how big were dinosaurs compared to humans

This photo gallery will show you just how enormous some prehistoric animals were! After the dinosaurs died out, nearly 65 million years passed before people appeared on Earth. Strauss, Bob. Studies by Dececchi et al., compared the leg proportions, body mass, and the gaits of more than 70 species of theropod dinosaurs including Tyrannosaurus and its relatives. This simple observation about the change in life's maximum size in a different gravity leads directly to the theory that gravity was less during the dinosaurs’ time. Here's what it would be like to stand next to the dinos. Jun 22, 2018 - "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" may have thrown some new dinosaurs into the mix, including genetic hybrids that could never have existed in reality. Not every dinosaur was gigantic, but the ones that were were absolute behemoths. Here's how big all the dinosaurs from "Jurassic Park" are relative to an average human man. Many paleontologists who study giant plant-eating dinosaurs like hadrosaurs and sauropods believe that these behemoths were cold-blooded, for two compelling reasons: First, based on our current physiological models, a warm-blooded Mamenchisaurus type would have cooked itself from the inside out, like a baked potato, and promptly expired; and second, no land-dwelling, warm-blooded … The species was first described in 1980, and it is considered small compared with other titanosaur species, measuring only 12.2 to 12.8 meters (about 40 to 42 feet) long and weighing slightly under 7 metric tons (about 7.7 tons). Big sauropods, Wedel says, laid more eggs, were harder for predators to kill, could survive on lower quality food, could migrate long distances on less resources, and more. Giganotosaurus vs. Argentinosaurus: Who Wins? Tyrannosaurus Rex gets all the press, but the fact is that Spinosaurus was the more impressive dinosaur--not only in terms of its size (50 feet long and eight or nine tons, compared to 40 feet and six or seven tons for T. Rex) but also its appearance (that sail was a pretty cool accessory). Humans - generously (and assuming a loose definition of human) - about two million years. Researchers suggest that this lightweight Maniraptora was built for speed and its long fingers were likely used to catch and […] Many scientists who study dinosaurs (vertebrate paleontologists) now think that birds are direct descendants of one line of carnivorous dinosaurs, and some consider that they in fact Live. by Kate and Jim McMullan (August 31, 2010). The secret to mega-dinosaurs' impressive sizes may be that the reptiles used more of their energy for growing and less for keeping their bodies warm compared with some creatures. This is right in range of: A bus (with people on it) 2 Asian Elephants. In any case, the Bible describes the world as “ wicked. This image shows the shadows of eight dinosaurs and a human. But what you may not have realized is how tall this sauropod was: because its front legs were significantly longer than its back legs, Brachiosaurus could attain the height of a five-story office building when it reared its neck up to its full height (a speculative posture which is still a subject of debate among paleontologists). But the film doesn't neglect the classics, like T. rex and giant sauropods. Titanoboa Changes Our Understanding Of The Prehistoric Landscape. Compared to some of the other animals on this list, the Woolly Mammoth was nothing to write home about--this megafauna mammal measured about 13 feet long and weighed five tons soaking wet, making it only slightly bigger than the biggest modern elephants. This is how big the dinosaurs in 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' are compared to humans. Also known as the Elephant Bird--so called because it was legendarily huge enough to carry off a baby elephant--Aepyornis was a 10-foot-tall, 900-pound, flightless resident of Pleistocene Madagascar. These scores are compared to the scores for their living relatives, the crocodiles. Tyrannosaurus Rex Weight. Dinosaurs lived during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. Most of us imagine dinosaurs as the huge, towering prehistoric beings that once walked the Earth. Use this image when you teach sizes, have your students compare dinosaur sizes to everyday objects. Untorne Nislav:. The Arctotherium angustidens was isolated primarily to South America during the Pleistocene epoch 2.5 million to 11,000 years ago. We did not ride them, nor keep them as pets or harness them for domestic labor. It’s estimated that 3.5% to 6% of the global population suffers from arachnophobia. Jenny Cheng,Jessica Orwig. How Big Were Dinosaurs? If we try to visualise that, the UK is a little more than 900 km long. The truly remarkable thing about the "giant giraffe" was its almost comically long neck, which allowed this plant-eater to lift its head to a height of almost 40 feet (presumably so it could nibble on the tasty upper leaves of trees). Part of the Dinosaurs: Activities and Lesson Plans Curriculum Collection. 