who is the founder of apostolic church ghana

Mhlanga Michael P M. In a post that was in the Herald this week, Chiseko Mwazha, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees (BOT) notified the public that they had suspended 8 of their leaders, who also make up the top echelons of the church and close aides of Mwazha. The E.P. The man who officiated was Rev. They branded him as a magician and broke up the co-operation. He is the founder of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC). The Founder believed strongly in fully communicating with the members and in promoting the use of local languages. This co-operation could not last long because the Church Leadership often rejected his suggestions on issues, only to judge him later to be correct. But the reality is slightly more complex. From the very beginning, the Church established a divine school for Moral and Vocational Training for the members and their children. In reply, the commissioner mocked at Mawu fe Ame, saying, if indeed he were the prophet he claimed to be, why should he not pray for water from heaven? ( Log Out /  The church focused its initial attention on establishing educational institutions throughout Ghana. The Apostolic Church continued its connection with its British counterpart; other secessions produced further “apostolic” churches. The snakes disappeared, and the people were liberated from the menace. Peter Newman Anim Born on February 4, 1890; was educated in Presbyterian schools and worked for a while for the Basel Mission Factory as a weighing clerk. The Tadzewu Township is now provided with a Post Office, a Police Station, Portable Drinking Water, Electricity, Good Roads and others. Prophet Wovenu cast demons out in some schools like Keta Business College – 1975, Dzodze-Penyi Secondary School 17th-18th June 1989 and Osu Castle the seat of Government – 22nd May, 1966 among others. A delegation of the chief and elders of Old Tema came to Mawu fe Ame Wovenu at Tadzewu and earnestly appealed to him to pray to God that the harbour be located at Tema for development. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. From the inception of the Society up to date, the following are the sacraments performed: Baptism, Confirmation, Anointment, Administration of the Healing Oil, Vowing to God, Protection of Conceptions, Out-dooring of Children, Protection of Babies, Casting out of evil spirits, Mourning ceremony to widows and widowers, Ceremony of Sanctifying buildings, Ceremony of acquiring the spirit of one’s profession, spiritual Insurance of Property and Lives, Marriage, Burial, the Lord’s Supper, Installation of rulers (Kings or Chiefs), Ceremony of the protective Ear-ring, Ordination of Church Officers – Pastors, Judges, Presbyters and Presbytresses, Workers, etc. He attended school at Adzanu, Anyako, Kibi and Accra. She moved to Portland, Oregon in 1908 and established this ministry. But wonderfully enough, the inmates, including babies were trans-located outside the rooms by Angels of God and no one was hurt; only their beddings lay buried beneath the rubbles of the walls. 9 months ago. Cross over!! An interest in a Christian periodical, “The Sword of the Spirit”, led him to fraternize, through correspondence, with its editor, Pastor A. Clark, founder of the Faith Tabernacle Church, Philadelphia. Mansu and others all of blessed memory to go to the house of Nii Adjetey Aryeesah II to make supplication to God for seven (7) days. He stayed there for quite a long time and became hungry. On 8th of August 1980 Mawu fe Ame was shot by a man at Kumasi but Some prominent persons in the town, deem it a unique opportunity to publicly disgrace him hence conferred secretly with some learned citizens and one of the supposedly well – informed persons was appointed to contest with Mawu fe Ame in the scriptures when he arrived for the occasion. 2. He started school at Anyako. She was invited to the shrine by the cult Heads to answer for why she was attending Church Services. However, members of the A.R.S. These experiences emboldened many members who went on evangelism for redeeming lost souls for Christ. Mawu fe Ame, in a letter told the chief that rain belonged to God Jehovah, and to ask for it from any other source was an abomination in His sight. In 1917, Anim began a healing ministry at Asamankese, which as later to be called Faith Tabernacle. Soon after this ceremony the Government had a change of mind and the harbour was built at the very spot where Mawu fe Ame stood and implored Jehovah to grant them their request. BIRTH The Society may acquire freehold and leasehold right of property either for religious worship, school meeting hall or any other lawful purpose. Mawu fe Ame then pose the questions one after the other and gave the answers until all the ten (10) questions prepared by the late Rev. Wherever we assembled for our anniversary celebration, rogues and ruffians used to come from various places to rob the people of their belongings and thereby caused great unrest. Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was escorted to the superintendent’s office at 12:00 noon by three prison officers. Mikayanawo was a member of the cult of Yewe at Anyako. This took place on 28th August 1968. But given that the first churches did not come into existence until after Jesus' ascension, it's difficult to argue he was the direct founder. The history of the Church is traceable directly to Oba/Pastor Isaac Babalola Akinyele, Pastor David Ogunleye Odubanjo, Joseph Sadare, Miss Sophia Odunlami and Evangelist (late Apostle) Joseph Ayodele Babalola who was called to the ministry by the Lord on 11th, October, 1928. He prepared 10 questions in readiness for the challenge. Fortunately, the elders of the two clans chose Tadzewu as the venue for holding their peace talks. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Founder Samuel Brako preached to members to be content with what they always have. Whereas we regard Apostles’ Continuation Church International (hereafter called “The Church”) as part of the body of Christ that traces its origin to the ministry Apostle Emmanuel Kwadwo Owusu and eight (8) others began in 1980 culminating in the registration of the Apostles’ Continuation Church - Ghana, Duayaw Nkwanta – 1991 and of which Jesus Christ is the Head. He always had deep passion or science and technology at a very tender age. Thus the Weta land was pulled from under his feet, in fulfillment of the prophecy. In 1987, Agyinasare started a church, World Miracle Bible Church was later renamed Word Miracle Church International (now Perez Chapel International) in Tamale, the Northern Region of Ghana. After independence of Ghana in 1957 the Gold Coast Apostolic Church was renamed the Ghana Apostolic Church. In Ghana the charismatic movement began in the 1950s with the emergence of new Pentecostalism. 3. As mentioned earlier, the Church established over 60 schools which were subsequently taken over by the government. However, he faced hostility because the Church felt betrayed by their missionary who “had gone against their teaching to receive medical treatment. The latter saw great expansion under Pastor James McKeown. Anim requested Bradford to send a resident missionary to Ghana to assist in the work. Upon his return from the journey, Mawu fe Ame visited the Aho family and requested a parcel of land from Torgbui Aho II for church and school since the place may soon become a big place. His ministry made such an impression on Anim and his Church that before he returned after two weeks stay, the decision to become affiliated with the UK Apostolic Church had been taken by Anim and his Church. The Founder was invited by the then National Liberation Council (NLC) government for a week-long special spiritual exorcising and cleansing exercises. However, McKeown also had a problem with the Apostolic Church. Matthew Akunor (accountant) Apostolic practitioners also appoint ministers and consider the Bible a source of authority, as do other Christian churches, but this branch envisions God in a very different physical form than the main Christian religions. He took a narrow path and came to the house of Torgbui Aho II. However, his contraction of malaria began a battle between him and Anim’s followers, which eventually ended in their separation. E.W. In 1931, there was a new turn of Anim’s ministry. It was started on 2nd November, 1939. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Through an understanding between the two parties, Pastor George Perfect (Apostle) visited Asamankese. The Church has been to the innermost rooms and shrines of idol worshippers to destroy their idols and the superstitions surrounding them. Azumah was later paired with Ruelas, who had taken the title from Leijah, and Azumah defeated the champion in round five of the 12 round battles. Azumah Nelson is a renowned Ghanaian boxer. The obvious answer to who founded the Church is Jesus. In the presence of the prison officers as witnesses including Warder Freeman Tsoblewu, Mawu fe Ame told Dr. Kwame Nkrumah that he would not serve the 15 years sentence; he would be there only for three months and would be released and be made to rule Ghana. Anim’s