and cofradías, religious brotherhoods that are common to a specific area of the city, whose precede the paso dressed in Roman military costumes or penitential robes. Dionysius Alexandrinus in his canonical epistle (AD 260), refers to the 91 fasting days implying that the … Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter. [citation needed], In the Catholic Church, on this day the private celebration of Mass is forbidden. That night, there is a symbolic search for Jesus when the "Pharisees" visit various crosses in the streets and capture the "old man" (symbolic Jesus). [citation needed], Easter Day is marked with joyous celebration, the first being the dawn Salubong rite, wherein statues of Jesus and Mary are brought in procession together to meet, imagining the first reunion of Jesus and his mother Mary after the Resurrection. The drama shows Christ being taken from the cross and placed in a coffin, which is then taken around to the accompaniment of the "Song of Veronica". History of Holy Week (rooted in the 2nd century) Zenit News Agency ^ | April 9, 2006 Posted on 04/11/2006 12:58:02 AM PDT by NYer. [3] Many television stations in Anglophone countries air films related to Holy Week, such as The Ten Commandments, The Greatest Story Ever Told and The Jesus Film. The Gospel accounts are not always clear or in agreement on the events which occurred on these days, though there are traditional observances held by some denominations to commemorate certain events from the last days of Jesus Christ's life. The priest calls Judas the "killer of Christ". It was always a night of vigil, in remembrance and expectation of Jesus Christ's resurrection. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Holy-Week. Then it is solemnly taken to the church following a band and a procession of people. This ‘Week of Weeks’ preserves some of the oldest texts still in current use, and rehearses the deepest and most fundamental Christian memories. Afterwards, all of the lighting in the church is extinguished and all remain in silence and darkness until the stroke of midnight. Towards the end of the Tuesday evening Bridegroom liturgy (Orthros for Great and Holy Wednesday), the Hymn of Kassiani is sung. [citation needed], Since the liturgical day starts from the evening before a calendar day, the prayers of Palm Sunday begin on the evening of Lazarus' Saturday. March 28 - April 3, 2021. Sham Ennessim (Arabic: شم النسيم, Sham Al Nassim or Sham an-Nassim, IPA: [ˈʃæmm ennɪˈsiːm]) Coptic: Ϭⲱⲙ ̀ⲛⲛⲓⲥⲓⲙ, Shom Ennisim) is an Egyptian national holiday marking the beginning of spring. Once the procession concludes with the singing of the third proclamation, the lights throughout the church are lit, except for the altar candles. Dionysius Alexandrinus in his canonical epistle (AD 260), refers to the 91 fasting days implying that the observance of them had already become an established usage in his time. Early Church.Different places commemorated the last week of Christ’s life on earth differently: some a few days, some the entire week. The Mass or liturgy of worship itself includes a reading of the Passion, the narrative of Jesus' capture, sufferings and death, as recounted in one of the Synoptic Gospels. Other events connected with this date include the events at the house of Simon the Leper, especially the anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany, the events of which directly preceded the betrayal of Jesus by Judas to the Sanhedrin. Originally, only Good Friday and Holy Saturday were observed as holy days. Holy week processions in Seville include marching bands that escort the pasos. [citation needed], On Holy Saturday the Church waits at the Lord's tomb in prayer and fasting, meditating on his Passion and Death and on his Descent into Hell, and awaiting his Resurrection.The Church abstains from the Sacrifice of the Mass, with the sacred table left bare, until after the solemn Vigil, that is, the anticipation by night of the Resurrection, when the time comes for paschal joys, the abundance of which overflows to occupy fifty days. The celebration of Easter begins after sundown on what, though still Saturday in the civil calendar, is liturgically Easter Sunday. [22] At the conclusion of the Maundy Thursday liturgy in Lutheran Churches, the "lectern and pulpit are [also] left bare until Easter to symbolize the humiliation and barrenness of the cross. God is Love and he has defeated evil through Christ’s death and resurrection. Q: Has Holy Week been observed as such since the beginning of Christianity? Holy Week is the week before Easter Sunday, beginning seven days before with Palm Sunday. The chanting, which continues day and night without interruption, lasts as long as two straight days. This is accompanied by a number of other rituals, such as