romeo and juliet 2020

-Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake. If I know the letters and the language. -This wind you talk of blows us from ourselves; Supper is done, and we shall come too late. And then, being angered, puffs away from thence And turns his face to the dew-dropping South. -[ Sighs ] -He heareth not, he stirreth not, he moveth not. -Ah! In this contemporary retelling, a company of actors in a shuttered theater bring to life the tale of two young lovers who strive to transcend a world of violence and hate. It is the lark that sings so out of tune, Straining harsh discords and unpleasing sharps. -Benvolio, who began this bloody fray? Farewell, my coz. -[ Winces ] -Who set this quarrel new abroach? -Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband? -What are they, beseech your lordship? You are a princox, go, Be quiet, or for shame, I'll make you quiet. From The Way of the Dragon to Minari, we take a look back at the cinematic history of Asian/Pacific American filmmakers. But now I'll tell thee joyful tidings, girl. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me. -Sir Paris, I will make a desperate tender Of my child's love. Tell me, daughter Juliet, How stands your disposition to be married? A cleverly made Romeo & Juliet, adapted from a planned theatrical run to a filmed version, embraces the promise and the romance of a large and … ♪♪ ♪♪ -♪ Ahhhhhh ♪ Ahhhhhh ♪ Ahhhhhh ♪ Ahhhhhh ♪ Ahhhhhh ♪♪ ♪♪ -What lady is that? -Is there no pity sitting in the clouds That can see into the bottom of my grief? I'll call them back again to comfort me. -How art thou out of breath when thou hast breath To say to me that thou art out of breath? Romeo and Juliet fall in love. And in this state she gallops night by night Through lovers' brains, and then they dream of love; O'er lawyers' fingers, who straight dream on fees; O'er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream, Sometime she driveth o'er a soldier's neck, Then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, Of breaches, ambushes, Spanish blades, Of healths five fathoms deep; and then anon Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes, And being thus frighted, swears a prayer or two And sleeps again. Get thee to bed and rest, for thou hast need. ♪♪ [ Groaning ] ♪♪ ♪♪ Thus with a kiss I die. 'Proud,' and 'I thank you', and 'I thank you not', And yet 'not proud'? Pardon, I beseech you; Henceforward I am ever ruled by you. ♪♪ [ Both grunting ] ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Knife slashes ] Oh! Join us. My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -Stop thy unhallowed toil, vile Montague! -Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Condemned villain, I do apprehend thee. It is so late that we May call it early by and by. Be gone, be strong and prosperous In this resolve: Tomorrow morning I will speed To Mantua, with this message to thy lord. [ Breathing heavily ] No, no. Dry up your tears, and place your rosemary Upon this fair corpse, and, as the custom is, In all her best array, bear her to church; Every one prepare To follow this fair corpse unto her grave. -I do but keep the peace. Then, since the case so stands as now it doth, I think it best you married with the County. The WNET Group creates inspiring media content and meaningful experiences for diverse audiences nationwide. A Modern Twist on a Literary Classic Written by William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s infamous tale of two star-crossed lovers comes to life on the Forest Roberts Theatre stage in this new adaptation of the work. Now, when the bridegroom in the morning comes To rouse thee from thy bed, there art thou dead. -What say you, can you love the gentleman? ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -Mercutio, thou consortest with Romeo. But like almost everything on the National's schedule for 2020, its version of Romeo and Juliet was under threat as soon as the Covid pandemic hit. What is your will? How now, my Lord, Have you delivered to her my decree? For here lies Juliet, and her beauty makes This vault a feasting presence full of light. It is nor hand nor foot, Nor arm nor face nor any other part Belonging to a man. -Oh, a man, young lady; lady, such a man As all the world -- why, he's a man of wax. Status: Unknown. -Nay, he's a flower, in faith, a very flower. I have remembered me, thou's hear our counsel. ♪♪ ♪♪ -Speakest thou from thy heart? Romeo, good night: I'll to my truckle-bed; Whee! -God joined my heart and Romeo's, thou our hands; And ere this hand, by thee to Romeo sealed, Shall become the label to another deed, Or my true heart with treacherous revolt Turn to another, this shall slay them both. -God shield I should disturb devotion! -The National Theatre's 'Romeo & Juliet' is next. I'll have this knot knit up tomorrow morning. -Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives. -What wilt thou tell her, nurse? Gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully. -Then have my lips the sin that they have took. ♪♪ -Why the devil came you between us? An envious thrust from Tybalt hit the life Of stout Mercutio, and then Tybalt fled; -He is a kinsman to the Montague. Wilt