165 Chris Pratt clones. 01:12. This is how big the dinosaurs in 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' are compared to humans. But land dinosaurs would be quite comfortable with the climate of tropical and semi-tropical parts of the world. You probably know the numbers: the largest land mammals ever are around 6–8 meters long (19-26 feet), while the largest dinosaurs were … is it 40 meters (131 feet)? ThoughtCo. Most of us imagine dinosaurs as the huge, towering prehistoric beings that once walked the Earth. This is between 18,600 lbs and 30,800 lbs. Giant Humans and Dinosaurs. Jun 21, 2018, 22:55 IST "Jurassic World: … Dinosaurs, like Winnie the Pooh, have traditionally been depicted as having very small brains, and therefore not being very intelligent creatures. 3) They could swallow branches without chewing them first. While the weight of a Theropod, a two-legged carnivorous dinosaur, most often fell between 100 and 1000 kilograms, most carnivores that currently exist are between 10 and 100 kilograms in weight—an entire order of magnitude less. Why were prehistoric animals so large? Brachiosaurus, compared to a full-grown human being. Their respiratory systems are better than among humans and the big land animals we find today. But the film doesn't neglect the classics. During these periods, the climate was much warmer, with CO₂ levels over four times higher than today. Invite your students to tell which ones were the tallest and the longest, estimate how big they were compared to a human. This giant plant-eater probably had a prehensile lower lip, with which it ripped the leaves off the high branches of trees. Perhaps people and animals were killing each other; maybe dinosaurs had started killing other animals and humans. Megatherium, compared to a full-grown human being. This Paleocene snake shared its South American habitat with equally huge crocodiles and turtles, including the one-ton Carbonemys, with which it may occasionally have grappled. The largest crocodile that ever walked the earth, Sarcosuchus, aka the SuperCroc, measured about 40 feet from head to tail and weighed in the neighborhood of 15 tons (making it slightly more menacing than the already pretty menacing Deinosuchus, pictured in slide #4). The only ocean dweller that matched Megalodon's heft was the prehistoric whale Leviathan, which briefly shared this shark's habitat during the Miocene epoch. Hatzegopteryx, compared to a full-grown human being. And carbon dioxide emissions are still rising , albeit at a slower rate than in recent years. Can USGS photos of fossils be downloaded or viewed online? Many dinosaurs were quite small, some measuring about 50 centimeters (20 inches) in length. But in a world where spiders are the same size as humans, who wouldn’t be scared of them? Retrieved from Humans and non-avian dinosaurs never shared planet Earth together. It sounds like the punchline to a prehistoric joke--a 20-foot-long, three-ton sloth in the same weight class as the Woolly Mammoth. Humans and non-avian dinosaurs never shared planet Earth together. Graphics by Skye Gould. We did not ride them, nor keep them as pets or harness them for domestic labor. Bookshelf Entry #4 Non-Fiction: “How Big were Dinosaurs” by Lita Judge Fiction: “How do Dinosaurs say Goodnight” by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague This book has all the facts about how big dinosaurs really were by measuring the bones and remains that archeologists have found throughout the years. )The text structure the author uses includes description, compariso 1. since, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention”. Troodon goes down in record as potentially being the smartest dinosaur to walk the Earth. All the continents as we know them were combined in a supercontinent, called Pangea, so plants and animals were somewhat uniformly spread across the landmasses, without oceans to prevent their movement. Lash yourself to the mast - the “era of the dinosaurs” lasted some 165 million years, starting in the Triassic period, continuing through the Jurassic period, and into and through the Cretaceous period. The 19 Smallest Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals, The Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Georgia, Titanosaur Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, The Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Oklahoma, 10 Prehistoric Battles That Could (and Probably Did) Happen. The last page is a size comparison, showing how big or small the dinos were compared to humans. Compsognathus, a small meat-eater, was 1.25 metres (4 