CAC began to organize to establish herself as a Classical Pentecostal denomination in Ghana. This indeed came to pass and Mr. Cohen came back to Ghana in May 1967 to thank the Founder of the Church for his intervention on behalf of the Israelis. The Society shall be under the direction and management of the following constitute bodies:- In some years past, a very poisonous snake besieged Battor. Tadzewu, a remote pagan village in t he 1930’s has now become a modern Christian township. Alema, Obetsebi Lamptey and Ako Adjei, all of blessed memory. Thus the present day Christ Apostolic Church traces its root from the Anim’s Prayer group in 1917.According to the church administrative report for 2005, the Christ Apostolic Church celebrated its 90th Anniversary in the year 2007.The church now has a membership of about 300,000 spread across all the 10 regions in Ghana and outside the Country. Kwadwo Safo, who is known with his philanthropic works and the planting of organic food, has been in new video where this great man of God was seen weeding and working hard on his church farm as far back in 1971. Through a fellow Faith Tabernacle pastor, David O. Odubanjo of Nigeria, Anim got into contact with missionaries of the Apostolic Church of Bradford, UK. As has been the practice among rural folks everywhere to ask governments through officials to provide them with essential social amenities, it happened in 1958 that when a District Commissioner visited Tadzewu Mawu fe Ame, in a welcome address read on his behalf requested for good drinking water for Tadzewu and villages in its neighbourhood. He and his Faith Tabernacle Church (which later became known as the Christ Apostolic Church) are credited with the origins of Classical Pentecostalism in Ghana. NLY Aggor (Company Manager) All this attests that Apostle Pride Sibiya, as a Kingdom General, he is an apostolic father. In 1953, a constitutional crisis led to the founding of Gold Coast Apostolic Church lead by Pastor James McKeown. In 1950, the government of Gold Coast, now Ghana, decided to build another harbour in addition to that of Takoradi. The greeter: Peace be unto you. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY Unfortunately, he lost to James Leijah. It is to prepare the souls of people through holy anointment for eternal life in Christ Jesus. Anim, Peter Newman 1890-1984 Christ Apostolic Church (Aladura) Ghana Apostle Peter Newman Anim, formerly known as Kwaku Anim Mensah (also known as Kwaku Manasseh) was born on 4 February 1890 to Mr. Simon Appiagyei and Madam Hannah Lartebea of Boso in the Volta Region of Ghana. In 1943 a would-be assassin was dispossessed of a knife by an angel of God when he was about to stab Wovenu. REGISTRATION EARLY OCCUPATION Finally, Mawu fe Ame informed the chief that all lands belonged to God and so he should take note that soon the land of Weta would be pulled from under his feet, he would then acknowledge the fact that the land of Weta belonged to none but to God, Jehovah. Just as the Jews did to Jesus, similarly, the Anlos did to Wovenu, while the Ancient Serpent, Satan also contested with him on several occasions in spiritual warfare, the most notable ones occurred at Tadzewu, Accra and the USA. On the attainment of independence by the country in 1957 and following the changes of its name to Ghana, the Gold Coast Apostolic Church was renamed the Ghana Apostolic Church. Subsequently, Mawu fe Ame occasionally, sent envoys to the chiefs and elders of the two clans and urged them to help bring peace to the area. His father was Emmanuel Kofi Adra Nutornutsi Kluvia alias Torbokor (in pagan circles) of the “Dzevie” clan of Anlo, at Anyako. Change ). Before the commencement of the 6 day Arab-Israeli war in 1967, the Israeli government sent a special delegation, headed by Mr. Cohen, to seek the Founder’s intervention with God on behalf of the Israelis. After eating, he attempted paying them for it but they did not take the money from him rather added more azikpeli even for his journey ahead. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The Church believes in and is guided by the totality of the Holy Word as contained in the Bible – both old and new testaments. In 1962, he executed this order and wrote many pamphlets on the subject; and, according to God’s own instruction to him, he made all who have not married before God to do so. The Christ Apostolic Church has undergone various stages of evolution ranging from being a small prayer group to being a national and now an international Christian Organisation. The Apostolic Faith Church International headquarters is located in Portland Oregon (USA) and founded by Florence Crawford, who was filled with the Holy Spirit at the Azusa Revival which took place in Los Angeles, California in 1906. The admission to membership is free. We pray God help us to get united soon and the team for the celebration is “MARCHING AND BUILDING ON THE LEGACY WITH FAITH AND REVERENCE”. Torgbui Aho II agreed and gave him the land. In November 1993, The National Council, appointed Apostle Victor Boafo as the first missionary to shepherd the flock in … Harry Grunitzky (Chief Accountant) AZUMAH NELSON The delegation included Nii Adjatey Ayeesah II of Old Tema, Messers G.N. He performed wonders and prophesied everywhere he went; he healed the sick and prayed for many who were in diverse afflictions. ( Log Out /  The big market of Akatsi began under the baobab tree. The church also founded six townships namely, Zion Awudome, Dededo, Kwamikrom Canaan, Otwetiri, Agou Agbetikor and Sanyi Fiave and provided them with all the essentials amenities needed for a good and comfortable social life. The church was … He was employed as a Prison Warder at the Akuse Prison. The Certificate of Incorporation Ordinance, Cap. However, soon after the George Hughes, who volunteered himself for Africa work, arrived in Accra, Ghana on his First missionary tour to Africa from The Apostolic Faith, Portland, Oregon, USA. However, in January of 1916, Williams and some of the Welsh groups departed from Hutchinson and the Apostolic Faith Church over doctrinal concerns, forming the Apostolic Church in Wales (ACW). However, this practice has now become the norm and universal in all churches in Ghana and beyond today. It has removed the yoke under satanic covenants that people’s forebears entered into with the devil. The National Council of the Apostolic Church Ghana has elected Apostle Dr. Aaron Ami-Narh as the new president for the church. Daniel Powell Williams, who had converted during the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905, joined the Apostolic Faith church started by Hutchinson. SACRAMENTS In 1937, James McKeown, was dispatched as the first Pentecostal missionary from UK to Asamankese. WATER FOR THE PEOPLE At most functions of the Church, especially the annual Convention at the end of each year, all proceedings are translated into English, Ewe, Damgbe, Akan and French. After some failed attempts, he was finally baptized on the 26th day of December, 1926 (at age 8) at Assahum in Togo. Mawu fe Ame obliged. Exactly a year thereafter, Torgbui Gaglozou Alormatu Ashiakpor was destooled and the very news paper, (the Daily Graphic) in which he wrote against the ARS published his great fall. Cross over!! 7. He gathered some children who some were orphans. Though non-Pentecostal, Faith Tabernacle placed much emphasis on faith healing and holiness, themes his Presbyterian upbringing had not exposed him to. Such property shall not be mortgaged, sold or disposed off on any account, unless with the consent of the spiritual Head in consultation with the Executive Committee. God saved him from death. The subsequent state visit of the Founder to Israel still remains the best reception and recognition given by the government and people of Israel to a foreign dignitary. SOME NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE CHURCH Theological School: When he heard of Mawu fe Ame Wovenu, he came to consult him and pleaded with him to pray for him to regain the title. Charles was so much eager to be baptized in the Christian faith. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. After the first sick person who went to their meeting got healed, the news of his recovery spread, and so several sick people were brought to the group for healing. While in Nigeria, he was privileged to speak for Rev. The ARS was registered as a church on 6th June, 1967 by the Prophet Wovenu the founder and then spiritual Head and the first trustee. 1949 Dr. Mensa Otabil is the founder of International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), one of the biggest charismatic churches in Ghana. In October Rev. Apostle Kwadwo Safo was born on August 26th, 1948 at Bekwai in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. THE FALL OF A CHIEF CONCLUSION He is also the founder of Kristo Asafo Mission of Ghana which was formed in 1971. Members also claim with good reasons that it is the first indigenous church in Ghana. 