thou slay thyself, And slay thy lady that in thy life lives, By doing damned hate upon thyself? Based in modern-day London centering around gang life. O, pardon me for bringing these ill news. [ Crying ] ♪♪ ♪♪ Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end. [ Door closes ] -How now, a conduit, girl? Hast thou met with him? -I will tell her, sir, that you do protest, which, as I take it, is a gentlemanlike offer. Shall I not then be stifled in the vault, And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes? Thus then in brief: The valiant Paris seeks you for his love. Romeo and Juliet (1968) Director: Franco Zeffirelli Actors: Leonard Whiting, Olivia Hussey, Michael York. ♪♪ -O calm, dishonourable, vile submission! Shh! Was ever book containing such vile matter So fairly bound? -Have I thought long to see this morning's face, And doth it give me such a sight as this? -Yet let me weep for such a feeling loss. Either withdraw unto some private place, And reason coldly of your grievances, Or else depart. But, as you will not wed, I'll pardon you. ♪♪ -Come, gentle night, come, loving black-browed night, Give me my Romeo. -Tell me in sadness, who is that you love. But he that hath the steerage of my course Direct my suit. -[ Cries ] -Lord, we scarce thought us blessed That God had lent us but this only child, But now I see this one is one too much. -There lies the man. -So will ye, I am sure, that you love me. -Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set On the fair daughter of rich Capulet. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ -See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love. Here's much to do with hate, but more with love. I wonder at this haste, that I must marry Ere he that should be husband comes to woo. This stylized film of Shakespeare’s masterpiece from the National Theatre celebrates the theatrical imagination. If I may trust the flattering truth of sleep, My dreams presage some joyful news at hand. ♪♪ Eyes, look your last; ♪♪ Arms... take your last embrace... ♪♪ ...and lips, O you The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss A dateless bargain to engrossing death. -Verona's summer hath not such a flower. Forswear it, sight, For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night. -No, gentle Nurse, I pray thee leave me to myself tonight. In the tomb, Romeo kills himself. Put up thy sword. ♪♪ -I protest I never injured thee, But love thee more than thou canst devise Till thou shalt know the reason of my love. Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone. I have more care to stay than will to go. One, two, and the third in your bosom. O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest, And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh. -With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, For stony limits cannot hold love out. -Not Romeo, prince, he was Mercutio's friend. But come, young waverer, come, go with me. What if it be a poison which the Friar Subtly hath ministered to have me dead, Lest in this marriage he should be dishonoured, Because he married me before to Romeo? Executive Producers are Rufus Norris, Director and Joint Chief Executive of the National Theatre; Dixie Linder, Cuba Pictures; David Horn, Great Performances; Christine Schwarzman & Darren Johnston, No Guarantees; and Philip Edgar Jones, Sky Arts. My will to her consent is but a part, Tonight we hold an old accustomed feast, Whereto we have invited many a guest Such as we love; and you among the store One more, most welcome, makes my number more. A New Adventures and Illuminations production in association with Sky and More2Screen. -Farewell, ancient lady, farewell lady, lady. -Well, you have comforted me marvellous much. -This day's black fate on more days doth depend, This but begins the woe others must end. All this, uttered With calm breath, gentle look, knees humbly bowed, Could not take truce with the unruly spleen Of Tybalt deaf to peace, but that he tilts With piercing steel at bold Mercutio's breast. -O, she knew well Thy love did read by rote, that could not spell. -Good mother, I beseech you on my knees, Hear me with patience but to speak a word. Day, night, hour, tide, time, work, play, Alone, in company, still my care has been To have thee matched; and having now provided, To answer 'I'll not wed, I cannot love, I am too young, I pray you pardon me.'. But, I pray, can you read anything you see? -Blistered be thy tongue For such a wish! -Call for young Paris, go tell him of this. Juliet -♪ Ahhh ♪ Ahhh ahh ahh -Did my heart love till now? There stays a husband to make you a wife. No, no. We've rounded up our most anticipated new and returning TV shows you can't miss, all premiering in summer 2021. Affection makes him false; he speaks not true. -O thou fond mad man, hear me a little speak. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Knock on door ] [ Door opens ] -Why, how now, Juliet? -[ Singing in Italian continues ] ♪♪ -Out, alas. -..capturing the iconic lovers on their fateful journey to immortality. -Well girl, thou weep'st not so much for his death As that the villain lives which slaughtered him.

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