feet one inch) long, about two-thirds the length of a bed. This Cretaceous period Theropod was a late Cretaceous marvel and paleontologists believe that this bipedal carnivore was a nocturnal hunter. If this picture of Giraffatitan reminds you of Brachiosaurus (slide #6), that's no coincidence: many paleontologists are convinced that this 80-foot-long, 30-ton sauropod was actually a Brachiosaurus species. Each page features one dinosaur and a short description in print and braille. In this picture gallery, you can see how some of the most famous extinct animals that ever lived would have sized up against an average human being--which will give you a good idea what "big" really means! How to View 3D Dinosaurs in Your Own Home. Dinosaurs vs. The first dinosaur fossils were recognized in the early 19th century, with the name "dinosaur" (meaning "terrible lizard") having been coined by Sir Richard Owen in 1841 to refer to these "great fossil lizards". This is how humans size up in comparison to the dinosaurs featured in "Jurassic Park. Because they were so big, dinosaurs would have needed a lot of food to survive. Jenny Cheng. It's one thing to know that a dinosaur was 40 feet long and weighed seven tons, and another to grasp just how enormous that was compared to the average full-grown human. Tactile Book of Dinosaurs by Tactile Vision Graphics/Emmanuel Blaevoet $16.00 Format: Tactile (Braille) Quantity: Return to Shopping Item: COLOR-DINO. The data here are quite solid. (accessed May 24, 2021). The Woolly Mammoth, compared to a full-grown human being. Unfortunately, even the Elephant Bird was no match for the human settlers of this Indian Ocean island, who hunted Aepyornis into extinction by the end of the 17th century (and also stole its eggs, which were over 100 times larger than those of chickens). As intimidating as it was, though, Deinosuchus would have been no match for the slightly earlier Sarcosuchus, aka the SuperCroc; this African crocodile tipped the scales at a whopping 15 tons! Witness the truly gigantic Shantungosaurus of Asia, which measured 50 feet from head to tail and weighed about 15 tons. Collect. 01:13. I bet every one of us has wished at least once to have seen an Apatosaurus or T-Rex in the flesh, that’s why Jurassic Park is still constantly on TV 22 years after its release. For example, we humans need to maintain a temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, or 37 degrees Celsius, in order to stay alive. Terrestrial reptiles reached 5 metres in … They have a narrow range of scores because the body weights and brain sizes of the dinosaurs in this group were quite uniform. This reduced gravity provides a reason why dinosaurs were gigantic. “We keep dinosaurs as pets, eat them, enjoy looking at them in nature and in … human fossils in same rock strata as Argentinosaurus, compared to a full-grown human being. Here are the lengths of some different kinds of dinosaurs for you to measure. Ankylosaurus and Triceratops, both large plant-eaters, were both 8 metres (26 feet) long, about the length of a London double-decker bus. Vivid and exciting, Gigantic! (2020, August 27). Dinosaur of the day Eotriceratops, a large three-horned dinosaur that evolved roughly one million years before Triceratops. One of the most obvious and intriguing facts about the dinosaurs, and indeed much land based prehistoric life, is that they could achieve surprisingly massive sizes in comparison to present day life. However, you have to put Mammuthus primigenius in the proper Pleistocene context, where this prehistoric pachyderm was both hunted and worshiped as a demigod by the earliest humans. While many dinosaurs were heavier than Megalodon, they were no match for it based on their overall length. Did humans and dinosaurs live at the same time? 1080p. Dinosaurs were the most awesome things to ever stomp the earth. However, small mammals (including shrew-sized primates) were alive at the time of the dinosaurs. Since then, mounted fossil dinosaur skeletons have been major attractions at museums worldwide, and dinosaurs … A new study has found that carbon emissions are now so high, the last time they hit similar levels was 66 million years ago, when many species of dinosaur were wiped off the face of the planet. Humans. According to what is often called Cope’s … Megalodon size compared with a Whale Shark, modern Great White Shark and human. Before we start, what you need to realize is that dinosaurs were definitely large, but not so large. The prehistoric snake Titanoboa made up for its relative lack of heft (it only weighed about a ton) with its impressive length--fully grown adults stretched 50 feet from head to tail. Dinosaurs were extremely successful, especially when you consider that modern humans (Homo sapiens) have only been around for 200,000 years!Today, many scientists now