5. After thanking them he asked the man to go and pray with him under a baobab tree near the road. The USA warfare is celebrated as Victory Day every year by the ARS Church on 11th September. When Wovenu realised that clerical business alone would not benefit so much, he established trade school where various arts are learnt such as Blacksmithy, Carpentry, Masonry, Driving, Sewing, Fitting, etc. The present ministry under discussion, which in all probability was the first indigenous church in Ghana, has been variously christened. It was during the prayers that he had the extraordinary experience of the Holy Spirit. Trading never cease (every day market) at the exact place they stood for the prayer. God saved him from the bullets. August 27, 2020. Mawu fe Ame made supplication to God on behalf of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and performed a special ritual for him. In 1938–41 the ablest leaders, including Babalola and Isaac B. Akinyele (later Sir), formed their own Christ Apostolic Church, which by the 1960s had 100,000 members and its own schools and had spread to Ghana. Trade School: The Society did not originate from any foreign country but here in Ghana, West Africa in a village called Tadzewu near Akatsi, Abor and Dzodze in Ketu North District of the Volta Region. Since no king is saved by the size of his army, nor is the warrior’s escape by his strength, Nelson Azumah defeated his opponent in the 6th round to silence his detractors. Marriage Course: That academic prodigy who accepted to challenge him was a man who later became one of his devout ministers – Rev. Invariably, a prophet cannot go without opposition or persecution. In 1958, Marriage Course was established to cater for the study of marriage life because the enemy had seized homes to himself thus God asked Wovenu to teach or write about marriage life in the society, and reform matrimonial life. Surprisingly, not too long after that prayer, all these came true, as anybody can testify today about Akatsi and the Market. The Prophet travelled widely with others, spreading the Gospel mainly by foot until he was given a horse by one Mr. Addae of Anum. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. His mother was Mikayanawo Sewornu Dzakpata alias Dasi also of Anyako. I. Fiagbe, visited Tsito and in that order, pleaded with the people to stop the war and make peace. He married Madam Esther Osimpo and out of that marriage was born Moses Appiah Anim, the only son and the only surviving child of Apostle Newman Anim. Published. THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SOCIETY ( Log Out /  A.C. Renner (Bank Manager) It facilitates dissemination of relevant and important issues relating to the Church. 1. In 1953, a constitutional crisis led to the founding of the Gold Coast Apostolic Church led by McKeown. The Faith of the Apostles Church in Ghana was affiliated to The Apostolic Faith Church of Portland, Oregon. Who triggered the guns? at Adrume refused to comply. 137 was signed on the 10th day of November, 1960. “Today, I echoed Gamaliel that, “if this plan or work is of men it will come to nothing, but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it”. In 1945, Mawu fe Ame was carrying two guns that went off simultaneously with the bullets missing his head narrowly. Change ). Morning Session: The latter saw great expansion under McKeown. Out of the religious realm, the Church of the Apostles Revelation Society, through its eminent founder and spiritual leader, has achieved so much for the society and mankind. WOVENU, your memories will continue to linger in our hearts and minds. On 13th October 1953, late at night when everyone was asleep, the walls of Mawu fe Ame’s house suddenly collapsed on the inmates burying all their beddings. The trekking District Commissioner, seeing the seriousness of his condition, sent him to the nearest European Hospital, the Kibi District hospital for treatment, an action, which was considered theologically incorrect for Anim’s followers. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Currently, the church has a Nursery, a Primary/Junior High School, and a Senior High Secondary and Technical School and a Seminary for the training of its Clergy. After he settled in Winneba, he requested a leave of absence and returned to the UK. 6. Robert Baeta of Blessed memory. On 8th September the same year, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah made a request for Mawu fe Ame Wovenu to be allowed to come and pray for him. ( Log Out /  The split in 1953 did not end the crisis. He embraced these teachings and tested their efficacy by obtaining healing for himself from a chronic stomach disorder and guinea worm infestation miraculously through prayer.

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