what is the true biblical calendar

We will actually address three calendars: the biblical calendar (based on natural observations), today’s Jewish calendar (based on calculations), and the transition between these two – a calendar that started with observations, began supplementing them with calculations, and after 2,000 years finally metamorphosed into today’s Jewish calendar. Although the first day of the Biblical (Hebrew) sacred (religious) year is Abib 1, which always falls in the spring, the first day of the civil year is Tishri 1, which occurs in the fall. Last night at sundown, marked the 1st day of the 1st month of the ancient Hebrew calendar. The SDA Bible Commentary and The Biblical Luni-Solar Calendar. You decide to use this moon cycle for your calendar because just marking off solar days one at a time doesn’t seem to be of much practical use. He says, “But the man that is clean, and is not in a journey, and forbears to keep the Passover, even the same soul shall be cut off from among his people: because he brought not the offering of Yahweh in his appointed time, that man shall bear his sin” (Num. • “The vernal equinox has long been a significant event in the lives of agricultural peoples as it symbolizes nature’s regeneration, fertility, growth and bounty. The vernal equinox fell within the month of Nisan [Abib] which means the new moon of Nisan came BEFORE the equinox. The Jews’ calculations have built-in errors that must sooner or later be corrected. A molad (conjunction) as we have already learned, is when the moon is exactly between the earth and the sun. Leap years can be composed of 383, 384 or 385 days. on the small grey dots near the bottom of the calendars. The vast majority of Jews gradually got away from actively looking for the green ears of barley, going instead by a calculated calendar that involved the vernal equinox. No Biblical Basis for Changes in the Calendar. It is the month in which green ears of grain appear. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. 1. x. It’s impossible. The sacred year was determined by the annual festivals and the first of these festivals was henceforth fixed by the Passover moon.” “Equinox and the Calendar,” Dictionary of the Bible, James Hastings, p. 765. Nothing is mentioned here about letting the equinox determine the month of Nisan. After settling in the Promised Land they would have noticed something about the year, also. On the Hebrew Biblical Calendar at Least. - Yahweh's Restoration Ministry. His calendar is marked in the stars, kept by the moon, observed by the sun, and ordered in the rotation of the earth. The argument has been attempted that the vernal equinox corresponds to the Hebrew word “tequphah,” which is found several times in the Bible. 16:1). Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon defines the tequphah (Strong’s No. This small limestone tablet, found in 1908 at Gezer and called the Gezer Calendar, associates the months of the year with activities like sowing, pruning and harvesting, and gives us a glimpse into a way of life very different from ours— a life strongly tied to the earth and it’s natural rhythms.”. This unconditional acceptance sprang from the confidence placed in the apostles who had been trained by Christ. God is a stickler on timing, events, and their meaning. Why do you not follow the Equinox? Did the perversion of the biblical calendar start in Talmudic days, or was it later, around Hillel’s time? Here are some facts about the calculated Jewish calendar: • A month is determined by the calculation of the conjunction of the moon (Hebrew molad, a point in the moon’s orbit exactly between the earth and the sun – and invisible to us), not new moon sighting; hours are added to the molad to determine when the new moon should or should not be visible. of the sun course (of time) lapse: circuit, come about, end.” From the definition, we find it next to impossible to attach any firm connection of tequphah to a spring equinox. •  The Jewish calendar is a complicated calendar, and although the rules for its construction are not given in the Bible, the Levites were given these rules in order for them to relay correct dates to the people. What would you use as a starting point for the day? As soon as you realize this, you pick out an object on the horizon near the setting sun, and in a few days you begin to get an idea about how fast it is moving away from your object. In just about every instance, when Yahweh spoke to Moses, He started out with a phrase something like, “Say to the house of Jacob,” or “Tell the people of Israel,” or “Speak unto the children of Israel.” If you read the 23rd chapter of Leviticus, where the feast requirements are laid down, this is particularly true. That the