making verse declarations and holding door-to-door processions, in some regions involving boys dressed as bears or other creatures. During the celebration, the narrative of the passion is read in some localities. Next came the Sabbatum Magnum ("Great Sabbath", i.e., Holy Saturday or Easter Eve) with its vigil, which in the early church was associated with an expectation that the second advent would occur on an Easter Day. [citation needed], In Amatenango, the figure of Judas, who betrayed Christ has been the main point of focus during the Mayan Holy Week. The Hymn can last upwards of 25 minutes and is liturgically and musically a highpoint of the entire year. [citation needed], Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, complete: Palm and Passion Sunday (Latin Dominica in Palmis de Passione Domini. On this day wine and oil are allowed (and, in the Russian tradition, caviar), lightening the fast by one degree. The blessing is thus followed by a procession or solemn entrance into the church, with the participants holding the blessed branches in their hands. Palm Sunday is considered one of the Great Feasts of the Lord, and is celebrated with fish, wine and oil, the lightest degree of fasting, in observance of the festival. [citation needed], Lazarus Saturday commemorates Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, just before he went to Jerusalem himself. These two acts remain important traditions in the church. Palm Sunday, the Triduum & Easter Sunday: The Biblical Chronology of Holy Week • Documents • New Testament During the Lenten Season and especially when nearing Holy Week, you are likely to encounter multiple controversies and theories regarding the timing of important events that occurred during Jesus' last week before His crucifixion. Holy Week liturgies generally attract the largest crowds of the year. [citation needed], Easter Monday is the day after Easter Sunday and is a holiday in some countries. In Eastern Rite Churches, Holy Week starts after 40 days of Lent and two transitional days, namely Saturday of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday) and Palm Sunday. which includes a description of Palm Sunday, is found in the travel diaries of a woman named Egeria. The Story of Holy Week Page 2 Then Jesus went to the temple. A breakfast usually follows, sometimes lasting till dawn. [citation needed], These days' Orthros liturgies (which in parishes is performed the previous night) are often referred to as the "Bridegroom Prayer", because of their theme of Christ as the Bridegroom of the Church, a theme expressed in the troparion that is solemnly chanted during them. There they promise to serve God for the next three or five years, until their eyes start to bleed just like Christ's would. [citation needed], Vespers of Great and Holy Friday (Vespers of the Deposition from the Cross) is held in the morning or early afternoon of Great and Holy Friday. And with good reason: Holy Thursday is the day on which Catholics commemorate the institution of three pillars of the Catholic Faith: the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the priesthood, and the Mass. [39][40], The hollyday is celebarted in Comayagua. This cross will remain in the center of the church until the bringing out of the epitaphios the next evening. [4], Holy Week in the Christian year is the week immediately before Easter. During the meal, Jesus predicted the events that would immediately follow, including his betrayal, the Denial of Peter, and his death and resurrection. At the end of the liturgy all come forward to venerate the Epitaphios. [26] Western Catholic Church practice is to have only one full meal with, if needed, two small snacks that together do not make a full meal. While the exact order of events during Holy Week is debated by biblical scholars, this timeline represents an approximate outline of major events of the most holy days on the Christian calendar. [citation needed], Other writings that refer to related traditions of the early Church include, most notably, The Pilgrimage of Etheria (also known as The Pilgrimage of Egeria), which details the whole observance of Holy Week at that time. They were popular during the Middle Ages, but remained an "unusual liturgical drama in the West". Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. to imitate devoutly the Blessed Virgin Mary History. After the Old Testament readings conclude, the Gloria in excelsis Deo, which has been suspended during Lent, is intoned and bells are rung. [citation needed], One of the highpoints is the sharing of the paschal kiss and the reading of the Hieratikon (Catechetical Homily of John Chrysostom) by the priest. … and come at last to the fullness of his grace. Updates? Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Corrections? Pope Francis. Until the fourth century, only Easter Sunday was recognised as a holy or special day. Easter is not part of Holy Week, but rather the beginning of the Easter season of the Liturgical year. It is a symbol of God’s love, which overcomes death. Through time, the festival of Holy Week was extended at both ends, with observances starting on Friday of Sorrows, the last Friday before Palm Sunday, and Eastertide, with various observances marking days of the Easter Octave. [citation needed], Vespers joined to the Divine Liturgy is served on Great and Holy Saturday, prescribed by the Liturgical books to be served in the afternoon but often served in the morning. The figure of Our Lord of the Stations, representing the blood-stained Jesus carrying the cross, is brought from the church in a large black box and displayed in the main square. The origins of the celebration are uncertain, but it may date to pagan times before 1000 AD; it is described in writing as early as the 15th century. While daytime liturgies or commemorations of the day are rare in the Western tradition, after sundown on Holy Saturday is the traditional time for Easter Vigil. Good Friday: All through the night Jesus has been locked in the dungeon of the high priest’s house. The celebration at the Colosseum with participation by the Pope has become a traditional fixture widely covered by television. "[citation needed], The candles of those present are lit from the Paschal candle. [citation needed], A procession then circles around the outside of the church, recreating the journey of the Myrrh Bearers as they journeyed to the Tomb of Jesus on the first Easter morning. The main themes anticipate the Resurrection of Jesus, showing him as master over death. This is the Proti Anastasi (First Resurrection) liturgy, commemorating the Harrowing of Hell. This week symbolizes the spiritual journey, which includes times of celebration, loss and dying, and redemption or hope. [citation needed], Those members who wish to do so wear these penitential robes with conical hats, or capirotes, used to conceal the face of the wearer. In some communities (most famously in San Fernando, Pampanga), the processions include devotees who self-flagellate and sometimes even have themselves nailed to crosses as expressions of penance. Thus, it is the matins liturgy of Great Monday that is on "Palm Sunday" evening in parish churches and often vespers is in the morning. a member of the church who volunteers to represent Jesus is beaten and buried for two days. Without the resurrection, Christianity would be so much wishful thinking, taking its place alongside all other human philosophy and religious speculation . In the Greek and Roman liturgical books, it is called the Great Week because great deeds were done by God during this week. However, Good Friday has an extra hour added to it, that of The Twelfth Hour. [25] A Handbook for the Discipline of Lent recommends the Lutheran guideline to "Fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday with only one simple meal during the day, usually without meat". [19] In some places, notably the Philippines and Malta, Catholics will travel from church to church praying at each church's altar of repose in a practice called "Visita Iglesia" or Seven Churches Visitation. It is sometimes also referred to as "Council Friday", because of the choice of John 11:47–54 as the Gospel passage read in the Tridentine Mass on that day (which is now read in slightly expanded form on Saturday of the fifth week of Lent), which recounts the meeting of the Sanhedrin to discuss what to do with Jesus. [citation needed], Holy Week is commemorated with street processions featuring wheeled carrozas or floats carrying various icons, the Way of the Cross, and a Passion play called the Senákulo. In this text, abstinence from flesh is commanded for all the days, while for the Friday and Saturday an absolute fastis commanded. Similar but smaller or shorter passion processions are held in many other Sicilian cities, like Erice and Caltanissetta, but also in various Southern Italian cities, like Salerno and Taranto. The Holy Week observances in the Roman Missal were revised according to the decree Maxima Redemptoris (November 16, 1955) to restore the services to the time of day corresponding to that of the events discussed in Scripture. Since 1970, in the Catholic Church the colour of the vestments is red. The canon that is chanted on these days is a "Triode", i.e., composed of three odes instead of the usual nine, as is in other weekday liturgies in the Triodion. For its uncommon use to describe the week before Holy Week, see. By Heidi Stutelberg Correspondent . Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... 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