regard birds to be dinosaurs! Because of this wickedness, God warned a godly man named Noah that He was going to … Dinosaurs ranged in size from small to gargantuan; mammals had a more restricted range of sizes. From movies and books to junior fossil-cleaning kits, there is something about digging ancient bones out of the dirt that appeals to the human senses of wonder and awe. Introduction. Note the teeny-tiny human being in the lower left corner. The size of prehistoric animals can be difficult to comprehend: 50 tons here, 50 feet there, and pretty soon you're talking about a creature that's as much bigger than an elephant as an elephant is bigger than a house cat. 00:01. The diagram shows the sauropods had low EQs. Granted, you probably already have a sense of how big Brachiosaurus was from repeated viewings of Jurassic Park. Account active (Who would prevail in a battle between these two giants? The mockup featured a gargantuan snake swallowing what looked like a crocodile with its tail hanging out of the snake’s mouth. Many dinosaurs were quite small, some measuring about 50 centimeters (20 inches) in length. "How Big Were Prehistoric Animals?" Strauss, Bob. Excavations of this limestone has also revealed a child's tooth and human hair. It's possible that Spinosaurus occasionally grappled with the huge prehistoric crocodile Sarcosuchus; for an analysis of this battle, see Spinosaurus vs. Sarcosuchus - Who Wins? This is how big the dinosaurs in 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' are compared to humans. So what if spiders were the same size as humans? Go to this website that shows a size chart of different dinosaurs, and how they would compare to an average human. Share. But the fact is that herds of Megatherium were thick on the ground in Pliocene and Pleistocene South America, rearing up on their stocky hind legs to rip the leaves off trees (and fortunately leaving the other mammalian megafauna to themselves, since sloths are confirmed vegetarians). An evolutionary … That is, until they all died of altitude sickness. Aepyornis, posed next to a full-grown human being (Sameer Prehistorica). Most of us imagine dinosaurs as the huge, towering prehistoric beings that once walked the Earth. Weight is just one way to measure size, as well, since many animals can be larger but still be relatively light based on their total body size. Research by Jessica Orwig. ... 40 tombs with humans … The existence of dinosaurs would take up the whole length of the UK, and modern humans would only take up 1 km – that’s a little less than half of the Tay Road Bridge! Sarcosuchus, compared to a full-grown human being (Sameer Prehistorica). The story relates to How Big Were Dinosaurs? But it turns out that, dinosaurs were actually a wide range of sizes. Indricotherium, compared to an African elephant and a full-sized human being. But the question on everyone's mind is how, or more specifically, why did they get so big? Titanotylopus, compared to a full-grown human being (Sameer Prehistorica). Giraffatitan, posed next to a full-grown human being (Sameer Prehistorica). But it turns out that dinosaurs were actually a wide range of sizes — and some of them weren't much larger than a turkey. This bear was so massive that scientists believe it regularly weighed It’s very uncommon for modern mammals to grow as large as many dinosaurs did. Read full article. Sue’s estimated weight falls as low as 9.3 short tons, but recent research places her as high as 15.4 short tons. This question is an easy one to answer — and it’s an unfortunate, but firm, no (with one notable exception). Dinosaurs - ignoring birds, which of course are still here - around a hundred and eighty million years. Dinosaurs appeared on Earth between 243 and 231 million years ago. Argentinosaurus vs. Giganotosaurus - Who Wins. The weight of … How Big Were Prehistoric Animals? In a new study, Dutch and U.S. researchers have, for the first time, found a way to detect and track these remote fires. Until fairly recently, scientists thought that the dinosaurs could grow so big because they were reptiles. Studies of air bubbles trapped in amber show that the atmosphere of the Cretaceous may have had up to 35 per cent oxygen, compared to … In the Roosevelt Memorial Hall at the American Museum of Natural History, a Barosaurus rears up to a height of 50 feet as it protects its offspring from an Allosaurus attack. Get it now on using the button below. It's a common myth that sauropods were the only dinosaurs to reach double-digit tonnage, but the fact is that some hadrosaurs, or duck-billed dinosaurs, were almost as massive. Jenny Cheng, Jessica Orwig Jun 22, 2018, 3:25 AM. This is quite simply, the largest bear ever discovered and by default, a contender for the largest carnivorous land mammal ever to live. Less well known than the