calculated Jewish calendar is complicated is true. Some ignore barley altogether and set Abib 1 according to the vernal equinox. Here Yahweh explains the concept of firstfruits to the Israelites, and tells us what shape barley must be in during the month of Abib: “And you shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your Elohim: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings” (Lev. Note: This studies series is still under construction, so some of the studies are not complete. To top it off, Satan puts it on the wrong day. We appreciate your time and value your feedback. The following passages contain the Hebrew word tequphah as well as its meaning, as indicated by the quotation marks: • Exodus 34:22 (Feast of ingathering at the “year’s end”), • 2Chron. Of these elements the day is foundational. If True Worship means keeping Yahweh’s commands, how do we determine when the fifteenth day of the seventh month is (Feast of Tabernacles)? The seasons are very important to agrarian peoples. How many of these days do we string together to make a week? 3, p. 13, under Easter states: “Many of the Church fathers are of opinion that, according to the original calculation of the Jews up to the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, the 14th of Nisan had always been after the spring equinox, and that it was only in consequence of a miscalculation of the later Jews that the 14th of Nisan occasionally fell before the equinox. The vernal equinox is that instant when the sun is directly above the earth’s equator while going from the south to the north (for inhabitants of the northern hemisphere). “In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth… And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light. Saying we are to look for a black moon is ludicrous. Therefore, those who insist upon keeping the Feasts a month later are out of harmony with Yahweh’s calendar. If we must have a Messiah to be saved from sin’s death penalty, then the adversary causes churchianity to refute Him by convincing them to celebrate Easter! The rules for that construction come entirely from the Bible and are so simple that after reading them for yourself you should be able to understand and explain them to anyone. Does the Bible mention the year having a 13th month? Sep 13. Note that the Christian “Church fathers” established their own rules by relying upon the vernal equinox as did the pagans, instead of the green ears of barley as the Bible requires (Deut. Job 1:5 when the days of feasting had completed their circuit. “What advantage then hath the Jew? The Biblical Calendar System instituted by Yahweh and mandated upon His people from the beginning has never changed. This means that the weekly seventh day Sabbath starts each Friday at sunset and ends with sunset Saturday. It is so logical that any rational person can easily comprehend its structure. 7673 – the Sabbath. There are varied arguments among various Feast keepers about the correct day for Passover and Pentecost, and it is certainly prudent to prove what is right (as any good Berean would), rather than blindly accept the opinions of others. • The entire calendar, from the beginning to any point in the future, is fixed by its starting point, the length of a molad, and the postponement rules; no observation is necessary. You decide this is handy – you can count days in a package of seven by looking closely at the moon. Yahweh keeps the seasons aligned with the months by having us observe the maturing barley. complete the circuit. If I asked you to observe my “new car,” and I pointed to an empty parking space, what would you think? In the first five books of the Bible, the Torah (all written by Moses), the rules for the “original” biblical calendar were given by Yahweh to the people of Israel by oral and (later) written instructions. Yahweh Bless you! It has added and revised rules that move dates without biblical authorization. You notice over time that the moon starts as a very thin crescent on one side, gets fuller and brighter, then recedes to a very thin crescent on the other side. And we rest assured that we are observing the days Yahweh commands – at the proper time He commands them. If the Levites were given the correct rules for calculating the Jewish calendar, then why do their calculation tables today use a solar year that is 365.25 days long? The definition of tequphah (Strong’s Concordance No. Why Not Use the Vernal Equinox to Start the Year? The Vernal Equinox used to be considered the beginning of the Pagan New Year. 24:23 (Syria attacked Judah at the “end of the year”), • 2Chronicles. Copyright © 1999-2019 | Yahweh's Restoration Ministry. Then it disappears for a little while, only to repeat these phases. Other calendars are in use today as well. The original Hebrew calendar was the biblical calendar of the exodus. Start months with the sighting of the new moon (Deuteronomy 16:1). That does not mean, however, that the vernal equinox had no significance among historic pagans and their calendars. 