equally giant Quetzalcoatlus, Hatzegopteryx made its home on Hatzeg Island, which was isolated from the rest of central Europe during the late Cretaceous period. This petrified finger found in cretaceous limestone, belonged to a "prehistoric" human. Amazingly, as huge as it was, Shantungosaurus may have been capable of running for short bursts on its two hind feet, when it was being chased by predators. You can read more about dinosaurs — including what dinosaur would have made the best pet (it's the parrot, don't let them fool you: birds are dinosaurs) — in Carrano's full Q&A here. Titanoboa, compared to a full-grown human being (Sameer Prehistorica). This ability to achieve gigantic sizes conflicts with studies which indicate that large dinosaurs were much more agile than they should have been. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. The 20 Biggest Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Reptiles, Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of France, 10 Facts About Sarcosuchus, the World's Biggest Crocodile. "How Big Were Prehistoric Animals?" in both relating to size and by showing a variety of different dinosaurs. Much of the land was covered in deserts, and t… Over time, the levels of oxygen would rise and this gave the dinosaurs an advantage over the other animals. This is yet another theory. The reason for the gigantic size dinosaurs, and other land based prehistoric life, may be that they evolved in a reduced gravity world. In fact, a Tyrannosaurus Rex was approximately as long as seven people lying down in single file, and as tall as a three storey building. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, In dinosaur news this week: T. rex probably walked about as fast as humans; 25 new fossils of possible titanosaurs were found in northeast India Dinosaurs weren't the only reptiles that grew to enormous sizes during the Mesozoic Era. Damn, what a number! The sizes are in feet and inches, as that’s how we normally measure humans. However, at least some mammals and some dinosaurs were approximately equal in size. 1 July 2018, 7:48 am "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" may have thrown some new dinosaurs into the mix, including genetic hybrids that could never have existed in reality. In the Roosevelt Memorial Hall at the American Museum of Natural History, a Barosaurus rears up to a height of 50 feet as it protects its offspring from an Allosaurus attack. Even the big dinosaurs were small before their teenage growth spurt. In the photo, it is compared to a regular full-length finger. Developed by the American palaeoneurologist Harry Jerison in the 1970s, a dinosaur's EQ is the ratio of its brain weight relative to the brain weight of a "typical" animal of similar body weight. (How would this battle have turned out? Subscriber By studying the dinosaur bones discovered over the last two hundred years, scientists have an idea of how big some of the dinosaurs were. So, why did they get so much bigger than animals that walk the land today? Monica Manalo contributed reporting on a previous version of this article. Look at the height and length of each dinosaur and see if you can follow the clues below to find a different dinosaur for each numbered clue. Around 250 million years ago, the Mesozoic Era began, lasting for nearly 200 million years through the Triassic and Jurassic Periods, until the devastating end of the Cretaceous Period when a meteor slammed into Earth 65 million years ago. The basics of dinosaur weighing. There were comparatively few real kinds of dinosaur compared to the number of named ‘species’. This book of tactile images shows you what dinosaurs were like. Here’s how big the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park would be in real life Skye Gould and Jessica Orwig 2015-06-12T20:04:00Z No! There's not much to say about Megalodon that hasn't all been said before: this was fins-down the biggest prehistoric shark that ever lived, measuring anywhere from 50 to 70 feet long and weighing as much as 100 tons. Shantungosaurus, compared to a full-grown human being (Sameer Prehistorica). All large land reptiles from prehistoric times were dinosaurs. See Carbonemys vs. Titanoboa - Who Wins?). More in Curriculum Collections. "Zombie fires" that smoulder underground through the winter and rise from the earth in the spring to set the boreal forest ablaze are expected to become more common in the North as the climate warms. The scientists analyzed the skull of 70-million-year-old fossils of the giant dinosaur Ampelosaurus, discovered in 2007 in Cuenca, Spain, in the course of … Strauss, Bob. But being large also helps to protect against predators. One of the things that make dinosaurs so appealing to kids and adults is their sheer size: plant-eaters like those of the genera Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus weighed in the neighborhood of 25 to 50 tons (23–45 metric tons), and a well-toned Tyrannosaurus Rex or Spinosaurus genus members tipped the scales as much as 10 tons (9 metric tons). You might find yourself in a very sticky situation. Tyrannosaurus Rex, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, and many other prehistoric animals were massive!The largest living land animal, the African elephant is barely comparable to Triceratops in size and about a quarter of the size of than many sauropods (the long-necked dinosaurs).. Now dinosaur fans of all ages can see for themselves exactly what "big" means. Modern humans have only been around for 200,000 years, that’s 1/900 as long as dinosaurs were around! This produced abundant plant life, and herbivorous dinosaurs may have evolved large bodies partly because there was enough food to support them. The data here are quite solid. Broken short of the middle joint, it measures 7.6 cm (3 inches). Learn which ones were the largest and the smallest, what dinosaurs ate and how they behaved, as well as surprising facts about their extinction. Their size is only surpassed by baleen whales, whose weight is supported by water. Even evolutionarily advanced sauropod dinosaurs had tiny brains, new research finds. Some dinosaurs, such as the Barosaurus, were quite large and may have weighed as much as The carnosaurs had scores between about 1 and 1.9. The biggest terrestrial mammal that ever lived, Indricotherium (also known as Paraceratherium) measured about 40 feet from head to tail and weighed in the vicinity of 15 to 20 tons--which put this Oligocene ungulate in the same weight class as the titanosaur dinosaurs that vanished off the face of the earth 50 million years before. The non-avian dinosaurs died out 66 million years ago, likely when an asteroid struck Earth and the ensuing cataclysm wiped out a large percentage of life on the planet. Deinosuchus, compared to a full-grown human being (Sameer Prehistorica). Even still, it's possible that this South American titanosaur was preyed upon by packs of the contemporary theropod Giganotosaurus, a scenario you can read about in detail in Argentinosaurus vs. Giganotosaurus - Who Wins? At full length it would measure about 15 cm (6 inches). But it turns out that dinosaurs were … Intriguingly, Sarcosuchus shared its late Cretaceous African habitat with Spinosaurus (slide #9); there's no telling which reptile would have had the upper hand in a snout-to-snout standoff. Reptiles can keep growing till they die, while mammals (including man) stop growing at adulthood. The research team then applied a variety of methods to estimate each dinosaur's top speed when running as well as how much energy each dinosaur expended while moving at more relaxed speeds such as when walking. )I’m Big! The largest dinosaur for which we have compelling fossil evidence, Argentinosaurus measured over 100 feet from head to tail and may have weighed in excess of 100 tons. puts some of children's favorite dinosaurs head-to-head with monster trucks, cherry pickers, and tanks. Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including "The Big Book of What, How and Why" and "A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America. The first dinosaur fossils were recognized in the early 19th century, with the name "dinosaur" (meaning "terrible lizard") having been coined by Sir Richard Owen in 1841 to refer to these "great fossil lizards". For example, Argentinosaurus, a titanosaur of unprecedented size, could have weighed between 50 and 90 tonnes. If you were anything like me, much of your childhood was spent being fascinated by anything and everything related to dinosaurs. … Although dinosaurs are now extinct, if they were alive today they would take up a lot of room! Megalodon, compared to a full-grown human being. There were also gigantic crocodiles, notably the North American Deinosuchus, which measured over 30 feet from head to tail and weighed as much as ten tons. Sauropod dinosaurs were likely the largest terrestrial animals that ever existed. And maybe this fact helped them get as big as they became. To demonstrate just how big Titanoboa could get, the Smithsonian set up an exhibit in Grand Central Station in New York in 2012. Well, humans sure have egos. They had a long time to evolve. Cows may be triple-Einsteins compared to most dinosaurs, but why?" ", How Prehistoric Animals Size Up Next to Human Beings. 3. Spinosaurus, compared to a full-grown human being. Not only was Hatzegopteryx's skull ten feet long, but this pterosaur may have had a wingspan of a whopping 40 feet (though it probably only weighed a few hundred pounds, since a heavier build would have made it less aerodynamic). See Megalodon vs. Leviathan - Who Wins?).

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