23:14). Start years in the month barley will be harvestable by the middle of that month (Leviticus 23:4-14). Pagans of the western traditions celebrate eight festivals or Sabbats each year. iii. All these rules and calculations keep the seasons and the solar year rather closely aligned, without a single observation of a new moon or a series of sunsets. 5362 naqaph: 1. The proponents of the calculated Jewish calendar include the rules for calendar-making in these oracles – but that logic could include anything they added, including the Talmud. In addition, the Dead Sea scrolls have revealed scrolls that contained psalms written by king David 1 for each sabbath 52 in number- ie: 52 weeks never 53. The Biblical (Hebrew) calendar was the time keeping tool that Jesus and the early church considered authoritative and used for the observance of God's annual Feast days (Calendar of Christ and Apostles by C. Franklin, revised 2004). Also known as the Republican calendar, it is the earliest … Indeed, after the failed Bar Kochba revolt in 132-135 CE the Sanhedrin – the post-exile Jewish supreme council – was barred from meeting. Let's examine the true calendar given to us in the Bible free from man's rules and corruption. 23:2), not holidays of our making at times we choose. In the March-April 2002 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review on page 45 we read, “A different clock governed everyday life in ancient Israel. • “Modern Pagans also celebrate the universal principle of Resurrection at the Equinox – which is named for Eostre, a Pagan goddess. In Deuteronomy Moses was making his wrap-up speech to the Israelites before they parted. Evening is metaphor for night, morning means daylight in Hebrew. Every time a seventh-day Sabbath in Scripture is assigned a date, it always falls on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the month. The grain that Abib refers to is barley, the one crop already “in the ear,” and the month in which the first Passover took place is Abib, the green ears of barley month. Again, as with weeks there are many biblical references – but three are sufficient, starting with Deuteronomy 16:1: “Observe the month of Abib, and keep the Passover unto Yahweh Elohim: for in the month of Abib Yahweh Elohim brought thee forth out of Egypt by night.”  In Hebrew, the word translated “month” is Strong’s  2320, chodesh, which means “the new moon; by implication, a month.”, Yahweh not only includes months, but He also starts them with the sighting of the new moon. Let’s look again at Deuteronomy 16:1, paraphrased as closely to the Hebrew meanings as Strong’s dictionary allows. Clearly He did not. The Bible specifies exactly which days of the year the feasts are to be observed – and it does not use the Gregorian calendar. The weekly cycle restarts with each New Moon. Note Genesis 1:14: “And Elohim said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.”, Calendars record the days of the year, laid out in a format that usually spreads them over months and weeks (not all calendars use 7-day weeks, incidentally). In chapter 16 verse 1 of this book is the commandment for observing the moon of Abib, to keep the Passover. Let’s sum up the differences between what Yahweh said about keeping time and what the Jews of today do with the calculated Jewish calendar. Note the following: • “Easter, too, celebrates the victory of a god of light (J-sus) over darkness (death), so it makes sense to place it at this season. Start weeks at day one and end on day seven, the Sabbath (Leviticus 23:15-16). It is a lunisolar calendar, which means that both moon and sun play a part in its construction. Mahalo kindly, This is what I was researching on, and I didn’t feel right about man made Sunday Worship,as Yahweh, don’t want me to be deceived by mens traditions, I will always keep Saturday as my Holy day of rest, as Matt 12:8 is written, for the Son of men is the Lord of the Sabbath. You shouldn’t worry about vowel points, they didn’t exist in ancient times, the pronunciation used today is Yiddish, not Hebrew. Why did Yahweh start His day at the “end” of it? • The year begins with the seventh month (Ethanim), not Abib; the first day of Ethanim is Rosh Hashanah. Noah months numbered 30 days, not sure about the 13th month. function googleTranslateElementInit() { This is the calendar that Jesus kept as our example, the calendar that the disciples taught to the converts.

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